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Posts posted by WelshSteW

  1. Hi.

    I've just installed this mod, I didn't have Better Load Save Game installed. When I paused my game, the pause menu looked like this -


    The 'Load Save...' button is actually the save game button.

    So I thought ok, Better Load Save Game sounds good, I'll install that as well and see if it clears things up.

    The pause menu then looked like this -


    So a bit better, but still not right.

    If I pause the game in the KSC view, the pause menu is ok -



    My Player_Log file is here, if needed. (I think that'll work, let me know if it doesn't)

    Umm, what else... I'm playing on Windows 7, using the 64bit version, I have both DLCs, game version 1.9.1.

    I have quite a few other mods installed, but these were added on their own yesterday. I didn't start a new game, I loaded up my career save.

  2. On 1/24/2019 at 7:36 PM, Hoid said:


    I think I found a bug, you may have heard about it, and if so, I'm sorry. 

    From time to time the tooltips that appear when you hover over the settings in the ASS window get "stuck" to your mouse, and don't leave unless you quit the game (I didn't find another method, the tooltip stays even in the main menu).

    I know how to reproduce it. It may not be very scientific, but what I do is:

    1. Launch vessel

    2. Open ASS settings window thing.

    3. Hover over one of the settings until the tooltip appears.

    4. Spam the crap out of left and right click, and move the mouse violently over the entire window.

    5. ???

    6. Profit? (Hopefully)

    I am using the 1.4 version. I did not find any output log files..?

    I hope that somehow points you, through developer magic, to the problem.


    I just had this bug.

    I came here to see if it had been reported, and if there was a fix, but apparently not.

    I did think that if spamming the mouse caused it, that it might also cure it, but I just ended up with two tooltips stuck open!

    I did somehow manage to get rid of one, or at least, I think I did. I may just have had a third one stuck that covered the first two, who knows.


    I'm quite new to this, so what do I need to do to give the creator something to investigate (should he want to)? Is there a log file? If so, where would I find it?



  3. I installed this a while ago, and am loving it so far.


    Just some minor things I've noticed, I think it's the Fly By Minmus mission, the text in the requirements says fly by Mun. I think the same thing might happen elsewhere, but that one sticks out.

    And the Friendship One mission, it says you need a crew of 4 Kerbals, but it will complete even if you have fewer than that.


    Not game breakers by any means, but I thought I'd report them anyway.


    But yeah, really good contract pack &)

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