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Posts posted by WelshSteW


    7 hours ago, metacognate said:

    Really? I paid for Kerbal Space Program with the promise that all future content would be included.

    But it looks like, if I want to access the future content you are creating, I will have to pay for the game again. This is pretty dishonest behavior from a publisher. And it's not in line with your original vision for the game.  Early adopters of KSP should be given the content you are developing.

    Not cool to just slap a "2" on your new expansions and pretend it's something different for money.


    But this isn't extra content for KSP, it's a new game?


    Do none of the other games you play have sequels? Do you think you should get those for free as well??


  2. On 7/29/2022 at 5:19 PM, BowlerHatGuy2 said:

    Musics fire. Kinda wish we saw the engine running tho :(


    On 7/29/2022 at 8:24 PM, Ahres said:

    Shoutout to Howard Mostrom. Man I can't wait to hear the full soundtrack. I noticed this track has some extra percussion than we've heard in the past. It sounds really good. Combined with the visuals it's going to be so incredible. The opening shot of the Pol Show & Tell still gets me. 


    I know this is a video to show off the engine, but the music really stood out to me as well. This game is going to sound amazing :D 

  3. On 6/21/2022 at 2:02 PM, Vl3d said:

    What do you think about the Starfield features revealed by the gameplay videos and photos - as compared to KSP2?

    I'm not comparing genres - only "apples to apples", things that KSP also has: ship building features, base building, celestial body environment, ship IVA and third person HUD features.

    Also remember: Starfield players cannot actively pilot their ships to a planet's surface

    Ship Building (with details here & here):

      Reveal hidden contents




    Base building and resources (details here):

      Reveal hidden contents



    Exploration & environment (details about planets here):

      Reveal hidden contents





    Ship IVA / flight deck / HUD (but no seamless spaceflight):

      Reveal hidden contents



    Clearly KSP2 is doing something amazing that technically has never been done before (even before speaking of the multiplayer aspects).

    "An update on Kerbal Space Program 2 and how we're enabling players to travel from planet A orbiting star B to planet C orbiting star D, continuously, without any loading screens, pauses, faked out transitions, "warp drives", or other trickery. We're simulating a multi-light-year spanning 3D volume at a sub-millimeter level of resolution, and enabling players to travel to any point in that space if they can build a ship capable of making the journey. Unprecedented in gaming." - Paul Furio, the Senior Engineering Manager at Private Division



    I'll actually try to answer the question, something which not many have done :D I'll make it very clear that obviously I haven't played KSP2, so there's a lot of assumptions for how it might do things, and I haven't played Starfield, so I'm basing this purely on the details in the original post of this thread.


    Ship building

    It looks like KSP2 has made a bit of progress compared to KSP1, but I still think the ships produced will be very generic. I don't know if we'll be able to make interesting looking ship through clipping parts, and having parts overlapping as in KSP1. If we can't, that'll make things even more generic. If we can, it's still a poor way to build things. I guess we'll be able to download mods which have new parts in them. But in general, I don't hold out much hope for ship building in KSP2.

    The ship building in Starfield looks pretty good. It seems as though you're able to make ships that look interesting and cool, and it looks like you can colour them however you want.

    I'd give the Ship Building round to Starfield.


    Base building and resources

    This looks like it could be great fun in KSP2. I know we haven't seen an awful lot of it, but it was fairly decent in KSP1, and it's supposed to be a major part of the game in KSP2, so I have high hopes for it.

    This part of Starfield seems like it could be a bit simplistic? It looks like it's a basic 'select the building you want, then click where you want it'? It also sounds as though you wouldn't be able to set up a base near anything that isn't flat-ish terrain, something which doesn't look like it'd be a problem in KSP2.

    Resources will probably be similar in both games. They're there, you have to collect them. Not sure there's much more detail than that for either game?

    I'd give the Base building and resources round to KSP2.


    Exploration & environment

    This is an interesting one. I know people have gotten excited about something that was said in one of the KSP2 videos, about a pixel of light being a system you can visit, but I think that may have been misunderstood. I don't think every pixel of light will be somewhere you can travel. I think there will be multiple systems, and they'll be different and interesting, but I don't think travel between them will be very common. The fact you're meant to travel to a new system, and then set up a new space centre, means that once you're in a system, you'll use that space centre as you would use Kerbin Space Centre  for exploring the Kerbol system. I also expect resources to be available in every system, so you want need to transport stuff from one system to another. Again, I don't know this will be how it works, because I haven't played it, but that's what I think at the moment.

    The planets that we've seen in the videos so far look amazing. I'd like some features that don't seem to be there, cave systems, flowing water, weather, different surface types and properties (ice should be slippery, boggy ground should be soft and have ships sinking....).

    Having said all of that, I don't know what the planets in Starfield will be like either! It looks like there will be other species in Starfield, so that's a plus. KSP2 probably won't have anything other than some basic trees and plants. Starfield says it'll have over 100 systems, and over 1000 planets, so I guess there's some procedural stuff going on. The pictures look pretty good, but I don't see it as anything ground-breaking.


    Probably the closest round, I'm going to call this one a draw.


    Ship IVA / flight deck / HUD

    I'm not sure I'm qualified to comment on this too much, I very rarely (if ever) use IVA mode in KSP. I'm just not interested in it. Not when in space, not when driving rovers. It just isn't something I care about. I don't take Kerbals out for walks other than to plant a flag, drop some experiments, or move from a base to a rover.

    So I'll call this a 'no contest' round. Sorry.


    I think I posted somewhere before that an early access / demo version would be good. Something really simple, just to show off the new UI. Limited parts, a system of just Kerbin, or maybe Kerbin and Mun.


