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Posts posted by WelshSteW

  1. 5 hours ago, Kerbex said:

    I also ran into this.  Bummer, cause I'd like to build a hotel or a casino with a contract.   Whenever launching a craft after doing the investor tour, the camera is flipped on its side and there is no ability to control the vehicle.  Not sure if it's a compatibility issue with some other mod or if it's with the newest version of KSP and Tourism Plus.  Might try to do a fresh save with just contract configurator and tourism plus installed (whatever other dependencies) and see if it happens still.

    I think I may have figured out the issue.


    When you take control of the investor, and he gets into / onto your rover or whatever, it counts as a crew transfer. If this is your first crew transfer, you get the world first notification. This is what breaks things.


    If it's not your first crew transfer, you're ok.

  2. I haven't read all 47 pages, so apologies if these have been mentioned already.


    • An option to generate a new solar system for each game. Different planets, moons etc. I've mentioned this in another thread, but I don't like knowing exactly how much delta-v is required for everything. I'd like to have to discover it, by sending probes or something. It'd increase the replayability for me.
    • Some way of making better (or cooler) ships, and having them be reusable. I know we can build some pretty cool looking ships at the moment, but it's hard work, and it's a bit cheaty with part clipping etc. Being able to have ships with a bit of character, something like in the spoilers below, would be awesome. Even if they only became available later in the game, that'd be fine.
    • Some sort of career mode or a progression mode. The current career mode isn't great, but the idea of it is good, imo. I don't like having access to everything, or knowing everything about the solar system (or galaxy, or universe, depending on how big KSP2 ends up) straight away.











  3. 15 hours ago, AccidentalDisassembly said:

    For anyone else who might have encountered this - on a heavily modded install (so conflicts are possible) of 1.11.1 with newest versions of everything I could get newest versions for, every time I complete the investor tour contract, the next craft I launch cannot be controlled, the camera moves to an unusual position, and basically I can't launch or do anything. Reverting works, but launching fails and entails a very large number of nullrefs from a large number of mods. I've done this on various saves and the common denominator is *always* completing the investor tour, then launching a new craft. I have no idea what's going on, exactly, but just a heads up for anyone else who was as confused as I was by sudden game/save-breaking madness.

    I've had this a few times, but never made the connection to this contract.


    @AccidentalDisassembly it might be a bit late for you now, but you can save the savegame if you've got a recent backup of your persistent.sfs file. Just replace the corrupt one with the backup version.

  4. Hi,

    If I built a really basic rocket in the VAB, like just a Flea with a Stayputnik on top, could this mod tell me how high the thing will reach, assuming a straight upward trajectory, based on how much fuel I put into it?

    And then, could it tell me how high I'd go, and how far along horizontally, if I changed the trajectory angle?

  5. Purely anecdotal, but I also installed this yesterday, and had no toolbar button. I've started KSP again today, and the button is there. No idea why, I haven't changed anything, or installed anything new.

    So my totally unscientific advice would be to exit KSP, restart your PC, and try again.

  6. On 5/16/2020 at 11:08 PM, Clamp-o-Tron said:

    Same problem - tried to force the investor contract to complete with alt-f12, in case that worked, but it didn't.

    @Clamp-o-Tron and @Stamp20 sorry if this is a bit late, but I also had an issue with the hotel and casino contracts not appearing, and I think I've managed to track it down to the antenna requirements.

    If you open the hotel and casino contract cfg files, at the bottom there's a section where it talks about RemoteTech changing the antenna module. I commented that out. I left in the bit about AntennaRange.

    I have no idea why it worked, I don't have RemoteTech installed, so I don't think that bit of code should have mattered.

  7. This is still an unfinished idea, so apologies if it gets a bit rambling, repeats what people have already said, or goes beyond the scope of what this thread was intended for. Also, I'm still fairly new to KSP, I only started playing it a few months ago, and I haven't yet left the Kerbin SOI with a manned vessel, so some of this may just be inexperience. I've also only ever played career mode.


