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Everything posted by luizsilveira

  1. I wish I had a checklist. The number of vessels that have left Kerbin´s SOI without an antenna, reaction wheel on later modules, or similar nonsense-that-ruins-the-whole-mission-when-it´s-too-late-to-do-anything-about-it is too damn high.
  2. It's an old and possibly useless debate, but I - myself - would refrain from adding too many mods that change gameplay too much at first. I wouldn't even add too many mods from the get go at all; I'd consider probably best to add them "as the need arises", so one would even enjoy, not only the base game, but the mod itself best (as it will solve a true need, or one might not even notice what it's actually doing or solving). You can't know if you like the base game if you never try it. For me, a true "must have" for from somewhat early on (i.e. as soon as one starts to dock stuff) is the docking port alignment indicator. If one's not playing sandbox, I'd also recommend [x]Science pretty much from the get-go. And, soon enough, automated science sampler - because science can be fun but can turn into such a chore so quickly. Then the already mentioned KIS+KAS, KER, KAC...
  3. Gilly's surface. Not that it makes all that difference since Gilly is not the bit that worries me lol Thanks, I didn't know about this, ahm, "shortcut" at all. But I mean, I could also just ALT-F12 it away. But I think I'll give it at least one proper go, even if I accepted the thing by mistake.
  4. I've made a mistake. Accepted a contract to extract ore from Eve and deliver it to Gilly, having at first understood it would be the other way around.
  5. Congrats! I'll give it a read. I research epistemology and might write a piece soon about fake news etc (surprise, surprise), so it'll be an interesting read, thanks for sharing.
  6. Talk about whatever you want, I'm eyeing those sexy ESA suits.
  7. Duh, never mind. I'm an idiot. Didn't know about the expanded vessel info, which lists the kerbals onboard, their specialties and experience. More than suited for what I needed. Thanks again! ps: I'm also not seeing settings, just like dxtoxic. on 1.9.1.
  8. Any chance this functionality could be extended to Kerbals? Or is there any other mod that achieves for Kerbals what this one does for Vessels? For example, list/filter the ones that are orbiting or landed on a particular body etc. Cheers!
  9. I keep throwing stuff towards Moho. Whatever I throw at it, runs out of fuel after the capture burn. So Moho's orbit is now a junkyard of ships with empty tanks lol. Threw one with 300t and 12km/s at LKO ship at it. Last stage was a lander carrying a drill and a converter. Hah, I'll finally get the whole fleet moving again, even if bit by bit. Or so I thought. It arrived in LMO with juuuust enough fuel to land. But I fit it with a spark instead of a terrier, so there's no way it has enough thrust to take back off even while empty - let alone after it's refueled. Back to the drawing board. Might send a poodle by itself and KIS-engineer it there and then. It might take a month or so of real-life time tho, due to the juggling of all the other ongoing missions.
  10. My dude! Thank you so much. I thought I was going crazy. I should have realized before it could be a bug - it'd have saved me several real life hours and frustration over a few gaming sessions. Thank you! That fix solved it instantly and then landing very near the space center was a breeze. Now, as for detaching the asteroid... That didn't quite work. I can even disarm the grabbing unit and it will clip through the asteroid, yet they remain as one vessel. So I wanted an asteroid as decoration for my space centre; now I have one with an attached spaceship I guess. Thanks again.
  11. My past few sessions have been trying to land an asteroid. Class A, should be simple, have done it before... but this one is not coming down. I have the impression something has bugged. I have mined all I could (to reduce density) and it says it has 0,5T. But when I try to get into Kerbin there's just no way of slowing it down. I've been trying to bring bigger and bigger craft to dock to it but it's never enough. In the latest iteration today I had a mammoth with a few tanks, including an S3-14400 Tank. Still, 1,200m/s on LKO. That's... still not enough as it will not slow down enough in the atmosphere to drop parachutes (it doesn't help that I want to land the thing on or very near the space centre). Last thing I did was trying to detach from the asteroid to dock a larger craft with three S3-14400 tanks. But the game bugged and the asteroid won't separate, so I got fed up and rage quit. Now I'm afraid of loading the game up and realizing the bug is still there, because it will be a pain to solve it. Plan is to bring up an engineer and weld some docking ports with KIS in order to then dock the extra tanks - and, with this, make a sort of multi-stage space-x type of landing rocket... thing. I must say this particular one got me very frustrated. And I hate using quicksave/load, but I just can't fathom having to grasp a new asteroid for every attempt if this keeps happening for some reason. There. It's now out of my system, sorry for the vent.
