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  1. Hello! Does anyone know why the science reports aren't working beyond the ones in Gael? Only Gael seems to have functioning sciencedefs, but by looking at the configs, I can see that all bodies should have them... I tried deleting the "comment out" command in their texts (//) but now the science reports just say: #autoloc_"planetname"_crewreport", you know, something like that, but not the actual text... if anyone knows what I must do to make it work, it would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Not a bug, just an issue with the config file in the folder, but i've already fixed it! disregard the last post
  3. Does anyone know if the way science definitions are processed in KSP has changed in recent versions? I'm asking because some planet mods, like Extrasolar and RSS, at least in my computer, don't show their customized science definitions, and they definitely were working properly in much older versions. The strange thing is, some mods' definitions, like OPM, work perfectly. Maybe they were updated and the others weren't? Has anyone else been having this issue? I'm using version 1.12.5 by the way!
  4. Hello! I think I found a bug, but i'm not sure: The custom science experiment reports are not working! The config file is in the folder and it should be working correctly, but for some reason, every experiment just shows the stock generic text... Am I installing something wrong somehow? If anyone could help me figure it out, it would be greatly appreciated!
  5. Hey, does this mod have any chance of ever being fixed? Or is it stuck like this forever? The other planets aren't in a super bad shape, although a bit outdated, but Sarvin and Keelon are very buggy, so it kind of sucks out the fun of playing with this... And, will this ever be released for KSP 2?
  6. It always struck me in a bad way how in KSP 1 Kerbin is an always sunny, dry and life-sustaining planet, because realistically, any planet that can sustain life, especially advanced life, is going to have rains, thunders, snowstorms, etc, but Kerbin doesn't even have seasons, it's always sunny and the perfect weather for playing sports and launching a rocket which I think makes it too easy and boring in my opinion, even if I still like KSP 1. Another thing that would be cool for KSP 2 to have is renderizations of other lifeforms or animals, at least on Kerbin, and I don't mean bird noises at the space center like in KSP 1, I mean animals that you can see while launching a rocket, like birds, insects, carnivores, herbivores, more varied plant life, etc, it certainly would make evolution and life on Kerbin much more interesting, especially if some of these animals could interfere with your perfect launch or reentry, although that is more of an ideal dream of mine, still, even animals that you can phase through would be an improvement compared to the empty, vast grasslands of KSP 1. What do you guys think?
  7. Does anyone know if this works in 1.12? It probably doesn't but if it is just a simple config fix it would be nice to use it, it looks pretty cool and i'm pretty sure this is probably dead forever, so at least if it worked enough to just load in 1.12 it would be nice...
  8. Hey, does this work in 1.12? It looks nice enough but i'm pretty sure it's been broken for a while so yeah, I wanted confirmation if it's broken and i'm too lazy to try to install it to know if it doesn't work...
  9. Hey! This seems like a pretty cool mod! Too bad i can't download it because of license problems... I hope you fix that soon so I can finally test it! Good luck!
  10. @Watermel00nHey, I hope you don't mind me pinging you! And sorry for the late response, i don't log in here too often! But thanks, really! I couldn't have done this on my own without some heavy research into planet modding first, so I appreciate you just giving me the fix! Have a good day!
  11. @Watermel00nThank you! Feel free to post it whenever you wish! I really appreciate your help
  12. @The Minmus Derp Hey, i'm really sorry to bother you, but did you manage to fix the weird Sarvin glitch? And if so, could you please give me the fixed version? I would fix it myself but i have zero experience modding so i don't really know how to, so if you don't mind sharing the fix i would appreciate it! if you can't though, then i understand!
  13. Is this mod dead forever? Or will there still be an update sometime in the future? I know this mod works in the current version of KSP 1 (the last one until KSP2), but i was hoping they'd add Eve's rings back sometime, and it kinda hurts seeing such a lovely mod like this starting to be forgotten, i mean, the last post on this forum was in the beginning of this year, so yeah...
  14. Hi @ColdJ, sorry for the super late answer, i am doing pretty good, i hope you're doing well too!
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