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Everything posted by R-T-B

  1. Darn I just ran upstairs thinking of the DLC angle, to post only to find not only have I been beat to the idea, but it doesn't work. We're still trying to figure it out, @SpacedInvader
  2. That's why I went with corrupt install, but I guess he's reinstalled? Dunno where to go from there. His log also has a lot of references to missing parts. Unsure what to make of it.
  3. Well now everything of theirs loads everywhere. I'd be curious how they worked around it, though. It shouldn't of had to be worked around at all. This is why I like bug reports.
  4. For the KSRSS people, I fixed some things so they can load their pack on the latest Kopernicus. Yes, it even loads on 1.11.1. Don't bug the authors with reports of bugs on that though (bug me. ) As usual of my updates, updating is not really needed unless you actually experience a problem described. Kopernicus release-30 R-T-B released this New in this latest version (release-30) 1.) A bug in the diffuse material handler that was preventing some packs using Diffused-Wrapped shaders from loading has been fixed. Known Bugs: 1.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely, sometimes related to map zoom (be careful zooming out). It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away. 2.) When zooming out all the way out in map view at interstellar ranges, the navbal furthermore sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and all the interstellar bugs actively. Darn. I really wish I had an idea, but I don't right at this moment. I'm going to continue to go over your logs, and try to replicate. I'm not abandoning you, but at the moment I just have nothing further to try. If anyone else has ideas, feel free to chime in anytime.
  5. Posting here too since relevant. This pack works on later versions now too (or at least loads) as it should, but I have not tested functionality extensively. Report bugs on that "unsupported" front to me first, as the author has obviously not declared official support there. Kopernicus release-30 R-T-B released this New in this latest version (release-30) 1.) A bug in the diffuse material handler that was preventing some packs using Diffused-Wrapped shaders from loading has been fixed. Known Bugs: 1.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely, sometimes related to map zoom (be careful zooming out). It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away. 2.) When zooming out all the way out in map view at interstellar ranges, the navbal furthermore sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and all the interstellar bugs actively.
  6. Bug confirmed, we are implementing support for this pack now. It's the diffuse wrapped shader that was confusing it, support for that was apparently broken (was being treated as generic diffuse) and just very few packs use it so no one reported it. I already have a fix, it's all good. Testing now if it loads in 1.11 for fun. That's obviously not supported, but just want to see.
  7. Well you're on the right track. See my edits about windows corruption, I feel like your hard crash could've done some minor corruption there and that command may help you. Certainly a weird way to manifest itself, but anything is possible, you know? I don't know what else to think at this point. Also, GPU drivers. Check if an update helps.
  8. The only thing I am aware of that resides outside the install is the Unity Telemetry data, which you can of course opt out of. Regardless, I doubt it'll do anything, but if you open a explorer window and type %APPDATA% you'll get to a folder called AppData\Roaming, go one folder back to AppData, and then enter the folder tree as follows . AppData\LocalLow\Squad. You can delete everything in there. As I said, that's the only thing outside the install I know of. This is really odd. You could always try updating your GPUs drivers, I think that's a better angle to look at. Alternatively, you could also look at the "windows is corrupt" angle (since everything depends on windows). To check your windows install for corruption and hopefully repair it, you can run the following command at an admin command prompt: sfc /scannow
  9. I'm at a loss. No one else has reported this. I assume you've tried deleting your settings.cfg? I'm looking over your log files now but that's quite the weird issue. Not to make you feel bad, I want to help. Hope we can work this out.
  10. Interesting. As a temporary work around until I sort out what's going on, does quitting and reentering the game fix anything? It could be a corrupted save too. Are you using the same save each time? What happens with a new game? PS: The SurfaceObject line is part of the distance culler for land scatters, I kind of doubt it is related.
  11. I've heard reports that since we expanded our stable branch of Kopernicus to support 1.8.1, that it does not load this planet pack properly. Can anyone confirm/deny this claim, and if it's true, provide a KSP.log so I can fix it? Would hate to force everyone back to ancient 1.8.1-1. This is the latest stable: https;//github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases Logs of why/how this breaks in 1.9.1/1.10.1/1.11.1 are also accepted, though only for my experimentation, amusement, and furthering my understanding of why it doesn't load. Our goal at Kopernicus is to have any mod (excluding ones that use external dlls) that loaded in 1.8.1 load and work on 1.9.1/1.10.1/1.11.1 too, so it'd be used in that context. Don't bug the author about anything greater than what he officially supports.
