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Everything posted by minerbat

  1. you can get to saturn more easy with gravity assist, the only problem is that it is only possible in specific times. also once we have build a larger moon base we can launch from there with way bigger payload and smaller rockets
  2. yes i mean manned but i also mean like 40 years in the future. also you cant land on venus but really high in the atmosphere the pressure and temperature are actually quite good so you can use a zappelin or hot air baloon. alright, what about asteroids?
  3. if you were the boss of an actual space agency, where would you go after mars and the moon because there are many more places in the solar system but you almost only hear about mars and the moon?
  4. if you use the nerv atomic motor what is a better fuel tank (size and weight) to use: a fuel only tank or a normal tank with oxidizer removed?
  5. i know that part but i dont know how to rendezvouz something that is not in an stabel orbit
  6. i was in the tracking station looking at asteroid orbits and i found one (type C) that is going to hit kerbin... i know it doesnt do much but i still think it would be a fun challenge to save kerbin. but i never did anything with asteroids so does anyone know how to do it?
  7. wait... are green monoliths on jool as well??? maybe you can make a base out of it?
  8. i found a black monolith near KSC
  9. you have not found it even after looking and i just land a kilometer away from it without knowing it was there... lol
  10. i build and landed my first mun rover and i found something strange after a short drive. it is a statue of the apollo moon lander which says neil armstrong 1930 2012 and has an american flag. the biome is muns northwest crater and my landing place is 2 small overlapping craters. is this an easter egg or something like that?
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