    Probably a bit early for it at the moment, but something like that about 6months from release would be fantastic, imo.


  5. Just now, TheOrbitalMechanic said:

    I think the next feature video is due to come out in September, so I can't imagine anything too substantial will happen until then.

    And really, I feel like anything they could put out now would only increase doom and gloom among that specific crowd. "A 30-second video of a rocket taking off from Kerbin? No wonder the game got delayed until 2023, it's obvious they haven't designed anything beyond the most basic game mechanics!"


    :D good point!


  6. 10 hours ago, darthgently said:

    Me: Objection, Speculative! 

    Hizzhonor:  Sustained.

    It isn't that you couldn't have a point, it is that feeding the faint of heart after midnight makes them transform into gloom-posters.  Nobody wants something from scratch.  They all want KSP classic, but B.E.T.T.E.R., lol


    This is exactly it. Which is why I hope the devs aren't getting caught up in making KSP2 perfect. It doesn't have to be. It can be improved with patches, DLC, or it could even be followed at some point by KSP3. I said this in the thread with the timing update, but please don't aim for perfection. Just make it better than KSP1. It doesn't have to release with everything in place. I'm not interested in 100s of new planets, that can come later. Lots of little steps is better and easier than a few giant leaps.



    Am I reading too much into this -



    Own and operate Intercept Studios, based in Seattle, a team charged with working on games set in the Kerbal universe


    Or does that sound to other people as though KSP2 might not be the only Kerbal game being worked on right now?


  8. 7 minutes ago, PlutoISaPlanet said:

    Is the planned release date 2022 on the steam page new?

    Also the website update has a pic of ksp 1 for interstellar travel, which is strange.

    This doesn't look real to me. The language on the bottom doesn't seem 'professional'. Also the chart doesn't make much sense. Also I dont want to wait until next year for KSP 2.


    I can't say for 100%, but I'm fairly certain I've never seen a data on there before. As far as I can remember it's always just been 'coming soon'.


    I'm really excited now. I reckon today's the day that we get a release date, or at the very least a confirmation that it is indeed still releaseing in 2022.


  9. 3 hours ago, Ahres said:

    Can you elaborate on this for me? Because it’s interesting and I don’t know how to see for myself. 


    3 hours ago, Gargamel said:

    But you’re on a forum dedicated to rocket launches.... how do you not know what a countdown is?    ;p

    I’m intrigued too. 


    I'm not an expert, but I think if you look at the source code for the webpage (you can right click on the page, and choose 'view page source' or 'view source' or something similar), you can do a search for the word 'timer' and you can see there are bits of code where it says stuff like 'launching in X days', 'launching in X hours'...

    So it looks like the code is in place for a countdown.


    I'm taking this as really good news. You wouldn't update the website if the game was aaaaages away, would you?? I'm going to put my money* on something happening today.



    Just now, stephensmat said:

    What does 1H mean in this context? First Quarter?


    1st half, I would have thought.



    How to inflate hype around a game, prior to release?


    'Leak' a fake snippet of a report showing the game will be delayed. This will get the fanbase up in arms, threads on forums will be created, discussion / arguments will ensue.

    When the real report is released, have the release date in it. Have the release date surprisingly close. This will create shock and excitement, forum threads will explode, chatter around the game will be crazy. Fans will be hyped.


    I mean, we can hope, right??



    @linuxgurugamer Hiya.


    I've just had an issue with DatedQuickSaves, which looks to be related to the new 'rename' option. Basically, it wasn't working. Whenever I did an F5 and then an F9, I got an on screen message saying 'quicksave Does Not Exist'. If I turn off the rename option in the settings, everything is fine. It looks as if the quickload is still looking for the quicksave.sfs file, even though it's been renamed.


    Not a game breaker or anything, just thought I'd let you know.


  12. 2 hours ago, Vl3d said:

    The devs mentioned a number of times that multiplayer is a fundamental part of the design architecture of the new game and that making multiplayer work was THE most challenging feature of the game.

    Not one of, but "THE central technical challenge of this game was the overhaul of the architecture that is required to facilitate multiplayer" (Nate, Purdue Space Podcast, 38:00).

    I cannot emphasize this idea enough. KSP2 is fundamentally built for multiplayer, but will also allow single player DRM free gameplay.


    Selfishly, I kind of hope this isn't true. I hope nothing of the single player game has been compromised in order to crowbar multiplayer in. I say selfishly, because I know some people really really want multiplayer, but for me, I'll never use it.



    All the signs are that the marketing will kick up a notch fairly soon.


    The little hidden picture thing in the videos is complete, the little sequence at the end of the videos looks like it will be done when the next video is released. To me, that means that the pre-build up is done, and the marketing campaign for release will start.


    We just have to have a little more patience. Just a little bit. We've made it this far, another month or so shouldn't be too much. I honestly believe that's all it'll be. It's coming, and it's coming soon.


  14. 5 minutes ago, darthgently said:

    Yes, but this is not in KSP 1.  Maybe it is just a visual texture pattern or maybe it has a 3d shape like a craft, but either way, maybe we will see this "effect" from craft and maybe even Kerbals will leave footprints and rovers will leave tracks.  I have mixed feelings about this.  As long as the extent of the effect depends on available resources and doesn't alter frame rate overly much I'm ok with it


    Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have terrain deformation. I'm not arguing against it being in the game, I just don't think that clip shows it.


    I think I've posted this somewhere else, but all of the colonisation stuff we've seen has had structures built around terrain, rather than terrain changed to accomodate structures. I know that's on a much larger scale than footprints or impact damage, but if the mechanics of deformation are there, I'd imagine they could be used for terraforming as well as footprints and impact damage.


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