    It seems to me that science is only there as a way to restrict the tech available to you. Doing science doesn't really get you anything more than points to use to unlock the tree. You don't learn anything from it. I have no idea what the point of science is in a sandbox game.

    What I would like is for science to actually result in knowledge. And for that knowledge to be needed to progress Or at least, make it easier to progress.


    For my games I use a mod called Research Bodies. It hides celestial bodies until you find them. You can find them by scanning space with a telescope, or by accepting contracts to search space via the observatory - a new building it places in the KSC. The first option, actively looking for new planets with a telescope, is a pretty good idea. It's the active option, you actually have to point the telescope, and click to take a picture. It's not implemented superbly, it's a bit random, but it's along the lines of science resulting in knowledge. You scan the skies, and gain knowledge of new planets.

    The second option, finding new planets via the observatory, costs you money. Which again, is along the lines of what's being said here by some people. You're investing in your scientists, and gaining knowledge. This is the passive option. You accept the contract, then sit back and wait.


    So to progress, you have to put in a bit of work. The science is actually giving you knowledge.


    If this concept was developed, you could get something really amazing. You'd have to put in work to be able to progress. And finding the planets would just be the first step. Once you've found them, you should have to set up experiments to track them, so you can calculate how far away they are, how big they are, what the orbits are like...

    And you could have a system where the longer you've studied a planet, the more you know, and the more accurate the knowledge would be. Only just started studying Duna? Then you know it's further away from Kerbol than you, and you can guess that it's between 400km and 900km in diameter - for example. You wouldn't know what it looked like, what it's made of, whether it has moons.... until you study it more, or send probes etc.

    Some knowledge could be such that it's only available via experiments performed on location. Or from long term experiments rather than single run, snapshot type experiments.


    Also, and I may lose some of you here, but if the system you're playing in had a bit of randomness, you also wouldn't know how much delta-v you needed to reach the planets, orbit, and land. I like the suggestion above, from Brikoleur, about having a simulator to help plan missions. And if that simulator had only the knowledge you'd gained from your observations and experiments, it could give you an estimation of the delta-v required. Further simulations would be improved when more knowledge is added. But you wouldn't know for sure until you actually go to each planet, and each moon.

    As I said above, I'm yet to leave Kerbin's SOI with a manned vessel - and I'm actually yet to orbit every planet with an unmanned vessel - but I know how much delta-v I need to land on every planet and moon already. I'm not going to learn anything from actually doing it. There's no risk to the Kerbals I send. I know exactly what's needed to get there and back. So what's the point, really? It's just a long version of going to Mun, or Minmus. (That's an exaggeration for the sake of making a point, sorry)

    If the systems were randomised, you'd have the exhilaration of exploring the unknown. You wouldn't be able to go online and see what delta-v you needed, or what resources where there, or what the planets looked like. You'd actually have to go there with a vessel and see it for yourself. And there'd be risk in doing that. You might underestimate the requirements, and strand you Kerbals there. You might miss entirely, and not get an encounter. You may have thought the atmosphere was thinner than it was, or vice versa. You might have thought the surface was solid enough to land on, but when you get there you find out it isn't. You might have been relying on there being a resource you can mine to provide fuel for the return journey...

    And of course you'd have the thrill of being the first person to see what the planet or moon actually looked like, up close. All of that is lost with a fixed system to play in - or at least it will be, once the game has been released for a few weeks.

