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Everything posted by thewhitemetroid

  1. I would normally just shoot from the hip to go orbital from Kerbin, it's easy enough but this is EA and I wanted to yank the chains on this this to see how it has "improved"...ahem. To further delve down into this I just did an orbital ascent maneuver and used the nodes to plan it. When using the horizontal component to circularize, at just about the moment PE reaches LKO it decays and the AP goes nuts, as if I'm adding a radial component at the same time, hence my question in the opening of this thread. It is confusing because my AP is peaked at (enter LKO # here) and I'm applying a horizontal vector. The orbital planner seems to be including a vertical vector in as well because the orbit starts to behave that way. I don't have too many problems getting into orbit considering the circumstances of the game, but I'm trying to understand if this is a bugged instance of the maneuver node or an aspect of orbital mechanics that I do not understand yet.
  2. I've had this problem with the labradoodle in second stage as well, along with other SAS abnormalities. I haven't been playing as much as you guys so I haven't experienced as many frustrating moments but I have seen enough to know the game is close to broken...not quite, but close. It doesn't make much sense right now to wonder what we are doing wrong. The game isn't ready. Just need some patience and wait for first patch to (hopefully) help smooth out these game breaking problems. Fingers crossed.
  3. Hmm, Thanks. I have been adding a radial component to compensate, but have not tried a higher initial apoapsis. I don't mind increased complexity especially if it is more driven by what occurs in real life, but if that's the case the maneuver node system needs a lot of tweaking because right now it seems very fiddly.
  4. When I did circularization maneuvers from Kerbin in KSP 1 I always attempted to get as circular and specific about my altitude as possible every time, and managed to get very good at it, to the point where I did not need to rely on the maneuver planner to do this. I am having a hard time doing that in KSP 2. My AP keeps going into HKO while PE is barely scraping the atmosphere. For you knowledgeable players out there what's going on here. Is the maneuver node buggy in this specific instance as well or is the calculation just more realistic than KSP 1. My current hypothesis, if this is not a bug, is that it's my current vertical velocity vector that is impacting my final result. I'm burning prograde on the maneuver icon but do to my ascent I still have latent vertical velocity. Did KSP 1 not calculate the orbital circularization maneuver in this way?
  5. Thanks for the update. I'm chomping at the bit to see the improvements. I really hope flight stick and throttle support are coming in this patch too. I know it's on your radar but don't know the priority for it. This game needs it badly...or at least I do!
  6. Does anyone know the standard image size for the flags so I can create a custom one that is not stretched?
  7. Please allow us an option to open and close VAB bay doors. Sometimes Kerbals want to be more connected to nature while they design explody things. Plus vitamin D is essential!
  8. I keep hearing what sounds like a notification in the VAB. I look around the UI for some kind of clue but there is nothing.
  9. Please get rid of the large and intrusive space agency location menu. I do not want to see this in my panorama view of the Kerbal space center, especially since it is redundant because we can very easily highlight and enter the different sections of the space center with a mouse hover. If there is a way to do it already I can't find it.
  10. I would also agree with this. The Dot Matrix UI effect is not a good look, I feel like they were looking for a retro feel but it doesn't really look retro. Maybe offer options for different styles of UI. But what I think absolutely needs to be addressed is the overall look of the UI is not consistent. There is a mix of smooth continuous linework in vivid colors in the same widget with the Dot Matrix effect. Looks bad.
  11. I am excited for interstellar travel and the new possibilities for science!!!
  12. Hello and thanks for developing this mod. I installed this last night among some other mods and noticed that the gas chromatograph mass spectrometer, liquid chromatograph mass spectrometer, and the DT magnetometer from KSP interstellar extended mod have gone missing. Is there a known conflict? I narrowed it down to this mod by removing all and reinstalling one by one. I've looked in the parts config file for ksp interstellar and the items are there and the file is not changed in any way. Thanks for your time.
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