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  1. I really like the Charts. When i first started with MKS i had trouble getting the idea behind the industries, but visualizing it helped me a great deal. Though you should be trying to bring things in their own Industry closer together, and visualize that there is a reason behind their placement. For example in Link 2, remove Ore-Fuel completely and bring Substrate/Metallic Ore/Minerals and their Product in their own Bubble. Same goes for Rare Metals/Exotic Minerals/Silicats. Also have multiple steps for final product. Material Kits have their use, but also can be turned into Machinery. I haven't played around with the new stuff from Link 3 yet, so I don't know their actual use, but in your Graph, its not very clear what is mined, refined or consumable. I recommend making distinct Rows for Resource, Refined, Product and Final Product. Also don't shy away from using duplicates in the graph. Rather make production lines clearer then trying to link one resource to all things it can be used for.
  2. I've been trying to dock two vessel together with the Construction Ports and using the "Compress (Rotate)" button to fix my awful flying. But I think its rotating along the complete wrong axis. It should have been docked to the left side there, not the Antenna I have been using the Fix Stock Docking Nodes, though I am unsure if that matters. Using KSP 1.12.2, and latest version of all Mod, MKS (Excluding Firespitter, just Core), USI-LS, FTT, Karbonite. Should be no other important Mods but here is my List.
  3. Ran into a little bug with the new Inventory System. My Crew got Grouchy from missing Habitation space from Travelling to a Station. Once at the Station, they become Normal again, but lost their Inventory (EVA Science pack and Jetpack). Its fun trying to catch a free floating Kerbal with a big Stations :O
  4. According to Ckan yes, and double checking the .version file, yes. "VERSION": { "MAJOR": 1, "MINOR": 1, "PATCH": 10, "BUILD": 1 Also while comparing my files with the github release, i have some additional files. I do not think, they are the cause tho. I might try the github files when i have time tommorow.
  5. Heyho, i am getting light spam while being on the Overworld (If you can call that). Everything up to date. > Ignore the other stuff, that is from another mod i am reporting on, the issue already persisted before i used that mod, but while i am already here... I see no actual Problem with the Mod though, Contracts and Strategies Work. The File ""...\GameData\ModuleManager.TechTree"" used to not exist until i installed Community Tech Tree, but i still got the Error. I have Logs and modlist on my Drive. The File "Log without VOID" is the one for Strategie. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1BndrLfhdD_E-kiuUMrPEF5s-IobIfBhp But again, i dont really see a issue with the mod, so it might not be worth looking into.
  6. Hey Linux, i am getting serious Log spam from VOID. These flow many times a Second. While The Debug menu is up, and while i hover over a VOID window OR the RCS Build Aid window, Inside the VAB/SPH, i am getting low FPS. (unrelated?) The FPS is Fine just working in the VAB, and after i uninstalled VOID and ToadicusToolsContinued, there are no issues. All my mods are downloaded via CKAN and updated. EasyVesselSwitch GroundConstruction GroundConstruction-Core KAS KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems KIS PortraitStats RCSBuildAidCont SCANsat Science-Full-Reward Strategia UKS USI-LS ConfigurableContainers ContractConfigurator xScienceContinued ContractConfigurator-FieldResearch CustomBarnKit ModuleManager AT-Utils ConfigurableContainers-Core CommunityResourcePack CommunityCategoryKit CommunityTraitIcons ToolbarController ClickThroughBlocker FirespitterCore USITools USI-Core Konstruction CommunityTechTree KerbalAlarmClock KSTS TransferWindowPlanner VOID ToadicusToolsContinued I threw the log files on my google Drive. If you anything else say so. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZG__3L2G4bMJ-NIAMYDOFxsETkT6SA5u?usp=sharing Thanks for the great mods! -
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