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Everything posted by Commodore_32

  1. Right, it worked, so i can reproduce the display issue!! Here is the image
  2. What?! Thats impossible!, Patch Manager is installed from CKAN and CKAN said that it doesnt had dependencies! Well, this happends in the Size 2 passenger cabin and the Commercial cockpit, Tail connectors, even with the auxiliary power engine! But these parts hasnt 2 profiles, its kinda a displaying issue. Maybe the mod All Tweak adds support for Airplane Plus, i just installed it but i cant play now due to exams tomorrow in school. But after school i will check it out.
  3. Your PC is AMD or Intel? How much RAM you have? How powerful is your processer?
  4. Well, the files in GameData are from mods installed and uninstalled from CKAN, OPT_Legacy is not installed, same with Opt Reconfig, Speed Unity Annex, Near future launch vehicles and with B9 Part switch,so How a deleted mod is generating patches? and no, I can't reproduce it in 1.8.1 due to Tweakscale not working for Airplane Plus.
  5. Alright Lisias here is the log and the configcache via one drive https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtUgGSbBKMe8hiec8O2gAZcVAwI0?e=d6YhAO
  6. What is your version of the game? What are the ´´20´´ mods that are you using? Your computer is AMD, Intel Or another one?
  7. Well, in 1.7.3 TweakScale worked perfectly with it and with 1.8.1 the UI of the Scaling is missing, and also there are 11 parts that didnt pass the sanity checks (not counting DLC ones), i think that parts are from Airplane plus, You kinda didnt understood me, TweakScale worked in Airplane plus, just its an issue that in the UI shows like 1.250m in a 2.5m part, that doesnt go out of there, if i scale that Size 2 part (2.5m) to ´´1.850m´´ it goes to 3.75m
  8. Also Lisias tweakscale has lost compatibility with Airplane Plus and I really need to rescale the parts as the radial fuel tank and also in 1.7.3 while a part was 2.5m tweakscale said that it was 1.250m (?)
  9. A mí también me ha pasado eso, pero fue porque no tenía el modo de compatibilidad AMD encendido...
  10. Umm eso sugiere un problema más allá. Podrías poner el KSP.log?
  11. Bueno, en el video se ve que tu indicador de altura esta roto, y con el pixel morado (para mí es morado) parece que tienes un juego roto o corrompido, Si tienes Steam haz una validación de archivos y ver si eso funciona, si no lo tienes en Steam, te recomiendo hagas una reinstalación.
  12. La 1.8 o la 1.8.1? Si es 1.8 te recomiendo actualises a 1.8.1, muchos de los bugs y errores se arreglan ahi. No, la verdad no se que es eso.
  13. Bueno tal vez el mototr Unity tiene problemas con los objetos de Breaking Ground De hecho la traducción de breaking groud es: Rompiendo el Suelo. Debe significar algo,no lo crees?
  14. Ok puede que tengas deshabilitada la configuración de Run in AMD compatibility mode (Correr en modo de compatibilidad AMD) Se puede activar desde el Launcher llendo al engrane al lado del botón Update Despues viene algo arriba llamado Advanced Luego dale click donde dice Run in AMD compatibility mode, dale en Apply y luego en accept Y listo, si eso no funciona dimelo
  15. I could submit my airliner but it needs the mod MK3 Airliner just for the cockpit and SXT for an elevon
  16. Bueno a muchos les esta pasando esto sin aparente solucion, tienes alguna captura de pantalla? Tambien, tienes las especificaciones de tu PC?
  17. Alright the update to 1.8.1 give the same result, so i made a copy in the game, again didnt work, Then i remembered when my 1.7.3 game was slowly loading and i fixed that in the launcher clicking the option Run in AMD Compatibility Mode. (due i have AMD Prossecer i enabled the option) and in 1.8.1 it wasnt enabled, then i enabled it and the game loaded much faster and it didnt frozen!!!!!! Anyone that has problems with KSP and has AMD i want to say you to try this setting!!!
  18. Sorry for reviving this old topic. But i just want to ask if this would be compatible with 1.8.1?? Or this mod is discontinued? I really love this mod, i need it to build things.
  19. I forgot to say that it's 1.8.1 if I didn't update the game it would not work
  20. The root part is the MK3 Cockpit (the shuttle one) the orientation is right, but in SPH i saw something ´´diferent´´ in the left side the wing was very brighter than the right one , first i though that it was a graphic enhacement that added shadows... Also when i got the vector engines on, it said that the shuttle has 3 engines... but i put two... Every vessel have this problem! I need help!
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