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[KSP 1.12.1+] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.6.6] [23 Sept 2021]


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total.svg?style=flat-square   Galileos-Planet-Pack.svg?style=flat-square   CKAN-Indexed-brightgreen.svg?style=flat-


This solar system completely replaces the stock system.





  • Added Optional Mods: GPP_Rescale for 2.5x and 10x versions of GPP.
  • Added extra launch sites to MechJeb2 config.
  • Added HazardousBody to gas giants.
  • Updated scatterer configs and fixed bugs.
  • Updated CelestialBodies.pdf.
  • Updated KK things to only be read when KK is installed and not when GPP_Secondary is installed. (No more KSC++ on Squad Kerbin.)
  • Revised atmospheres (surface pressure unchanged, heights may be different).
  • Revised rotationPeriod and/or intialRotation of many celestial bodies.
  • Revised flying altitude thresholds.
  • Revised NavBall switch radius multipliers.
  • Revised Lili's fade limits to fix frame rate drop.
  • Deleted MyRocksAreBiggerThanYours plugin (now part of Kopernicus). 
  • Deleted GPP KSPedia (doesn't work in current KSP version).
  • Deleted unused MapDecal and FlattenArea in GPP_Secondary.
  • Miscellaneous other fixes and updates.

This update includes many important updates, bug fixes, and improvements.  This does not include any of the texture or terrain changes that have been hinted about (that's still a work in progress).  We're releasing these changes ahead of schedule to correspond with similar updates to JNSQ and GEP.

The update is certified to work only with KSP 1.12.1 or newer.  It may work with older KSP versions, though it has not been tested and support will not be provided.

Atmospheres have been redone to provide conformity across all Team Galileo products.

The changes to rotation periods and initial rotation may break existing geosynchronous satellite networks.  Additionally, moon bases may find themselves facing a different direction - perhaps no longer with a line-of-sight to the planet.  If you suspect your existing save may be damaged, then either consider not updating, or be prepared to redo, abandon, or correct the damage.

Adding GPP_Rescale to an existing save is not recommended.

For more information about Rescale mods, read here.



GPP Download

GPP Textures Download


No Volumetric Clouds (for better performance)


Install instructions, Wiki, and other Important Information can be found HERE


CY99zuj.png Tune in everyday except Tuesday at 8:00pm UTC for GPP career action and live support with @RocketPCGaming and the GPP developers.


Thank you to @OhioBob @JadeOfMaar @Poodmund @TheRagingIrishman @Sigma88 for taking time out of their lives and helping me with this endeavor. I probably would have never finished if it wasn't for you guys. It has been a lot of fun.



If you would like to help keep my motivation up, then you can donate. Any amount Is amazing, really!



This mod is licensed by Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 

Edited by Galileo
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4 minutes ago, Quodios Kerman said:

Wow, official release! I really love its nice textures and meshes of celestial bodies. Is contract supported by KSP's original algorithm?

as far as i know

Edited by Galileo
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GPP v1.6.3.0 Install Instructions

~ Works fine in 1.4 and 1.5 ~

  1. Begin with an all-new installation of KSP version 1.4.3, running in 64-bit. And be sure to have 12GB of RAM for smooth gameplay.

  2. If reusing an existing install, empty the GameData folder of all contents but for the folder [KSP]\GameData\Squad. If starting with an entirely new install, run KSP once without mods so it can build certain default settings. Do not skip this.

  3. Download the third-party mod Kopernicus. The Kopernicus version number must match the KSP version number, i.e. "Release 1.4.3-x" for KSP 1.4.3.

  4. Install by copying from [Kopernicus Download]\GameData\ to [KSP]\GameData\ the following folders and files:

    • Kopernicus\
    • ModularFlightIntergrator\
    • ModuleManager.3.0.7.dll (or newer)
  5. Download Galileo’s Planet Pack

  6. Copy from [GPP Download]\GameData\ to [KSP]\GameData\ the folder GPP\ and all its contents.

  7. Download GPP_Textures version 4.2.1.

  8. Copy from [Textures Download]\GameData\GPP\ to [KSP]\GameData\GPP\ the folder GPP_Textures.

  9. This completes the basic installation. If you want to, you can verify the installation by launching KSP.

Be sure to uninstall KSCSwitcher and install Kerbal Konstructs or newer. The launch sites have been re-done entirely and now only need Kerbal Konstructs. Continued use of the old version will result in ...spawning issues. ;D


Optional Mods

  1. Install the optional mods of your choice by copying or merging [GPP Download]\Optional Mods\GPP_[mod name]\GameData[mod name] to [KSP]\GameData.

