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Kim Hanson

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Everything posted by Kim Hanson

  1. Added a picture, see OP. It doesn't seem to be "ALWAYS_SHOW_TARGET_APPROACH_MARKERS" . Set to true in my settings.cfg which reflects a similar (same?) in-game settings checkbox though it is called "Always show closest approach for target". I have searched through settings both within and outside of the game without enlightenment. Thanks for your thoughts 5thHorseman.
  2. KSP 1.9.1 Windows 64 bit Problem: The small broken square with distance shown, seen in flight mode when closing to rendezvous, is missing. Mods: Kerbal Engineer, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Automated Science Sampler -- latest version of each. Reproduction: Nothing special. I just attempt a rendezvous or docking as I normally do, but with 1.9.1 I no longer see the target indicator in flight mode. I must use data from orbit/maneuver window and KER to be looking in the right place. So far this works fine, but I would like to see the indicator back. The following is not my picture but shows what I mean. In the top right quadrant, the yellow box with 12.5 km below it is what I'm missing.
  3. Scott Manley has videos on this too. He uses a slightly different procedure that is possibly more efficient. In the end both work fine.
  4. Something hilarious happened today with ASS. I found out you can turn it off and on! I was getting grumpy because it didn't seem to be doing anything. Then I noticed the animation wasn't working. So I left clicked on it (or was it double click?) and the animation came alive and ASS was finding science for me. I would be embarrassed except I have yet to see any mention of this basic feature; I assumed is was always on.
  5. Although most of the possible actions for a part are fairly obvious or at least easy to figure out, a few are so opaque that I'm gonna need some guidance. Here they are: Same vessel interaction. This occurs on almost all parts and it is complete puzzle to me. Rigid attachment. Again, most parts and baffling. First hop distance. This is seen on communication devices and is informational only. Doesn't seem too important but it would be nice to know what it means. Deploy shielded. Appears on landing struts. Sounds interesting but I see no difference when I toggle the setting. These last 4 have to do with fairings and once again nothing seems to happen when I toggle them. Sides. Can be varied from 2 to 6. Clamshell deploy Truss structure. I assume this makes them stronger. Interstage nodes. If any of the vets could fill me in on these, I would be appreciative.
  6. Microsoft Flight Simulator X did this and more back in 2005. Don't look at Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, you will cry with envy. Squad should be able to do some minimal cities at least.
  7. It's not enough to know your ΔV, you must also know how much ΔV you need. As a noob this is my current stumbling block. I feel I'm fumbling around trying to make a good guess. Needless to say, it doesn't work too often.
  8. The Science Junior! In a million years I never would have guessed that.
  9. I am a noob, been playing only a week. 1.8.1 with KER and Automated Science Sampler. I grabbed what looked like an easy mission. Satellite in equatorial orbit, antenna, power, and "materials bay". It turns out a "service bay" (only thing I had at the time) is not the same as a "materials bay" so I looked through the tech tree and "materials bay" is nowhere to be found. Is this a class of containers and I just have to find one in that class?
  10. DeadJohn, I have a similar issue. In my case things seem fine in flight but at the VAB my numbers are as out of wack as yours. ISP, Thrust, TWR, delta V, and Burn are all much too high in KER. If they were correct, I could send my little orbiter satellite to escape the sun. For the record, I am a noob. I'm running Vanilla 1.8.1 with KER and Automated Science Sampler, so it's quite possible I screwed something up-- except you seem to have the same issue.
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