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Everything posted by Olsson

  1. Glad to hear the news about the contracts, more progression contracts always make it more fun to play! At the moment I'm using AntennaRange as I'm not a fan of the realistic aim mods such as TACLS, FAR and RemoteTech. If you would add AntennaRange that would be awesome! Also as a substitute for TACLS I want to use USI Life Support instead as it's more simplified. But I'm turned off by the immunity of orange suit kerbals, so I'm investigating if there's anyway to turn this immunity off. EDIT: Also I forgot to add. So how does KSP calculate if you have enough prestige for 3 star contracts? Are you supposed to hit a set amount of prestige or are you supposed to just have X amount of prestige for the contract to unlock? If so then that means I shouldn't spend any points until I unlock 3 star contracts?
  2. Dude, you do not owe me anything. If anything I owe you for offering this mod to improve my gameplay experience.
  3. Is there a way to remove the orange suits immunity? Right now thats the only thing that makes me use TACLS instead of this. EDIT: I'm a long time player of KSP, I enjoy improved stock but not a fan of a 100% realism take like FAR and TACLS. But I use orange suits alot and it would add more depth for me if they weren't immune. I mean this is my personal preference and I understand and agree with the choice to make the immune for the mod. But there might be a simple .cfg edit to make them non-immune?
  4. Any reason why the mk16 doesnt completely fit on the mk1 command pod? Meanwhile it's stronger than the mk26 drogue chute which doesn't slow the mk1 command pod down enough, while the mk26 fits ontop the command pod perfectly! Doesn't make much sense to me but other than that the mod looks great! EDIT: CKAN must've given me the wrong version, the mk16 fits perfectly when I downloaded this from github.
  5. Yeah now I got it to work using just stock and the other ones you mentioned. I'm going to re-add the mods that I had earlier and then restart. Will return if I get it to work with my other mods or if I find what the problem is. EDIT: After much testing, I have noted that Orbit + Recovery is a 3 star contract and it requires some reputation before you receive it. That was the problem all along... hehe
  6. I cant be sure. I mean I did a bunch of various contracts hoping it would eventually show up, but it never did. But my prestige still mightve not been high enough, not sure how high it is supposed to be either or if any tech requirements are unmet.
  7. Tried again with only SETIctt and SETIcontracts. Still not getting orbit + recovery after acheiving orbit and manned flight 18km. Is orbit + recovery locked behind some sort of prestige or tech requirement? And yes I've declined over 30 2-star contracts and nothing appeared.
  8. Started a new career, using only SETIctt, SETIcontracts and inside Contractpacks is AnomalySurveyor and Spacetux. After getting into space, getting past 18km manned and achieving orbit I still have not gotten orbit + recovery.
  9. I can start a new one, it's no problem I just want to have the right contractpacks to start with. I'm not sure what the difference is between SETIcontracts and InitialContracts? What about the other contractpacks such as the Anomaly one?
  10. I never got orbit + recovery, I managed to get into space unmanned, unmanned orbit and manned 18km but nothing else. I declined quite a few 2 star contracts now but never got an orbit + recovery contract.
  11. It's the first pic in the album I linked. But here's the direct link: http://i.imgur.com/9NIqTsF.png
  12. I have an issue with the InitialContracts. After I manage to get to orbit there are no more follow up contracts!
  13. Yeah, a re-install did it. Not sure if it was the file or just the re-install. Found the parts, a million thanks!
  14. Could anyone help me modify the .cfg to something harder? I went to the mun and then just escaped the SOI for a kerbin encounter with a periapsis of 30 000km, meaning I was at around 3100m/s when I got into the atmosphere. I had no problems at all, the heatshield went up to 1/3 of the bar. Seems a little too easy (FOR ME).
  15. So where are these landing legs? Can't find them in R&D and not in the hangar either.
  16. I love this mod! Though a few things I feel that needs to be improved is that right now (just like stock) you can practically just deploy a main chute at 500 m without it ripping off. I think that you should have to slow down prior to that and make the main chute just rip off completely if you deploy it at higher speeds to bring some challenge and authenticity. Things like a drogue chute to deploy prior to the main, either main and drogue being together in a duo-staged parachute or seperate parachutes completely.
  17. Never had any issues with re-entry. Does the mod still run even if I don't attach a heatshield to my capsule? Also does any of the parts already have a heatshield with them?
  18. So if I were to land on a slope a little too quickly, what happends compared to stock landing gear? Are there shock absorbers in stock? Are these shock absorbant? Do they adjust to the ground underneath you, like if you're on a slope the ones highest will compress to keep the craft leveled?
  19. Since the heatshield parts for me are locked, "Part model requires an entry purchase in R&D." I'm not sure what to do. What research do I need to do to unlock the heatshields? Does the deadly re-entry script thing still run even if I don't have a heatshield? Does the standard 1 man black pod have an in-built heatshield? I can still do a re-entry with a science lab underneath my pod and it doesn't get blown up, so I'm guessing I don't need a heatshield?
  20. Thanks, I had to look at the first research, I got it now.
  21. Researched parachutes. All parts still say "requires an entry purchase in R&D", I did look around in some add-on threads and saw the same problem. None of the suggested solutions worked for me though. I've tried to add then research and then remove before re-adding again once it's been researched. I've validated the files in steam, clicked on them in R&D and it doesn't work. I have the same problems with the Deadly Re-entry mod and with the heatshields that come along.
  22. Awesome! I just have to tell you that this is my favorite mod and something that I've been hoping for since the 0.14 release which was when I started playing. What is the ETA on that part and that update?
  23. Are all of the moons, planets and bodies mappable in this version? Are all of the artifacts/easter eggs also mapped out on them or are there any undiscovered ones?
  24. I think you misunderstood my questions. 1) I got into an orbit around duna which was very inclined and not around the equator, I want to be able to come into Dunas SOI with a normal inclination around the equator. 2) How am I supposed to know where to fine-tune my approach if I'm not an interception trajectory with Duna even though I have the right Delta-V, Ejection Angle and all that?
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