  2. Final Frontier must be downloaded and installed separately. GPPs ribbons pack will load.

  3. For GPP_Clouds and GPP_Secondary, see separate instructions below.

KSC ++

  1. For an extension to the Kerbal Space Center (fuel tanks, roads, cars, trees, the whole shebang), the third-party mod Kerbal Konstructs must be downloaded and installed.
  2. If KSC++ in used combination with a one of the scaled versions of GPP, the third-party mod KKtoSD must be downloaded and installed.

Sigma Replacements

  • For high quality Gaelean heads, suits, navballs and Skyboxes install Sigma Replacements, found only on GitHub. This mod suite is our official replacement to TextureReplacer and allows easier and more convenient installation of kerbal heads, suits, navballs and skyboxes. 

Clouds, Aurorae and Shadows

  1. For clouds, aurorae and shadows, go to [GPP Download]\Optional Mods\GPP_Clouds\ and select either High-res or Low-res. Drill down further until you get to a second GPP_Clouds\ folder. Copy this folder to [KSP]\GameData\GPP.

  2. To enable the visual effects, the third-party mod EVE (Environmental Visual Enhancements) must be downloaded and installed. You require only the small file, not the large one with “Configs” in its name (GPP comes with its own configs).


  1. GPP is configured to provide atmospheric scattering effects using the third-party mod Scatterer. To enable these effects, download and install Scatterer.

  2. If you want to change the sunflare for either or both stars in GPP, the images and .cfg files are in the folder, GPP\GPP_Scatterer\Sunflares\ [Star] or, or, you can easily install one of the Sunflares Of Maar GPP packs.

Optional High(er) Performance Visuals

If your computer can't handle the performance hit of Scatterer, GPP is fully set up to work without it, using EVE to simulate the atmosphere effect. In addition to this, there are a few other mods that can give you nice looking oceans and sun flares all without Scatterer, and with great performance. Following these 5 steps, you can make your game look as good as if you had Scatterer installed.

  1. Download and install Better Looking Oceans provides a good, high performance alternate to Scatterer's ocean shader, and cover all bodies with oceans in GPP/GEP/OPM.

  2. Download and install Flare Replacer replaces the stock sun flare a higher quality sun flare. 15 different flares to choose from!

  3. Download and install KS3P can provide some post processing effects that look great. A custom cfg for GPP is included in the GPP download.

  4. Download and install Minimum Ambient Lighting can make the dark side of the planets in flight as dark or as light as you would like with the ease of a slider in game.

  5. Turn your Ambient Light Boost: Map down to about 90% or to your liking. HERE is an example.

GPP Secondary

This new addon mod makes GPP into a distant non-primary system, allowing users to keep Kerbin and the stock planets, and set the Ciro system (GPP's main star) and Gael (not a Kerbin clone named Gael) as the mid-game or end-game. To be fully compatible with GPP one of the following must occur:

  1. If the other planet pack is large and also replaces the stock solar system it must include a patch to reposition Ciro.

  2. If the other planet pack only adds planets, the option exists to place itself around Grannus and be mindful of its asteroid field. [Ciro orbit] realistically is already well occupied by GPP's own planets.

Kerbol Star System and Galactic Neighborhood are not fully supported as they are in unstable states and may have conflicting support for GPP.

To install, just place GPP_Secondary\ into GameData\ so it looks like this:

  • GPP\
  • GPP_Secondary\
  • Kopernicus\
  • ModularFlightIntegrator\
  • ModuleManager.3.0.7.dll

Grannus Expansion Pack (GEP)

Grannus Expansion Pack (GEP) is an planet pack that turns a single star system into a binary system by adding the red dwarf star Grannus, along with its family of five planets and six moons.

GEP is designed to provide several installation options.  It can be added to both the stock solar system or Galileo's Planet Pack (GPP).  It also works in combination with Outer Planets Mod (OPM).  And with the optional add-on GEP_Primary, GEP takes center stage as the primary star system, with the planet Nodens as the home world.

Kerbal Renamer

Kerbal Renamer is a new feature that renames all new and existing kerbals from "Kerman" to "Gaelan." It has a toggle (the first line) within GPP\GPP_Renamer\Renamer.cfg that can be set to keep Jebediah and company (the original 4) or to replace them with GPP's developers. It is best to change the setting before starting a save.