  8. Heavy. All.



    [x] Science! Continued (xScienceContinued 5.26)
    All Y'All (AllYAll 1:0.11.19)
    Astronomer's Visual Pack (AstronomersVisualPack 2:v4.05)
    Astronomer's Visual Pack-4k Textures (AVP-4kTextures v1.11)
    AT Utils (AT-Utils v1.9.5)
    Automated Science Sampler (AutomatedScienceSampler 1.3.5-KSP1.8)
    B9 Part Switch (B9PartSwitch v2.16.0)
    BetterBurnTime (BetterBurnTime 1.10)
    BetterCrewAssignment (BetterCrewAssignment 1.4)
    Breaking Ground (BreakingGround-DLC 1.4.1)
    Chatterer (Chatterer 0.9.99)
    ClickThrough Blocker (ClickThroughBlocker 1:
    Community Category Kit (CommunityCategoryKit
    Community Resource Pack (CommunityResourcePack
    Community Tech Tree (CommunityTechTree 1:3.4.1)
    Contract Configurator (ContractConfigurator 1.28.2)
    Contract Pack: Kerbal Academy (ContractConfigurator-KerbalAcademy 1.1.10)
    Contract Pack: Tourism Plus (ContractConfigurator-Tourism 1.5.2)
    Contract Parser (ContractParser 9.0)
    Contracts Window + (ContractsWindowPlus 9.4)
    Craft Manager (CraftManager 1.2.0)
    Dated QuickSaves (DatedQuickSaves
    Distant Object Enhancement Continued (DistantObject v2.0.0.2)
    Distant Object Enhancement Continued default config (DistantObject-default v2.0.0.2)
    Earn Your Stripes! (EarnYourStripes 4.0.2)
    Environmental Visual Enhancements (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 2:EVE-1.8.0-2)
    Epic Space Program (ContractConfigurator-EpicSpaceProgram 0.5)
    Firespitter Core (FirespitterCore v7.15)
    Flight Tracker (FlightTracker
    Global Construction Core (GroundConstruction-Core 2.6.4)
    KEI (KEI
    Kerbal Alarm Clock (KerbalAlarmClock v3.13.0.0)
    Kerbal Changelog (KerbalChangelog v1.3.0)
    Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEngineerRedux
    Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Next (KerbalJointReinforcementNext v4.1.15)
    KerboKatzUtilities (KerboKatzUtilities 1.5.2-KSP1.8)
    Konstruction (Konstruction
    kOS: Scriptable Autopilot System (kOS 1:
    KS3P (KS3P V6.1)
    KXAPI (KXAPI 1.2.0)
    MagiCore (MagiCore
    Making History (MakingHistory-DLC 1.9.1)
    MechJeb 2 (MechJeb2
    MechJeb and Engineer for all! (MechJebForAll
    Module Manager (ModuleManager 4.1.4)
    Near Future IVA Props (NearFutureProps 1:0.6.2)
    PlanetShine (PlanetShine
    PlanetShine - Default configuration (PlanetShine-Config-Default
    Progress Parser (ProgressParser 11.0)
    REPOSoftTech-Agencies (REPOSoftTech-Agencies V1.5.7.0)
    ResearchBodies (ResearchBodies 2:V1.11.0.0)
    ReStock (ReStock 1.1.2)
    ReStock+ (ReStockPlus 1.1.2)
    Routine Mission Manager (RoutineMissionManager 1:0.4.0)
    SCANsat (SCANsat v20.2)
    scatterer (Scatterer 3:v0.0610)
    Scatterer Default Config (Scatterer-config 3:v0.0610)
    Scatterer Sunflare (Scatterer-sunflare 3:v0.0610)
    Science - Full Reward! (Continued) (Science-Full-Reward v5.1)
    Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux (StationPartsExpansionRedux 1.3.5)
    Tarsier Space Technology with Galaxies Continued... (TarsierSpaceTechnologyWithGalaxies 1:7.10)
    TextureReplacer (TextureReplacer v4.2)
    Toolbar Controller (ToolbarController 1:
    TooManyOrbits (TooManyOrbits
    TriggerAu Flags (TriggerAu-Flags v2.10.0.0)
    USI Core (USI-Core
    USI Kolonization Systems (MKS/OKS) (UKS 1:
    USI Life Support (USI-LS
    USI Tools (USITools
    Waypoint Manager (WaypointManager
    Zero MiniAVC (ZeroMiniAVC 1:


    I only have one active save, a career game using these mods. I'm still on 1.9.1 at the moment.

  9. @Ceromancy This mod works fine for me on 1.9. and it worked fine in 1.8 as well.

    Are you turning it on? The icon on the toolbar should be coloured, and animated. If it looks like the icon in Avera9eJoe's post above, it's not turned on. And are you selecting the correct options? It'll only run the experiments you tell it to.