  12. I only play and have only played career. I like the limitations and managerial aspects of it, even if it's not fully balanced. Once I run out of things to do, my long-term dream is playing a whole career without reverts. I haven't been this brave yet, though I really try to only revert due to the Kraken and similar things.
  13. I keep wondering, why isn't something like this in stock by now? Any real down sides?
  14. As a noob, I had barely noticed minmus was even there before I had set foot on the mun. So it couldn't even cross my mind that it could be cheaper deltaV-wise (I'm not even sure I knew much about deltaV or deltaV maps anyway). Kind of sidetrack: Imho, anyone who starts a game knowing minmus is there, how to get to it and that it's cheaper than the mun should have already ramped up the difficulty settings (and probably by quite a bit) for a balanced game. KSP's learning curve is already pretty darn steep. It would be interesting to know the % of the playerbase who actually even gets to orbit. When I loaded the game for the first time I had no idea about what an apoapsis even was and I was completely overwhelmed by the tutorials.
  15. Weird. I have a problem with the windows key. KSP minimizes when I press something (say, "m" for the map mode) but Windows think I'm pressing a Win+M shortcut. The way to solve is to actually press the windows key alone, while minimized, and then go back to KSP. Problem solved (for that session). It started happening a while ago, no clue as to what caused it, but I just learned to live with it I guess. Maybe it's somehow related to your case?
  16. Oh, this makes sense. I used to have this problem aplenty, so much so that I got used to just editing the save file and slightly changing the rover's position so it wouldn't be underground and explode on load.
  17. This is the problem I've been hearing about from the health professionals I talk to. It's not that the virus or its mortality rate is that bad on itself, but it's highly contagious and there are no resources for everyone. So even people with other conditions and problems will end up dying because ICU is overflowing with Corona patients.
  18. Heya. I think I'll hitch hike on the stream of posts to ask a question, too: Is it normal that KSTS doesn't maintain staging information? Every time I deploy a vessel, all stages set on VAB are gone and everything is lumped into one single stage. Can be annoying with larger stuff, especially with lots of parachutes for return trip etc. Plus, when activating an engine, they apparently get thrown out of symmetry - meaning that for large vessels with lots of engines it could become a small chore to start them up one by one. Cheers!
  19. @Stone Blue, many thanks! I'll check them out for sure.
  20. Hi there, So, the request is for the ability to write down a "log" (a simple text) that will be linked to a particular vessel. Explaining: in my current save I'm often dealing with flights that I have launched months ago (real life time). While juggling several vessels and flights at once, I often completely forget what my intentions for a particular ship were. In this sense, it would be nice if we could write stuff down in a simple text field that would be attached to that vessel so it could be opened, read and edited at any time. There one could write the vessel's destination/plan, the purpose of the latest maneuver, difficulties (e.g., watch out, low on fuel), that kind of thing. Plus the potential for RP I guess. If such a mod exists, I'm thankful for being pointed to it Cheers!
  21. Just a minor heads up, but this one is showing as incompatible to my 1.9.1 on CKAN. It seems to be something about how CKAN checks for compatibility, as it does say "any" for max version. Ninja edit: (it shows as compatible with 1.9 but not 1.9.1)
  22. So would I. But much to my surprise, some times a vessel totally out of range would show up on the list - even asteroids at times. I supposed it was a feature. If one could at least deploy with the same inclination to the reference vessel (even if obviously not the same altitude), that'd be grand. I now don't recall if I actually tried using these vessels outside range as a reference for deployment at the time. Something in the back of my mind says I did, but I'm not certain at all.
  23. @linuxgurugamer: you, Sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. May I ask one completely unrelated question? What are the criteria for a "reference vessel", under the "complex orbits" tab? Some times I have only one or two show up, some times even asteroids do. Alternatively, where could I find all the orbit parameters so I can make a deployment match a vessel or body "by hand"? I've tried looking around, or on the save file, but I can't seem to distinguish heads from tails. Thanks!
  24. Good stuff. Still need the video? I've recorded some, but I'm prolix and my computer is slow, so it has 5+ minutes. Currently uploading to wetransfer, but if you can replicate it now you have probably seen what we meant anyway.
  25. Sure thing. I've played this afternoon with so it should be enough? ksp.log player.log saves.zip I'll try to get around to doing the video thing asap. Thanks for looking into it.
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