To toggle, change the following setting preserveOriginals = true to false.

Scaled Versions

  • GPP's own configs for Sigma Dimensions have been discontinued and removed. To upscale GPP, see Rescale! Comprehensive SD Configs.
  • If one of the scaled versions of GPP is used in combinations with KSC++, the third-party mod KKtoSD must be downloaded and installed


If you think this post isn't informative enough, check the Github Wiki *Now right next to the download page
You will find the KSPedia-like dossiers, delta-V map, basic overviews per planet (WIP) and flag usage.

GPP adds a new dimension (or several) to KSP: Unlike other planet packs which promise new planets to explore in addition to the stock ones, a fraction of which even rearrange the stock planets, this one entirely removes them and replaces the homeworld Kerbin with Gael (and the stock Sun with Ciro).

This star system contains 2 stars and 29 planets+moons to explore, and 4 asteroid fields. Overall realism except to the point where it subtracts from play-ability is the design mission here.

  • Gael is entirely land mass on one side and may present the image of a ...very different kind of planet, and KSC is not on the equator, presenting the real world challenge of dealing heavily with inclination before even getting to the moon(s). Read more about Gael.
  • Gael's moons have wider orbits and different gravity, further shaking things up and allowing the insertion of Mun and Minmus replacement mods.
  • Every celestial body is fabulous, has personality (see in-game descriptions) and some have geological features hiding on them that can pass for anomalies, waiting for players to discover and invent activities for them. When you find any, tag their coordinates and share. Pics too or it didn't happen.
  • Hardcore players will jump at the presence of 4 deadly bodies in this system (not including the gas giants).
  • The second gas giant is as far out as Eeloo. The furthest planet is six times as far as Eeloo (or roughly as far as Plock-Karen in OPM).
  • On the dossiers atmospheres are classified by stock + OPM bodies. There's one of every type here. Planets are classified overall in Star Trek style too.
  • This mod is very compatible with OPM (OPM_Galileo). :wink:
  • Mods that explicitly depend on the existence of stock planets or certain properties or anomalies of them will malfunction.



Giving players a second new way to look at KSP and some real substance to support that look: Flags for regions, factions and champions. Scroll up in the flag selection window when GPP is installed. Flags are grouped alphabetically by mod name.

Scroll up in the flag selection window to find them. Since they are grouped alphabetically by mod they'll be hard to notice as many mods that add flags may have names beginning with letters later than G.

The two main flags are:

  • Gaeo Tao (left) the default for any small to medium sized game.
  • Republica Gaelia (right) for massive games such as heavy colonization runs and any military game.
  • The bottom row flags contain (but aren't all) champion flags; such are not to be used casually.

All flag explanations on this page.


Adding a 3rd dimension :wink: this star system places heavy emphasis on resources and as such they have been fine-tuned per planet, adding the real world challenge of knowing where not to expect certain resources, and the real world reward of finding resources where they're not expected. This will prompt MKS users to build bigger and SCANsats to SCAN harder. Be sure to always bring a scanner and watch where you land.

There are special presets for several CRP resources:

  • Every resource involved in the USI Catalog;
  • Every resource involved in TAC Life Support;
  • Karbonite and Karborundum - with vast abundance of the former, a multitude of craft design opportunities open up that won't be found in any other solar system mod; with 5 places to find the latter and an inherent challenge at each location, advanced propulsion tech with or without the Near Future mods gets a lot more attractive;
  • ArgonGas and (Stock) XenonGas for Near Future Technologies. These two are reasonably much more abundant to make ion probes and landers more fun and practical;
  • And about stock Ore. Whereas it is typically omnipresent in solar system mods that is not the case here. There are places where Ore will be very scarce and other places where it will never be found.
  • LqdDeuterium, LqdHe3, LiquidHydrogen and Antimatter for Far Future Technologies.

:rep: GPP 1.6.2.x introduces compatibility for the Classic Stock resource system devised by  NovaSilisko and HarvestR and implemented in Angel-125's Wild Blue Industries mods. This system is a compact and standards-compliant alternative to Community Resource Pack and is still in development but by nature (as part of Wild Blue) enables you to do another set of all-new things with ISRU.

