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Everything posted by R-T-B

  1. Ah hollywood. Stoking our inner fears we didn't even know we had since film was invented.
  2. Hey lookie we have nearly identical systems. Anyhow, I am a huge fan of this. So much so the Kopernicus option to disable Ultra shaders basically only exists because I wanted this to work. I'd subscribe/Donate, but that mobo/GPU replacement left me pretty broke for the month. I fully endorse this though and would love to see it more widely used.
  3. This is a (hopefully temporary) work around for the fact that modularflightintegrator is not listed as 1.10.1 ready (it is though). As soon as CKAN fixes that I will use a standard dependency model. Actually, while that certainly is the "best practice" thing to do, ModularFlightIntegrator has been version frozen on Kopernucus for a bit due to lack of anything being broken. It just seems to work for our needs.
  4. Maybe something like CommNetConstellations would work?
  5. Actually, Principia is pretty amazingly optimized as it stands. It even multithreads when possible, I believe. The issue is, the math it is trying to solve, known as the "n-body problem" has no closed form solution known to man. Thus, it is inherently a slow and difficult simulation to run. There isn't any answer known to modern science to make it cheaper than they have really. So if you are having trouble running it I would advise either you upgrade, or don't run it. Don't expect miracles sadly.
  6. I just pushed some changes requested from the CKAN folks. It may make you reinstall things, but it's really the same release. This concludes our public service announcement.
  7. Just a quick shout out to those who DON'T want to trust comets to "maybe just work" with a fresh Principia install... Kopernicus Bleeding Edge (the one for 1.10.1) presently has an option in the file config/Kopernicus_Config.cfg called "UseStockAsteroidGenerator = true" If you set this to false, the Kopernicus asteroid generator takes over. At present, that means no comets, so at least for now, any potential crashes would vanish with them. I know, that doesn't help for bug reporting but if you are in a game where stability really is important to you, this could help. Just thought someone might find this tidbit useful. FYI, I have not had a comet related crash yet, but I don't play as much as I should.
  8. It's a symptom of being scatterbrained as heck. Don't worry, I don't think it's contagious.
  9. CKAN has a pretty robust system for setting that stuff up, so kudos to them. It will take longer to automate my release process properly (nothing interesting to you guys, but makes me work less, which is good cause it saves energy for bugfixing), but at least for now, it works! Yeah, this is to make sure the folder is clean. It's kind of intended, as bleeding edge sometimes has new experimental things in the configs and I don't want CKAN just assuming all will be well switching from stable to BE. Updating should be smooth however, you should only need to "hardswap" once.
  10. Hello all! Experimental CKAN support for the bleeding edge is now available from release 28 forward, including automatic updates. You just have to opt in to my private repo to get this cool stuff. Here is how you do this: From your main CKAN window, go to "Settings" Hit the first "New" button that appears. Add our CKAN repo in the resulting text box. It is as follows (use copy and paste to put it in, CTRL-C + CTRL-V after highlighting the text, respectively): Kopernicus_BE |http://glacialsoftware.net/CKAN/Kopernicus_BE.tar.gz Now hit ok, go back to the main window and refresh. You should have access to all the bleeding edge builds. They will update just like any other CKAN thingy. Should look like this in the repo window: @HebaruSan, obviously I figured this out well before you posted, but still, is there some way we can get an official repo marker in the main project for this so people don't have to grab a random line from the internet, like MechJeb has? Just asking.
  11. I've already pieced together the CKAN syntax to make this happen by manually having users add a repo, but will probably discuss it with them later so I don't have to do this manually each release. I will be updating with a new release and opt-in CKAN option shortly. Watch this space.
  12. Hmm. The issue being of course, that my repo isn't under the same organization as the main Kopernicus one. We could fix that easy enough though. I am unsure what the setup entails, but I am fully open to making this possible, especially given how long the 1.10.1 update is taking in the "polish" phase. I will discuss with some more knowledgeable parties and see about it. If anyone could link docs about how to do this in the meantime, I'd love to have some reading material when I get off work.
  13. More dead kerbals? I jest, sorta... ok not really. It's gonna happen.
  14. nah, I don't brag. Mostly my kerbals just die. oops, now I have two posts. Oh well.
  15. Hmm... It's late where I am, but you could be right. I always get confused around the ModuleManager stuff. I'll investigate tomorrow. Regardless, I am certain this is something that either a simple config change should handle, at absolute worst, or a real simple change on our end. Maybe it doesn't even need that, we'll see. EDIT: Just did a quick test because insomnia, and yeah, it seems to be generating in the VAB planner for me?