  12. I'd try checking your install for corruption from the hard crash. Kopernicus can't move the space center unless told to do so by a planet pack (the loading undegroundbug notwithstanding), so something else happened. If after you confirm your install is fresh, you are still getting this, please send your KSP.log file from your install directory for me to analyze. Nope, not dumb... it should work with the latest release too! Can I get a KSP.log to see why it doesn't? It is found in your install directory. The fact the author is recomending an old version should be something we can fix so they don't have to.. I'd like to try so you can get the other bugfix and performance goodies. We do have a new release though, guys. Fixes a small bug with land scatters... in short given the right conditions, they'd stop spawning for some people. Notes below, and in OP: Kopernicus release-29 R-T-B released this New in this latest version (release-29) 1.) This release corrects a race condition that prevented land scatterers from spawning under some circumstances, due to a misbehaving distance culler. Known Bugs: 1.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely, sometimes related to map zoom (be careful zooming out). It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away. 2.) When zooming out all the way out in map view at interstellar ranges, the navbal furthermore sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and all the interstellar bugs actively.
  13. I'm just standing on the shoulders of other giants man, this thing is a collosal project and many many skilled coders put many many hours into it. I too am in awe. It's been an honor to work on it.
  14. Looks like the crew I talked about showed up. Link to a recompiled Kittopia to help: https://github.com/R-T-B/KittopiaTech/releases It's not out of beta yet, but should be good enough for this. Working on it next. If you aren't familiar with Kittopia, basically hit ALT or CTRL-P ingame (forget which) and just mess with the reasonably intuitive GUI.
  15. I have a guy working on new KopernicusExamples... because yeah documentation there is pathetically out of date. I'll see if I can't get someone with atmosphere knowledge to post here. There is also the Kopernicus discord, if you aren't a member. I can PM an invite. From what little I know AtmosphereFromGround is what you want, but beyond that I may not be much help.
  16. I'm not much of a planet pack author myself, so I probably can't offer much advice there. I will ask around for you though, try to get some attention to your post from people who know. In the meantime I assume you are aware of the Kopernicus wiki?
  17. This is a bug with Parallax PQSModExpansion code. It upsets Kopernicus but I do not believe Kopernicus is the origin. Linx says it is harmless and will be fixed in next release. Any symptoms that prompted your debugging?
  18. We do not support 1.11.0, it should not load on that in any circumstance. Why are you not using the new patch, anyways? I can make a build for 1.11.0 but I'd really need a valid reason to extend support like that to previous bug patches, as adding version support for old minipatches would drastically increase the bundle build time. Newer bleeding edge's will not load with 1.11.0 either. Older releases will but you are missing out on a ton of bugfixes.
  19. The real issue with the system from a stock science perspective is that the planets are way too dense to be real considering their 1 ASL gravity at Kerbin and small radius. But when we consider physics are scaled down by 10x, it makes sense.
  20. The truth is whether authors know it or not, this is designed to work with any planet mod that works with 1.8.1. There's an important caveat though. That's just for Kopernicus stuff. If the planet mod depends on other dlls, all bets are off. Only way is to try and see, really. And naturally, if a mod isn't running on a version the author doesn't support, don't bug them about it. Bug me. I'll be interested but it's obviously "not their problem" if they don't support it.
  21. New hotfix to fix some CKAN versioning issues, it is otherwise 100% identical: Kopernicus release-28 R-T-B released this New in this latest version (release-28) 1.) This release corrects a CKAN versioing error and is otherwise identical to version 28. The release notes below are the same from here. 2.) 1.10.1 and 1.11.1 support has been added to stable branch. 3.) Kopernicus_Config.cfg now accepts parameter UseKopernicusAsteroidSystem with accepted values "true" (default, use Kopernicus Custom Asteroid Generator and scrub Sentinel contracts), "false" (use external mod asteroid generator, or none at all), and "stock" (uses stock game generator, only good for stock system). These values are case insensitive and DO NOT use quotes. 4.) Various vetted bugfixes to many things (shaders, solar code, etc) from the bleeding edge have been imported. This fixes nearly all known bugs across all platforms (other than those listed below), and should result in a very stable experience. 5.) Performance improvements were managed as well, also taken from tested bleeding edge experiments. 6.) ModularFlightIntegrator updated to latest mainline 1.2.9 (you may update this with updates sourced from Sarbian freely). Known Bugs: 1.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely, sometimes related to map zoom (be careful zooming out). It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away. 2.) When zooming out all the way out in map view at interstellar ranges, the navbal furthermore sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and all the interstellar bugs actively.
  22. There'll be a hotfix for this shortly, thanks for the notice. This only seems to be an issue with the 1.8.1 bundle which is how we missed it. EDIT: I hotfixed it live, as well as fixed a CKAN versioning error. Please redownload. The issue was the System.cfg shipped with the wrong line endings, which changed the file hash and triggered a safety check. Doh!
  23. the latest stable just dropped if you'd like to try it. We are using a new discussion thread though, moving forward, due to management changes:
  24. We patch all atmorims to point to the nearest/brightest star type object, but... I really doubt that would affect the main menu. If it does, it's kind of a mystery to me how.
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