  • Sit at the very edge of Gael's atmosphere, fly through the rings of Tellumo or Nero, Sun-dive at Ciro and Grannus, even park a base on-rails inside the gas planets, and sift everything you need (whatever happens to be available at the chosen place) from air, ocean, low orbit, or the rings (with just one button press per harvester) to refuel your vessels.
  • The two resource systems are configured that only one is active at a time and will never flood your install with redundant and excessive active resource configs.
  • WIP (Unrelated) This system provides its own schemes for superior propulsion methods, namely those equivalent to Hydrolox, Methalox, Helium3 fusion and Nuclear Saltwater, and a richer XenonGas mining experience.


Compatible Contracts

See the GPP Workshop thread. This list is currently updated there.

Recommended mods:


  • Contract Reward Modifier - If you play 2.5x scale or above, consider this for allowing your earnings to scale with your dV requirements.
  • Strategia – The entire databse for Strategia is remastered by Galileo to be fully compatible with GPP. No stock body strategies will appear.
  • The Gold Standard! - Space Gold and a form of Unobtanium are hard to find (or just hard to return with) but are bountiful where found and will bring that much needed cash boost for your career.

Science & Utilities

  • JX2 Antenna - 2.5m stack mounted honeycomb relay with 1,000Gm (1 Terameter) range, 10x the strength of the strongest stock antenna and perfect for any very large solar system. Ensure that there is at least one in Gael's SOI to complement ground stations signal strength. It also includes two 1.25m antennas with amazing range.
  • KrakenScience - A whole new breed of solar system warrants a whole new breed of science and science mods. Get started with the mod that gives you kraken samples to science from!
  • RCS Build Aid Continued - GPP is a star system full of challenges. Among the greatest of these is rugged terrain everywhere, making VTOLs more important than ever to spaceplane programs.
  • SCANsat - There's no familiar geography at all in the galilean planets. SCANsat is the best choice for revealing resources, charting the immediate surface area and discerning the highland from the crater.
  • Surface Experiment Pack – With GPP, this brings a total refresh to the EVA + KAS science gathering experience. Assemble a complex science station on the surface of an all-new body, grab some coffee back in the capsule, and get kraken! (Hopefully not literally get kraken.)
  • Transfer Window Planner - Allows you to locate and visualize the transfer windows from planet to planet or moon to moon of the same planet, dV budgets for transfers, set KAC alarms for them, and visualize phase angles.

Wild Blue Industries

  • Pathfinder - GPP itself is so vast that it will take an immense time span to lay fully functioning, fully massive permanent bases everywhere. This mod provides inflatable base parts and lets you unpack all you need for operations at a given planet or biome, then pack them all up and carry them to th next planet or biome. This one also contains the revolutionary harvester parts with which you can sift multiple resources from the edge of space or in oceans with just one button press.
  • Buffalo MSEV (Modular Surface Exploration Vehicle) - Included with Pathfinder and fits very well with (and within) Heisenberg/Airships. It's the rover mod. It is true to its name-- incredibly feature-filled and incredibly modular. It can do nearly everything a base can. If not, it can carry the base inside it or on its back.
    • Contains JetWing - a KIS powered EVA jetpack. Kerbals can "spread their wings" and take flight on Gael and maybe Tellumo. Oxygen Not Included...
  • MOLE - This mod changes the entire way you approach science, especially in the early game. Build 1.875m stations and farm science by running experiments which explicitly require time, crew with certain skills, other science parts and even servings of resources. It's definitely something new versus sending up the usual stock mobile lab and spamming science data, right?
  • Heisenberg/Airships - The name says nearly everything. But this mod contains AirPark which enables flying bases to sit still and persist on-rails in any atmosphere. Why are you still reading this? Go and colonize Nero's atmosphere! :wink: 
  • DSEV (Deep Space Exploration Vessels) - A station parts mod which draws inspiration from NASA's Nautilus-X concept and provides its own super-advanced engines with amazing performance. It is comparable to Nerteas mods rolled together: Station Parts Expansion Redux and Far Future Tech.

Umbra Space Industries

  • Umbra Space Industries Catalog Page
  • Modular Kolonization Systems - If the intricacies of resource chains are your thing, then the highly tuned resource distributions adds a lot of spice specifically to your game.
  • Asteroid Recycling Technologies - With 4 places to farm space potatoes from, players who enjoy them will have a lot more to do with them than in the stock solar system.
  • Karbonite - With community resources made far more important and a heavy part of the gameplay challenge and innovation base, we name Karbonite, a low-Isp raw fuel but yet incredibly versatile alternative to Ore. Karbonite is in vast abundance in GPP, and there are 5 places to find Karborundum.