  16. The froggy went down to Kerbin, looking for a soul to steal. He was in a bind, he was way behind and was willing to make a deal: Boy you may not know it but I'm a Kerbalism player too... and I bet a Kerbal of gold against your soul that I can out kerbalism you. I was feeling sing-songy tonight, sorry (hope that isn't too dated a reference song). Seriously though I do play with Kerbalism and have no idea how I haven't noticed this until now. Yes, we caused this. It was needed, but it's still our doing. The official way to fix this is to use a module manager patch in your mod to turn off KopernicusSolarPanels functions, like this is aparently trying to do in the stock Kerbalism configs: File KerbalismConfig\Support\Kopernicus.cfg // We have our own handling of Kopernicus multiple stars (in the SolarPanelFixer module) so we don't need / support the kopernicus one @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleDeployableSolarPanel]]:NEEDS[Kopernicus]:FOR[zzzKerbalismDefault] { %useKopernicusSolarPanels = false // for kopernicus 1.8+ @MODULE[ModuleDeployableSolarPanel] { %useKopernicusSolarPanels = false // for kopernicus 1.7- } } This should work as far as I can see unless I'm missing something. I take it you aren't using the Kerbalism stock configs? That's part of the problem, I suppose. You can always work around it with your own patch... or just rip that part of Kopernicus out, yeah.
  17. I'll tell you when I make a non-kerbin landing. Right now, I can only say "hard." Principia is really an additional diff jump over even just JNSQ, so I'd not do both at once. Learn one at a time. This is kind of killing me right now, honestly.
  18. I really wish we could make the version locking thing simpler to understand, speaking of which. Any suggestions there? I mean the zip names are a bit funky with _1101_ and such denoting the versions. Probably could clean that up some... *thinks* Oh, and on the topic of JNSQ, I had my first partial eclipse in it today. I think if I caught it earlier it would've been a full one! Pretty cool because with the small size of the bodies, they can be hard to spot. Given I play with Principia, would this be Minmus or the Mun doing this eclipse? I know under Principia Minmus orbits a lot closer. I suspect the Mun but forgot to check.
  19. Thanks for the report. I get a few of these reports from time to time but people never send modlists to help investigate. If you could send yours along with some basic system specs (CPU/GPU/RAM is all I need really) and (if possible) a KSP.log file (from your game root directory after Kopernicus loads), I would be most greatful and do my best to try to track this down. In the meantime, you may try navigating with the keyboard arrow keys. Lame, but usually works. Would still love to get data to fix it properly... this has been elusive in terms of the people who report it don't tend to follow up with the things I ask. Please be the exception. Are you using 1.10.1? If so, we don't support that in the official releases yet. You can preview it (it works pretty decently) in the "Bleeding Edge" betas here: https://github.com/R-T-B/Kopernicus/releases And don't worry, CKAN is identical to the stable builds here, you don't have to use it to get the reliable stable 1.9 builds. Actually all the builds are pretty stable right now, bleeding edge just has some more features needed before I'm willing to tell planet devs "it's ready."
  20. Release 29 is not needed, as 1.9.1-3 is basically Release 28 code. Release 29, the commit you may see, was a bad thing and I reverted it. A misguided attempt to fix something that didn't even need fixing, honestly. When I do some more bugfixes, they'll probably get tested here first, and we'll have a proper release 29... which if all goes well after enough well tested fixes build up will be pushed to CKAN as a stable release. I do hope to not need another fix so I can start to work on 1.10.1 features though. Hope that clarifies.
  21. Just pushed release 3 to CKAN with the following fixes: 1.) The ocean specular sun shader was misaligned by 90 degrees. This has been fixed. 2.) Some edge case loading exceptions were dealt with (basically the bugfixes discussed above with @Misguided_Kerbal). CKAN should automagically update soon. Otherwise and/or if impatient, just grab it from github: https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases
  22. It means I'm looking into it and will update you, so I don't think it's your fault. A fix will be had soon. EDIT: Actually, bleeding edge ALREADY has this fixed. I will push the latest fixes from there to stable on CKAN today, it is overdue anyhow.
  23. This sounds kind of like the multistar-math system throwing a fit. I'll look into it right now. If I can produce a fix, I'll push it to the bleeding edge first for testing, and update you here with a link to the build.
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