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  1. In ModuleSupplyLine - ChargeForResources and PayFlatFee parameters true/false
  2. Hi! This is really cool to see a classic Mongolfiere in KSP. I think you also may need this to make it even more cool: (for latest HooliganLabs Airships https://spacedock.info/mod/3040/HL Airships Core) @PART[CJHotBall]:NEEDS[HLAirships] { MODULE { name = HLEnvelopePartModule envelopeVolume = 100 envelopeVolumeScale = 40 specificVolumeFractionEnvelope = 0 compressRate = .05 expandRate = .05 minAtmPressure = 0.005 makeStationarySpeedMax = 10 makeStationarySpeedClamp = 0.05 } }
  3. Wild Blue Core - Automatic Supply Line from this ultra-light mod. That's repeatable supply missions. Can be configured to cost money to run. SimpleLogistics allows to set up a resource network in 2km radius and one-time request from it, or plug into it completely (like in USI but without USI). Yes. Sandcastle, will give you modern parts with simpler mechanics. Also Keridian Dynamics and KPBS for smol bases have modern parts. Jade is doing some huge buildings and ISRU structures and foundations but not released yet. You can produce Kerbals by MoarKerbals. FFT gets you fully covered. Exotic engines and ISRU system SpaceDust for them. You still need a beefy PC, specifically fast single-core performance of CPU, and 16-32GB RAM. 4+GB VRAM if you love part packs. Heavily (absolutely) recommended to run KSPCommunityFixes, i'm currently on alpha version and have like 80fps on huge colony scene. Turn on Commnet Throttling in its configs, too, since you're talking satellite network. I've been on a long KSP "vacation" for a while too, it really became cooler. Especially after Kopernicus fixed the interstellar landing gear problems. Having plenty of fun currently, hope you will, too.
  4. That looks exactly like TURD's paint masks.
  5. Hi! I think same. It's a simulator and not all KSP planets are, like, real. I've tried to add my old CPWE flowmap-based config for Jool into MCWS but hitting a strange bug, here is my test case where I try to assign a flowmap from CPWE to Kerbin with no MCWS_PlanetData folder. [WRN 02:38:59.942] [MCWS][WARNING] Unable to load Flowmap object: Could not find a part of the path "E:\KSP1125\MCWS_Test\kerbin_highaltitude_flowmap.png". This is when I set"map = MCWS_Test/kerbin_highaltitude_flowmap.png". The path in log is obviously missing Gamedata folder. But when I add it, like "map = GameData/MCWS_Test/kerbin_highaltitude_flowmap.png", it throws me another error. [WRN 02:31:21.546] [MCWS][WARNING] Unable to load Flowmap object: Could not locate Flowmap at file path: GameData/MCWS_Test/kerbin_highaltitude_flowmap.png . Verify that the given file path is correct. Either way, it doesn't load and I get no wind. Could you please make a sample working config with a flowmap? I can even "donate" you the map itself. https://github.com/hohmannson/jool_surface/blob/mcwsmap/Gamedata/JoolSurface/JoolWindMap.png
  6. Pretty cool and lightweight props! Bug report. MJETF34 and MJEVK1 seem to have wrong bulkhead profile - size0. Expected bulkhead profile - size1 (they are 1.25).
  7. Hi. I don't have Blackrack's Patreon clouds yet. My planet texture(from the poster image) is obscuring the volumetric clouds, or volumetric clouds are obscuring the planet surface? In first case, you'll need to set deactivateAltitude = 300000, fadeStart = 100000, fadeEnd = 250000 in JooI.cfg and the volumetrics should become visible from further away. In second case i can't help you. Based on wiki for those clouds, you'll need to, like, draw new clouds for it. Flowmaps and other stuff.
  8. Theoretically, you can write a patch which will look into MODEL{} node, searching for name of the folder, and if it finds one, apply SR_Ignore tag. May or may not try it later.
  9. I use SRBs from Restock, RestockPlus and PhotonCorp, all seem to look good, seeing proper Waterfall fire and proper smokescreen smoke.
  10. I won't talk for anyone, but it works for me when only having RealPlume and SmokeScreen folders without RealPlumeStock folder. Judging by the structure of patches, it should work like that.
  11. Converted wonderful SMI_Missiles_Launchers X-51 into a normal "civil" vessel
  12. Using science multipliers of the body, maybe? Stock and non-stock bodies have them, they are usually filled by modders based on hardcoreness of the planets https://kopernicus.github.io/wiki/main/Properties/ScienceValues.html
  13. Hi! Great mod. It seems you've got a typo in the name of thread, [0.12.3] is pretty... old, if ever existed
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