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Everything posted by Commodore_32

  1. Here is the KSP.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtUgGSbBKMe8hXIRrdJmVifp6wbJ?e=fqgfNI Via One Drive
  2. Also my mods are HyperEdit BetterTimeWarp CraftManager (KerbalX mod) DockingPortAligmentIndicator KXAPI TweakScale PhysicsRangeExtender Mk3Airliner KAX Mk3StockaliteExpansion NearFutureConstruction And ModuleManager I know, i have much mods Also here is an image https://imgur.com/3qUBJ0i (i know that is in spanish but there says that the strutCube is missing)
  3. You might read the note because maybe it wants you at an specific location
  4. it didnt work i tried to open the craft in game but doesnt work says that the strutcube is missing
  5. Thanks, verifying files said that 14 files wasnt right and reinstalled the 14 files If the issue stays i will reply this topic again.
  6. i have searched the log location but there is no outpost log , but that you said is true there is the strutCube in there but the game doesnt recognize it What can i do?
  7. No lo creo porque no hay ningun mod relacionado con robotica
  8. i think you want a log that is specified on the text you sent but im having trouble finding it because on the start i wasnt able to see the whole KSP folder on Steam version
  9. entonces si no sirven los grupos de acción haz click derecho en la pieza y ajustala
  10. I have the part you just said but in the load says another part called strutCube and thats the part i dont have in the folder
  11. I have both DLCs , im on sanbox mode for test crafts and carrer for fun, but the crafts that i download i always go on sandbox
  12. Here it is : https://kerbalx.com/SirShiSheng/F-35B-VTOL-Lightning-II-BG
  13. Literally im having trouble with the most of them i can send you one of the crafts im having trouble with or the KerbalX link.
  14. Can someone help me? I just installed some crafts from KerbalX but when i try to load in game says that there is parts missing but the crafts are stock... then i saw that it says something about strutCube i searched it and its stock part. in my GameData folder i can see the Squad folder then parts, structural, and THERE IS NO STRUTCUBE. Please help me.
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