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Everything posted by LittleBitMore

  1. The thing is, this is nonprofit. Ergo, because we're spending no money on this and using a lot of copyrighted material, we probably won't be able to gain money legally. And if we're not gaining money for this, then there's no budget to spend *insert humongous amount of money for an actor here* on Keanu Reeves. Chances are, a fitting, helpful and committed forum user will decide to voice Jebediah. Voice acting is one of the easiest jobs to do here, anyways.
  2. The method I do (which works for me) is looking at the clock, and saying "I am not allowed to open my eyes until *time 2 minutes away*." Repeat this over and over, but as you go, make 2 minutes 3, and 3 minutes 4, and so on and so forth. If you get to 10, you might have insomnia.
  3. I think this raises a single more important question: Will they offer KSP2's DLC to KSP2 early buyers, KSP1 early buyers, or none of the above?
  4. I only have unrelated tips on how to fall asleep, and how to write a sentence without be verbs. I do however suggest placing a deadline that no other important things take (like, for example, try over the weekend at a point in which no other things happen), and following that deadline (pretend it's as bad as if you miss your homework or an appointment).
  5. Decidedly, since everyone else is talking about sciencey things, I'm going to Pretend I Know What I'm Talking About When Really I Don'tTM and share some small thoughts on the situation. Suppose Meros might have moons. These would deflect and protect against most asteroids. Heck, Meros could be a Pluto-Charon situation: has a moon that's arguably a binary planet with Meros. Extreme asteroid protection. After a lot of searching through the thing, nothing I can accurately talk about, so leaving it at that.
  6. The way you went "overly scientific" implies you think Ultimate Steve should have done more research, whereas he has a very busy life outside of the forums, just like any human. The way you phrased this all (especially 7) seemed a little offensive, and I think it could have been handled a bit better. @Ultimate Steve will set up a casting topic at some point in time before the 15th of January. Once that's up, he'll start accepting new cast members.
  7. Exactly. I presume late May or early June, but we might get luckier than that so they try for April, or even more unlucky so that they delay it again.
  8. Amazing addition! A lot of emotions, and yet still an adequate dose of action. Good job!
  9. Putting one sentence on this forum without use of the first letter is slightly more difficult in proportion to the experience I expected. However, it's not impossible. The opposite of impossible, to be correct! I presume I own the rights to use the letter in one link to one website, right? In which position, I will post the link to one useful site to find synonyms to difficult words using the first letter. https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/relative?s=ts I hoped I did well, plus I might put more sentences here in the future.
  10. Banned for happening to be the last poster here whenever I check this topic, and ergo the person I always have to ban.
  11. Get a lot of dV, then use the Kerbin way. How do I come up with a good question to put here?
  12. People all over are talking about KSP2 because of its amazing trailer, and when KSP2 comes out, the fanbase is likely to triple. It's logical to make a meme in this format before someone beats us to it.
  13. @Ultimate Steve is releasing a casting topic SoonTM. Once that's available, you can probably sign up there.
  14. I have a meme request (which I'm too lazy to make myself): a picture of a kerbal saying "I liked the KSP franchise before I saw the KSP2 trailer!"
  15. Not only is the problem player barriers (which I think it wouldn't be if it was a switch, but it would never be used), but Star Theory might delay KSP2 further to accommodate for this entirely different gameplay style: RSS. Bigger, badder parts, huge solar system, better contracts and science.... Even if player barriers wasn't a thing, which it could be, then Star theory would delay KSP2 further. Which I'm 100% sure you really don't want.
  16. I've been looking for a mod a bit like this! I never found it, and my expectations were a little different (timelapse of the locations of your ships in the solar system, so only map mode), but the concept is very similar.
  17. I haven't seen that reaction since the 2010s!
  18. I believe the trailer mentioned Spring 2020, and also it's after financial year 2020 (April 2019 to March 2020) so expect it in April or May, and possibly even June if we're unlucky.
  19. Banned for probably being in my house raiding my snack supply.
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