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Everything posted by Commodore_32

  1. Granted. You are limited to very generic meshes, textures and configs. I wish online classes were via Discord
  2. Just say it didn´t happend So, I guess I will go SLS for my mun colonization.
  3. Less mods as possible, remember. And the rocket in the image could easilly be clamped. Looks like a ripoff of a SLS
  4. Finally someone understands! They barely stayed, a colosal thing like that dont stand even with clamps all over the place.
  5. NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO What? I dont want it to tip off the launchpad!
  6. Granted, you never get out of it and die of fatness. I wish there was more flexibility in parts
  7. Asking for Launch Vehicles. The Delta IV Heavy looks good, but it will not reach Mun with a heay payload. Maybe SLS? Or the Russian side with the Proton M? BECAUSE IS TOO SMALL,
  8. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Well, not that far. Anyway, when I was selecting my save to make the Buran, I accidentaly clicked on other save, AND I KILLED THE ITS THAT WAS LANDED ON THE MUN. ARGHHH Well, I want to do the colonization, but since the SpaceX pack is missing cargo ITS, then im screwed for rovers, ISRU, etc. So what do you think? Falcon Heavy, Delta IV Heavy, Saturn V, or Ariane 5?
  9. Idk, im in GMT 6:00 Anyway, good morning everyone, Ya heard of FS2020? Its released!! Gotta check it out for Xbox, my laptop is an AMD A6-9220 with R4 Radeon graphics, and an RTX 2080Ti with an i9-10900K is for 30 FPS, so no PC for it
  10. You should do an entry with it at the Lunex challenge.
  11. Its in the mun, you can just launch a fleet of it easily Anyway, I downloaded mods for PC Building Simulator, and I got a ton of things! (See the mod like a BDB but for PC components) Now I have 3DMark scores of 40,000+!!! (Mainly because of NVidia QUADRO RTX 8000 in SLI)
  12. I finished my AUC-8 Fighter! @cart324, do I upload it on the Discord server or with email? Anyway, the stats are: Arm points: 15 ( 6 AIM-120, 4 AIM-9, 1 Hidden Vulcan, 1 Nose Radome, 1 Ammo box ) Engines: 2 Panther afterburning engines. Mods: TweakScale, Airplane Plus, BDArmory Continued, B9 Procedural Wings.
  13. idk man. Anyway, I would like to join! My KerbalX is full of fighters! ( https://kerbalx.com/Commodore_Gamer118 ) I will have to adapt my AUC fighter series (they are coming to KerbalX!!)
  14. Because of low atmo thrust and high efficiency if you spam it
  15. For me is just being dumb and dont know when the transfer is and completly burning all my fuel to try to get there but crashing into the mun instead.
  16. I cant even rendesvouz with an space station WHICH I TELEPORTED TO ORBIT ON THE FIRST PLACE
  17. You know, I actually like the notifications The sound is relaxing and I want to see a bell with a red dot next to it, so I can think somebody actually remembers me.
  18. Make sure to post the KSP.log so we can see all the events before the crash
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