    The only issue is the sticky tooltip, which is rare enough that it's certainly not a game breaker.

  10. 3 hours ago, Master39 said:

    KSP career mode relies mostly on abstract entities and systems implementing their effect on the game without actually having them. Rescue and resource transfer contracts are a great example of this since there is no actual other player or agency requiring those services.

    KSP2 won’t need this level of abstraction and that’s why the devs are trying to distance the game from concepts like “contracts”, “career” and “science” using instead terms like “missions”, “progression” and “adventure”.


    Let’s take as an example of this the resources/fuels confirmed to be in the game:

    • Ore (seen in the last video)
    • Uranium (seen in the last video)
    • Liquid Fuel
    • Oxidizer
    • Monoprop
    • Xenon
    • Some sort of food (we can see some greenhouses in the last video)
    • Nukes for the orion
    • Fusion fuel for the fusion engines
    • Metallic hydrogen
    • Doped metallic hydrogen

    All of these will need to be mined, refined or manufactured and transferred between bases and stations.

    We’ll have to orbitally scan bodies to find deposits, build mining bases and means to transfer the mined resources to the places where they’re used.


    The stations and bases will also become useful, we’ll have all sorts of them around, just to cite the few confirmed different kinds of buildings/bases:

    • Mines
    • Farms
    • Factories
    • Scientific outposts
    • Colonies
    • Nurseries 
    • Off-Kerbin launch centers
    • Orbital shipyards

    All of them with their crew, life support and supply lines (the automation of “milk runs” system) to manage. There’s no need for abstract contracts, “missions” will likely be based on the thing you’ve actually built.

    They seem to be putting a lot more effort in this “progression” mode than science or career ever got.


    Edit: rewritten the entire comment, I put the old text in a spoiler for reference.

      Reveal hidden contents


    KSP1 career mode is mostly a system to implement the effects of other entities/systems without having them in the game such as rescue missions without other agencies or players, satellite contacts were you get to design and keep the satellite or resource transport missions with no actual use or sense (extract ore from Eve and bring it to Gilly).

    KSP2 won't need that.

    Resource extraction? Just remaining in the confirmed things you'll have:

    • Ore (as seen in the last video)
    • Uranium (as seen in the last video)
    • Liquid Fuel or analogue (from KSP1)
    • Monoprop or analogue (from KSP1)
    • Xenon or analogue (from KSP1)
    • Some sort of food resource (you can see greenhouses in the last video)
    • Nukes (for the already shown Orion engines)
    • Fusion fuel (for the already shown fusion engines)
    • Metallic hydrogen (for the already shown engines)
    • Doped metallic hydrogen (as above)

    All those resources will require (if they just work as KSP1 Ore) orbital scanning, surface scanning, extraction, transportation and refinement/manifacture before being used.

    You'll have new kind of bases with new uses, just remaining in the confirmed ones:

    • Mines (already present in KSP1)
    • Farms (greenhouses shown in the last video)
    • Factories
    • scientific / exploration outposts
    • colonies
    • nurseries
    • launch centers
    • orbital shipyards

    And on top of that we have the confirmation of Life support (at least some) and supply lines (automation of "milk runs"), you'll have plenty to do even without KSP1's abstract contracts, whole new sets of infrastructure to build and technologies to unlock.

    On top of that they confirmed you'll still have "mission" if you want to do them. Why "mission" and not "contracts"? For the same reason they keep using different worlds like "progression" or "adventure" to describe  whatever mode they're designing to replace KSP1 career/science, to avoid creating expectations on how those system will work.

    One thing is sure: they're giving progression a lot more thought than they ever did with career and sicence.




    Career mode, right now, with a / some good contract pack(s), is brilliant. Not for everyone, sure; I understand that. But why take it away from the people who do like it?

    It may turn out that this new adventure mode is the absolute b*ll*cks, and that I love it more than career mode. I'm open to that possibility. But I'm concerned I'm losing something I know I love, and getting something that I might love. Which is why I'd prefer the adventure mode to be a third alternative, rather than a direct replacement.


