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  1. Due to the outage, I started precautiously making a mirror backup of the wiki, just in case it goes offline suddenly. Any idea of the actual size of the forum? I expect that in a few years time, this may not exist any more, but the history contained within, as well as all the tutorials, art, stories, etc is just too important to allow to sunset. With only a 6 month license renewal, perhaps it's time to release archival images of the whole forum from a single snapshot date, and allow those to be downloaded by interested parties or released into the wilds on Bittorrent.
  2. Landing airbags similar to what Pathfinder had, and one-time crushable struts/legs/feet like the LEM. I like to yeet my probes towards the ground, and the one-time use equipment is fascinating.
  3. @GargamelI apologize for the last post. I did find a solution that worked for me. I had CrossFireX enabled under the AMD graphics card management software. I disabled CrossFire, and KSP loaded normally without Unity crashing.
  4. I'm having the same issues as above. Uninstalled all files, deleted the game folder, reinstalled the game from Steam, turned off cloud synch, verified file integrity, even turned off Breaking ground and Making History expansions. It appears my issue is the Unity engine crashing. Here is Player.log: [snip]
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