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  1. Thanks @Deddly for handling this! I went ahead and reported this website for piracy.
  2. Hi kspacc, Sorry to hear that you're still having issues with in purchasing Kerbal Space Program. I can assure you that we've been investigating this issue with Digital River and I'd be more than happy to personally escalate this to my team. Please send an email to support@privatedivision.com and in the subject line insert "ATTN: Jem" and I can further assist you with additional steps via email. Look forward to hearing from you. Best, Jem
  3. Hi kspacc, Sorry for the inconvenience for all of this! We've been investigating this with our team and if you could send an email to ordersupport@privatedivision.com with the order number, email address, and the steps you took to make the purchase, they can assist with you more closely. Let me know if you have any other concerns!
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