    Fully explained on this page, Karbonite brings the power to:

    • Refuel while splashed
    • Refuel while aerobraking
    • Refuel while orbiting
    • Refuel without landing
    • Refuel without docking
    • Refuel without Ore!
    • Refill batteries
    • Make Oxygen, Water, LqdHydrogen
    • Make monster trucks and new breeds of sports cars
    • Make SolidFuel-esque VTOLs
    • Elcano an oceanworld
    • Power airplanes without Oxygen or Atomics
  • Warp Drive - What it says on the tin.

Advanced Propulsion

  • BlueDog Design Bureau – A rather amazing, rather massive launchers pack full of replica and semi-replica parts. It’s considered just right in a 2.5x game and contains a few cryogenic engines.
  • Near Future Technologies - With as many bodies as Stock + OPM, stretching dV and sustaining critical ship functions (their electrical demands) beyond the first gas giant are vital. NFT offers ArgonGas for very light vehicles and Lithium as a step up from LF nuclear engines (not to mention amazing truss parts for station building).
    • NF Propulsion – Provides high efficiency LFO and Mono engines for use on liquid fuelled craft, and Lithium engines for manned ion craft. SSTOs (from Duna seal evel) using Lithium have been confirmed.
    • NF Launch Vehicles – Provides high power and high efficiency LFO engines (along with 5m and 7m cargo bays) for bringing great payloads to orbit.
  • Cryogenic Engines - If LqdHydrogen runs through the veins as well as the ship's plumbing, these deep-space engines are a welcome addition to any inventory. In conjunction with Karbonite or Far Future Tech, a ship running on LqdHydrogen will no longer need to carry a dedicated ISRU lander. Carry the mining and refining equipment on-board and use them right in orbit.

Other Parts Mods

  • Decal Stickers - Add your choice GPP flag to locations of your choosing on your ship. There are also options for extending it like a banner or stripe along the cross-section of your ship.


  • SpaceTux Industries Recycled Parts - Contains PorkJet's timeless atomic engines pack and a couple of very interesting, mostly Mk2 vintage parts.
  • Ven's Stock Part Revamp - For those who're in need of that fabled "art pass" on Squad's parts, and the Poodle engine to no longer have its obscene model, this mod is currently the best available answer.

Life Support Systems

  • DeepFreeze Continued - For players sensitive about their kerbals being conscious for the entirety of huge interplanetary transfers (and eating all the food), cryo-stasis is the answer.
  • Thunder Aerospace Corporation (TAC) Life Support - A very straightforward and challenging system, though not as tough as the previous two. The vital resources are all separate and there are no greenhouse parts, but these are the only challenge. GPP allows for many situations where Oxygen and Water can be refilled. (See Karbonite)
  • Snacks! - A life support system that's really simple by itself. Kerbals can die now but by default they become unavailable and vessels are treated as unmanned; in career any starvation translates to loss of funds, rep and science.
  • USI Life Support - The life support system that brings consolidated consumable and waste resources, homesickness, and a lot of pretty greenhouse parts. In supporting and influencing the MKS resource-chain experience GPP also does the same to this life support.

