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Everything posted by R-T-B

  1. When it gets posted to CKAN, it is ready. I'd estimate a week or two at most, but no promises and that is completely my opinion and not a promise. We are making progress everyday but there are still bugs.
  2. So in short, your sig applies here. Thanks for the diagnostic help.
  3. It looks like if I had to guess, I'd say TweakScale doesn't work right with us yet. But that's just a guess, you have a lot of mods there. And I could be completely wrong. I will look into it in more detail tomorrow. The log is much appreciated.
  4. It is. I think Shawn Kerman just has an extra special nonstandard setup or something (AKA I have no idea what's going on with his install). That's it. It doesn't always show the .log part in windows.
  5. Kopernicus zips it's logs in a folder called logs, but the KSP.log file will do as well. That suggests that Kopernicus is not installed correctly somehow. Post the KSP.log file as mentioned above, from C:\Program Files\Kerbal Space Program (or wherever your base KSP folder is)
  6. Yeah, that would help me isolate if it's our fault. Really, a clean install helps with bug reporting. C:\Program Files\Kerbal Space Program\Logs usually.
  7. What type of install do you have? Steam? Or something else? If steam, it's probably in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\Logs
  8. Looking at your logs I can only blame a conflict with another mod or something else breaking. No one else is having such an issue, and you have a lot going on there mod wise. You may try selectively uninstalling mods until you find the "gamebreaking" one.
  9. This is possible, but it definitely got worse with several modpacks post 1.8. Can I get your Logs folder from your KSP install zipped up and uploaded somewhere? It'd help us diagnose.
  10. When we fix the remaining bugs. There are still a few to go.
  11. Sorry to thread hijack a bit, but I just wanted to say at least two of those bugs have been fixed, or attempted to be fixed. The scatter one at least is certainly fixed. But yeah, absolutely due to unstable state of Kopernicus.
  12. Hm... do you know the graphics card you are using? I'd suggest updating it's drivers. Not saying it's not a real bug, but sometimes that can help with strange things. Plus just knowing your hardware can help anyways. Also worth seeing if other mods are causing it.
  13. Is there a known way to disable the Jool shader entirely? Like fall back to the legacy shader/system for compatability reasons? In a modding context, of course. I'm talking about bodies in Kopernicus that template Jool, in particular (pretty much all gas giants).
  14. Someone knows the drill. The seas don't work unless replaced by something like Scatterer, it is a known bug right now and has something to do with the builtin textures not loading. Unfortunately, I have no idea what changed as of now, but it is actively being investigated. I've yet to see the black sky in daylight thing in my testing. How often does it occur? Are you sure it's not an eclipse or similar?
  15. I have a proposed fix for the atmospheric bug. If you want to help test that, contact me. I'm basically the bleeding-edge fix guy. The fix works, we know that, we are curious if it effects the EC output of solar panels in a multistar planet pack. I also have an experimental 1.10 build I will begin sending to requesting parties today (that means PM me to get in on the testing program). It looks... promising. Jool shaders are already running. But they also apply to all modded gas giants, which is very awkward. Still, at least Jool looks nice, and I haven't spotted any other obvious bugs. We'll fix it eventually. Taken in 1.10 Kopernicus-only.
  16. I did, but then again, I was responsible for the supposed fix code. Turns out it's only "kind of fixed" It applies the right temperature to the measuring part on the vessel (like a 2HOT thermometer, for example), but not the vessel or atmosphere as a whole. Or at least that's my suspicion. Obviously needs work, but we're on it.
  17. Yeah, I'm not at that point of getting it to build just this moment, but I'll put you on the list if you are interested. It won't be too long I'm sure, but I can't promise much other than it'll build at first (ie, here be dragons, don't use on your favorite save, etc).
  18. So looking at the modders notes, here's where we are with 1.10: It should be possible to support 1.10. But, and this is a big but... (haa, I said butt), we don't want to release any code from that experimental work until 1.9.1 is PROPERLY working. Thus it's totally unknown when 1.10 be done. But we are aware of it. I even have an issue opened to track it.
  19. I'll take a look at the modders notes. It may be possible we can skip 1.9 entirely given the timeframe, if it's not breaking too much, and just target 1.10. Looking at what they changed, it's possible it might work with Kopernicus with a recompile acceptably. Worst case, we just have to implement gas giant shaders or we get the old stock one. If that's true, not only would 1.10 be supportable, but 1.9 would likely be supportable in the same build as well. Anyone want to try a highly experimental test build? PM me. I think I know why it does now. I have several test builds to try, but I need a reliable test scenario. I'm cooking one up now and this bug should be smashed soon. Track here for this bug: https://github.com/prestja/Kopernicus/issues/3
  20. It's ok, we've all been there. Fitting username for it, at least. On this note, are there any dev docs on where /BUILTIN moved to? I can't find any and it's kind of an issue here. EDIT: Nevermind I think I'm a noob. It looks like we may be dealing with indexes read from the identification of the KSC on spawn. I'll figure it out I think.
  21. Frankly, it's an awesome idea. If I wasn't already a member of the Kopernicus team and overburdenened from that + work, I'd pick this up myself. I highly encourage someone to continue this idea. We'll try to get Kopernicus working as a dependency if/as you do.
  22. Personally, I always just rip that out and use my install. But I mark it with a .gitignore so it doesn't propogate to the repo, if anyone else cares to use this. Some of the NuGet packages looked out of date when I last checked, too.
  23. For all looking for a rebuild of this, we are trying to see what can be done under the wing of Presja's Kopernicus fork. Right now for the next 48 hours I have a build but almost no time to test, so if you are willing to play with a very prebeta build, you can try it and at least play tester for me:
  24. I have to dive out for the night for a bit, but I did get KopEx to build against 1.9.1, and it wasn't even close to being built correctly in it's old binary release (1.7.1 had a whole different unity version) so it wouldn't surprise me if it fixes some bugs. This is pretty much a straight up recompile, so exepect bugs (I'd test myself, but boss at work would yell at me again), but if you want to help with the testing, you can find some test builds at my github: https://github.com/R-T-B/KopernicusExpansion-Continued/releases Go there and hit "assets" to get a build. License is obviously the same as original KopEx, GPLv3 Keep in mind these builds WILL PROBABLY BE BUGGY and should not be used on important games. That said, we are working on it every day, and you can help by testing. Use with the 1.9.1 Kopernicus here, and nothing else. I need that for consistent reports. Thanks. We appreciate that. We are also going to have to ask the community to be patient in our response to bugs, Kopernicus is a very complex plugin and we are all volunteers just starting to learn the ropes here. But at least we are moving again.
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