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Everything posted by Commodore_32

  1. They dont equip those on cargo rockets. And you were shut down 35 years ago
  2. I will drain your fuel before launching you. And you should have this on your signature:
  3. Then, I will have reverse-engineer you to make my own version, so I can invade your main save instead.
  4. Or I put a mothership holding you with a claw through you guidence unit until Eeloo or I turn on infinite energy
  5. Better than you, lander speaking of landers, how I will make my human landing systems for the Mun?
  6. I decided, I will replace the PPE since there is no way of docking it... And with it, the U.S. Habitation Module! The Gateway is looking more complete! Just the docking hub and off to the Mun!
  7. Banned because I am building a Space station and you are not.
  8. Logistics resupply and PPE are launched! Rendezvous: Docking! I realized, the PPE (the smaller module) has not RCS... Luckilly the International Habitation Module has a robotic arm! What do you think? Should I replace it?
  9. Launching the International Habitation Module and ESPIRIT Module in the SLS! Stage separation! Modules in stable orbit! I think netx modules will be the PPE and the Logistics resupply! Stay tuned!
  10. Launching the International Habitation Module and ESPIRIT Module in the SLS! Stage separation! Modules in stable orbit! I think netx modules will be the PPE and the Logistics resupply! Stay tuned!
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