Other mods by the GPP devs

  • Airline Kuisine - Mk2 and Mk3 parts that add to the life support experience and work with USI, TAC, Kerbalism, IFI, and Snacks!.
  • OPM_Galileo - This ageless planet pack carries on, receiving active care from myself and Galileo.
  • Thor Tech - Electrical engines for airplanes and spaceplanes. Watch as your fuel economy soars with your craft in GPP's many (typically Oxygen-less) atmospheres. Even in 2.5x scale and above.
  • The Spice -
    • Better than Karborundum for fusion drive fuel and provides warp drives with much bigger bubbles (needs USI Warp Drive).
    • Better than LFO for fuel cells and compares well to (without defeating) NF Electric nuclear reactors.
    • Converts into the consumable resources for these life support mods: Snacks, TAC, USI, IFI, DeepFreeze.
    • Rarer, not nearly as heavy as, and possibly more profit-effective to bring home than Karborundum and Space Gold.
    • Has science experiments and adds 4 LDEF wedges to MOLE by Angel-125.
  • OPT Reconfig – Enables OPT Spaceplane Parts to integrate with more and better mods including B9 Part Switch, TAC LS, USI LS, Wild Blue Industries.
  • Play Your Way - Play Career mode without contracts. Get :funds:and :rep: as payment for :science: returns. Built upon "Science Funding."  
  • Ship Effects Continued - Adds sound effects to complement the IVA experience. Listen for bulkheads creaking, splashdown and not-as-noisy launch clamps.
  • Sigma Replacements - Our official replacement for TextureReplacer. It enables custom heads, skins, skyboxes and navballs, and makes all of these easier and more convenient to install, too.
  • SunflaresOfMaar GPP Bundle (SpaceDock) – If our default sunflare (by Galileo) still isn’t enough, click here for a set of 5 all-new mind-blowing sunflares for Ciro and Grannus. Some are realism-focused, the rest are sci-fi focused.
  • Poodmund’s Skyboxes (SpaceDock only) – Because some of use consider it a heinous crime to play GPP and allow the stock skybox to persist. Requires TextureReplacer. Poodmund’s Calm Nebula is personally recommended by our hype train driver, @RocketPCGaming.
  • EVE Online Skyboxes - What it says on the tin (well, most of them). Starfields not included. Needs Texture Replacer.

Included Addons (Supported Mods):

  • ResearchBodies (Presets) - The mod that makes it possible and required like in real life to discover the other planets and science them before they can be visited. GPP has its own configurations for but doesn't contain the mod itself. There's also a patch for the telescope part that it can reach the furthest planet.
  • Tarsier Space Technologies (Presets) - The companion mod to ResearchBodies. It offers more telescopes and more things to do while sciencing planets, and integrates with ResearchBodies.
  • Waypoint Manager (Presets) - Plant named markers for your desired landing coordinates all over any/every planet as you want and need. Our package adds icons for these planets and now activates by itself if that mod is installed.
  • GPP Clouds (For EVE(Whole) - Because realism needs clouds, fog, polar lights (aurorae) and other convincing realistic goodies. It is hardware intensive but optional and comes in two quality levels as we keep the budget gaming rig in mind. Renamed from SVE to no longer be confused with the same. (EVE itself is not included.)
  • FinalFrontier (Presets) - GPP brings its own ribbon pack for tracking individual kerbal merits but no longer includes the whole mod.
  • Kerbal Konstructs with KSC++ (Whole) - Some mods that require these are directly expecting Kerbin. We have prepared for this. Also KSC++ turns KSC itself into a gigantic, gorgeous, fully functioning mega-complex.



  • Distant Object Enhancement (Presets) - See flares for planets and vessels very far away, hear explosions of vessels normally very far from the active vessel, and experience dynamic skybox dimming.
  • Planetshine (Presets) - Celestial bodies actually shine a fraction of their surface colors onto other bodies and onto vessels.
  • Misc - GPP provides a preliminary part upgrade for two stock antennae for extreme ranges. This is disabled when JX2 antenna is installed.



Edited by JadeOfMaar
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Congratulations @Galileo, super proud of all that you've done for the KSP community with this and all of the other mods you produce. The pack is beautiful and is one that will go down in the KSP mod history books, I look forward to seeing what you do next and what you will continue to do with your mods. Now I can truly get started on my 1.2 save :) Keep up the amazing work <3 

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I just noticed a small bug on Tellumo when you are in low orbit you can see these strange lit up ocean areas where it looks like Laythes land used to be (stupid PQS mods)... i just fixed it and im uploading the fix now. Im not going to change the version for such an insignificant change. i know this is a large download so i want to apologize for those that have already downloaded it once.

Edited by Galileo
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looks pretty damn awesome. Best part of this is, ill finnaly be able to visit someplace other then mun with my shoddy rocket making! heh.


I did toss it into my current install and the main planet looked all grey and stuff on the map, BUT im 99.99999% sure its my install, so im doing a clean one, less mods (/knocks on wood) so i can fully enjoy this :)

On one of my better launches i ended up going sideways around 15k or so and ran across the biome, volcanic. That pretty much sold me on this! jebs gonna get a hot new home! lol

Thanks for your work you guys have done on this. good stuff


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3 minutes ago, thrandisher said:

looks pretty damn awesome. Best part of this is, ill finnaly be able to visit someplace other then mun with my shoddy rocket making! heh.