    At the moment, I can start my space program, and have outside agencies contact me and offer me money, to carry out a contract / mission for them. Or tourists approach me and offer me money to fly them somewhere, or take them into orbit.

    How's that going to work in this new adventure mode? Is an outside agency going to offer me ore? Or uranium? Is a tourist going to offer me the same??

    I don't understand how it's going to work*. I fully accept that if I want to set up a base, or a station, or something, it'd be a great addition to the game to make it require resources**. And if I want to expand that base, I should be able to gather resources from wherever, and expand the base in situ, rather than flying everything out from KSC. That bit of the new mode, if I've understood everything and that's what's happening, will be great. 

    Again, all I'm saying is that it could be added as another option, and keep the current career mode as another option.


    Sorry for labouring my point.



    *and that's the big thing. We don't know. Maybe as details are released it'll become clearer, but right now, for me at least, it doesn't look good.


    **I know there are mods that'll do this right now.

  11. I don't know how detailed you can make the surfaces, but there's basically no difference between deserts, ice caps, tundra etc. other than the colour of the ground. You don't sink into soft ground, you don't slide about on ice...

    There are no densely forested areas, no swampy areas... where landing would be a problem.

    A cave system or two might be fun, considering how popular the Mohole is. Plus if weather could be simulated, it could serve as a shelter for a base. If wind was a thing you could use it for power generation.

    And some running water could be good. You could use it to set up hydroelectric generation for example. A river could sweep away a light rover that tried to cross it...


    Obviously not all planets will have these types of features, maybe just Kerbin I suppose, but even then at least it's give you a reason to explore your home planet.

  12. Hi.

    I've just installed this mod, I didn't have Better Load Save Game installed. When I paused my game, the pause menu looked like this -


    The 'Load Save...' button is actually the save game button.

    So I thought ok, Better Load Save Game sounds good, I'll install that as well and see if it clears things up.

    The pause menu then looked like this -


    So a bit better, but still not right.

    If I pause the game in the KSC view, the pause menu is ok -



    My Player_Log file is here, if needed. (I think that'll work, let me know if it doesn't)

    Umm, what else... I'm playing on Windows 7, using the 64bit version, I have both DLCs, game version 1.9.1.

    I have quite a few other mods installed, but these were added on their own yesterday. I didn't start a new game, I loaded up my career save.

  13. On 1/24/2019 at 7:36 PM, Hoid said:


    I think I found a bug, you may have heard about it, and if so, I'm sorry. 

    From time to time the tooltips that appear when you hover over the settings in the ASS window get "stuck" to your mouse, and don't leave unless you quit the game (I didn't find another method, the tooltip stays even in the main menu).

    I know how to reproduce it. It may not be very scientific, but what I do is:

    1. Launch vessel

    2. Open ASS settings window thing.

    3. Hover over one of the settings until the tooltip appears.

    4. Spam the crap out of left and right click, and move the mouse violently over the entire window.

    5. ???

    6. Profit? (Hopefully)

    I am using the 1.4 version. I did not find any output log files..?

    I hope that somehow points you, through developer magic, to the problem.


    I just had this bug.

    I came here to see if it had been reported, and if there was a fix, but apparently not.

    I did think that if spamming the mouse caused it, that it might also cure it, but I just ended up with two tooltips stuck open!

    I did somehow manage to get rid of one, or at least, I think I did. I may just have had a third one stuck that covered the first two, who knows.


    I'm quite new to this, so what do I need to do to give the creator something to investigate (should he want to)? Is there a log file? If so, where would I find it?



  14. I installed this a while ago, and am loving it so far.


    Just some minor things I've noticed, I think it's the Fly By Minmus mission, the text in the requirements says fly by Mun. I think the same thing might happen elsewhere, but that one sticks out.

    And the Friendship One mission, it says you need a crew of 4 Kerbals, but it will complete even if you have fewer than that.


    Not game breakers by any means, but I thought I'd report them anyway.


    But yeah, really good contract pack &)

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