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Yuriy Istochnikov

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Everything posted by Yuriy Istochnikov

  1. A little questrion: A lot of my ships are based on Titan parts. How can i create a patch for tweakscale while the later is being updated? This, for not mixing versions for mantaining my main launcher online.
  2. Yep. I knew that it was a joke, but the picture shows the Pioneer Veus Orbiter complete finished... hope it can be finished soon.
  3. As LATAMer, i'd take that announce like it was... BUT, when can we have Pioneer Venus on our installs?!
  4. Somebody has a copy of this file? Whan i tried to access, a 404 is displayed
  5. Blasphemy is one of the adjectives i'd use. Not for the C8, but for the insult to the probes part kit. SPECIALLY Nimbus
  6. I think i didn't understand. As i understood, there will be two versions of the Barchetta: the one on the picture and a shorter one. Are they in the new version? That's because i have a lot of kitbashed satellites using Barchetta as base (a lot like the Russian Express 1000N/K/AT satellites), and in a certain type of rocket, i can have three of them on a single launch.
  7. Just a question. Is the "light" version of the Q02M Barchetta live? Or is just this version?
  8. ADORABLE!!!! Can't wait for launching this. Just a question... will you make also the Pioneer-Jupiter combo Orbiter-Probe (Contract NAS-2-6859 seen in your first post i'm quoting), or me should choose between orbiting or a probe?
  9. Another day... another comsat launch: Arenal 3M Using the Arenal 3M for launching a minishuttle Other images, coming soon
  10. Very nice!!! Also i'm waiting for Pioneer Venus... Any plans for complexion? I hope use the entry probes for a very nice "Grand Tour"
  11. A Ultra Long Duration - High DV - Multiplanetary Grand Tour has begun: Parking orbit: 85 * 110 km Intermediate orbit 85 * 1800 km (based on a 2.5x Kerbin System) This is "Grand Tour"... a 7.7 tons, 15 instruments, solar and RTG powered ion engine spacecraft. Currently, this mission has to accomplish 5 maneuvers for getting out of Kerbin's SOI. After that, she's going all the way to Sarnus via Jool. With a dV of 17 km/s, she has enough for doing that with no aligments for gravity assitances.
  12. Will be much appreciated by my munar train Yep. An Atlas E/F With OBA/OSA engines (Called "IRAZÚ" in my game, honoring another volcano and the first satelite of my country), can put (but just barelly) a Lunar Orbiter together a Pioneer 6 with solid engines on a munar transference orbit... Later, i'll post images.
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