I did toss it into my current install and the main planet looked all grey and stuff on the map, BUT im 99.99999% sure its my install, so im doing a clean one, less mods (/knocks on wood) so i can fully enjoy this :)

On one of my better launches i ended up going sideways around 15k or so and ran across the biome, volcanic. That pretty much sold me on this! jebs gonna get a hot new home! lol

Thanks for your work you guys have done on this. good stuff


It looked grey?  Can you give me a screenshot if it still looks like that? 

Edited by Galileo
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10 minutes ago, Galileo said:

It looked grey?  Can you give me a screenshot if it still looks like that? 

Im gonna do a reinstall first.  Just glanced over your readme again and i noticed it says scatter menu shouldnt show up, but it did for me.  So im sure its something i did. Ill let ya know in a hour or so after i get everything installed again.

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6 minutes ago, thrandisher said:

Im gonna do a reinstall first.  Just glanced over your readme again and i noticed it says scatter menu shouldnt show up, but it did for me.  So im sure its something i did. Ill let ya know in a hour or so after i get everything installed again.

No,  the menu will show up but scatterer effects will not

If what you are saying is the that the main planet was just drab and not very colorful,  that is intentional. I don't really like the bright colors of the stock games. Too cartoony.  And it used to be even more gloomy.  I had to brighten it up a bit. 

Edited by Galileo
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20 minutes ago, Galileo said:

No,  the menu will show up but scatterer effects will not

Ahh, my mistake. Just found out i gotta take off for a few, so heres a screenshot of how it looked for me.



While at the base, textures looked good. Im *pretty* sure its something on my part. Heck, it takes me about 10 mintues to load up.  Anyway, ill do a new install and let ya know how it goes. I think the only gfx ones i had installed where like Kopernicus, svt(high res), sve(high res), eve, distance object, planetshine, scatter.


Am i correct on assuming the install order would be like, Kopernicus, svt, sve, GPP. ?   Actually, would stock visual textures be the culprit here?


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1 minute ago, thrandisher said:

Ahh, my mistake. Just found out i gotta take off for a few, so heres a screenshot of how it looked for me.

While at the base, textures looked good. Im *pretty* sure its something on my part. Heck, it takes me about 10 mintues to load up.  Anyway, ill do a new install and let ya know how it goes. I think the only gfx ones i had installed where like Kopernicus, svt(high res), sve(high res), eve, distance object, planetshine, scatter.


Am i correct on assuming the install order would be like, Kopernicus, svt, sve, GPP. ?   Actually, would stock visual textures be the culprit here?


Try without ResearchBodies.

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8 minutes ago, thrandisher said:

Ahh, my mistake. Just found out i gotta take off for a few, so heres a screenshot of how it looked for me.



While at the base, textures looked good. Im *pretty* sure its something on my part. Heck, it takes me about 10 mintues to load up.  Anyway, ill do a new install and let ya know how it goes. I think the only gfx ones i had installed where like Kopernicus, svt(high res), sve(high res), eve, distance object, planetshine, scatter.


Am i correct on assuming the install order would be like, Kopernicus, svt, sve, GPP. ?   Actually, would stock visual textures be the culprit here?


You don't install svt or sve with this pack everything is included. 

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10 minutes ago, tygoo7 said:

Try without ResearchBodies.

Ahh, yup, disabling Research Bodies does the trick. Looks like it should now.


3 minutes ago, Galileo said:

You don't install svt or sve with this pack everything is included. 

Ok, good to know.


Guess it shows how little ive used research bodies yet, lol.  At least now its out there now if someone else has that problem right off the bat and doesn't know it ether :wink:

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This is the first planet pack I've seen which equals or beats both the stock system and New Horizons (another excellent planet pack). With effort like this KSP will endure a long time.

One more question - is there plans for a rescale pack for this mod? I would like to play it at 10x scale using RO at some point, but I suspect trying to use Sigma to rescale will end up breaking something. 

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4 minutes ago, MaxL_1023 said:

This is the first planet pack I've seen which equals or beats both the stock system and New Horizons (another excellent planet pack). With effort like this KSP will endure a long time.

One more question - is there plans for a rescale pack for this mod? I would like to play it at 10x scale using RO at some point, but I suspect trying to use Sigma to rescale will end up breaking something. 

Actually I have already tried with Sigma and was going to include a rescale folder with 3 different option,  one being 10x.  I only left it out because I need to include a SVE config with each scale so that the clouds are at the right heights. I may do that tonight and post the cfgs as a stand alone 

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