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  1. It seems like a good series I've watched the parts I can but for some reason most episodes are considered private videos? Is this on purpose or is there a way to watch the full series? And will there be a season 3?
  2. True for instance we wont be needing repair bays without lots of modding But we will need things like refueling ships
  3. A few things 1 As for @SynX comment In eve carriers have other functions than just being hangers they can refit other ships and repair the min larger hangers i believe this is why they get there own class 2 @XLjedithere are eve mother ships They are called titans
  4. Frigates 50-100meters Destroyers150-200meters Cruisers 300-500meters Battlecruisers 450-700meters Battleships 600-1000meters Light Carriers 500-800meters Heavy carriers 1000-1200meters This gives you tonnage and some more specialized classes https://www.eveonlineships.com/eve-ships-list.php This gives you ship sizes but not classes so you'd have to cross reference from both of them (This is a bit old and wont have all the ships but it has most) Plus try eve online it's free (mostly).
  5. Good question i would put this on a similar scale to eve online.
  6. That's very cool these capital ships will most certainly make a appearance.
  7. I am currently thinking about making a YouTube series in which kerbals will fight in space and on the ground, however building such large numbers of custom spaceships could take months so I am holding a competition. I will pick the best vessels from this form and I will attempt to make a series for them they must be in at least one way related to a ksp war ie corvettes battleships cruiser etc and if mods are used must be listed below. The 2 Final Rules are that your ship can't have more then 1000 parts and it has to be able to exist without Unbreakable joints and no Crash damage as Then I wouldn't be able to blow them up. Make sure to link your craft file and pictures and let the competition begin!
  8. Hello im relatively new to ksp and have just recently been able to land on the moon but no other planets. I was launching a probe that would flyby duna so i could plan a landing. As i built the rocket and launched it i had several problems but was able to fix most of them. But one still bothers me. Its 1st stage is a 2.5 meter orange tank with a mainsail engine. Then it has 6 boosters they have 2 of the extened out to the sides decouplers. They consist of to fl-800 tanks with a nose cone and vector engines. Once i get to about 5000 meters the rocket begins to flip uncontrollably. But once it get back under 4000 it stops and if i can recover it i can still make it to orbit but not to duna. Why does this only happen at 5000 meters when im going a certain speed. Is this i bugh or is this supposed to happen? Any help appreciated.
  9. Hello im relatively new to ksp and have just recently been able to land on the moon but no other planets. I was launching a probe that would flyby duna so i could plan a landing. As i built the rocket and launched it i had several problems but was able to fix most of them. But one still bothers me. Its 1st stage is a 2.5 meter orange tank with a mainsail engine. Then it has 6 boosters they have 2 of the extened out to the sides decouplers. They consist of to fl-800 tanks with a nose cone and vector engines When i launch these boosters wobble along the frame and always make me crash. (they bounce up and down and make it unstable.) This is why i added the second decoupler but it still does not work. Any help apprecated Thanks in advance.
  10. When update 1.8 happened my kerbal engineer stopped working and just showed scrambled letters has it been updated at all to work or is it just my install?
  11. I have recently built a model rocket and have a video for it How could i improve future designs any ideas?
  12. Let's be honest some of the most popular games out there have it to where you can download a mod straight from the Steam workshop. So why is it chaos be like that why can we only download crafts from the workshop we already half a workshop and we already have mods so why don't we combine the best of both worlds.
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