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Misguided Kerbal

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Everything posted by Misguided Kerbal

  1. At our school our filters are more lax, only the pictures hosted on discord are blocked. Which is a shame, since some people prefer to post on discord instead of imgur.
  2. I'm on the forums quite often during school since I tend to be an early finisher. If we're working on any assignment with a laptop and I'm done, I'll just start endlessly browsing the forums or checking up on some mission report.
  3. That's what's coming next! While I'm mainly focusing on the manned missions here, I do want to have a good mix of probes. Next chapter should have the first satellite in orbit, if all goes well.
  4. This one is a bit long, and might be slightly boring. To be fair, Mercury-Redstone wasn't the most exciting program. However, since this is complete, bigger, better missions will be coming up soon! Chapter 2 "Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down? That's not my department, says Wernher Von Braun." - Tom Lehrer
  5. I've finally discovered that I could change FOV with the alt key. I never realized what a huge difference it made. Anyway, here's my latest (first!) mission in my latest playthrough:
  6. hahahahahah rampant procrastination insues. TUBM enjoys soup.
  7. Today I completed the first launch of my new JNSQ playthrough. The rocket is, as I'm sure you guys can tell, based on the Mercury-Redstone launch vehicle. It's a pretty simple launch really, go up, turn at the clouds, eject the spent booster. However, I've finally discovered the magic of changing the fov with the alt key. For some reason I've just never done it before? But now, since I have it, I plan to use it a lot. I hope nobody minds the image spam. Gotta love the amazing waterfall plume there. Jeb becomes the first kerbal to reach space! Not for long though, a few minutes later he's plummeting back through the atmosphere. During descent the capsule reaches an overwhelming 15 gees, which I never expected. Somehow, nothing broke (I'm using BARIS). And splashdown! Jebediah Kerman, first kerbal in space!
  8. I meant to get this out on the same day as the prelude, but I started messing with some mods. Long story short, we have a few more mods to add to the modlist! Most notable are BARIS and Snacks, since I decided I needed more of a challenge. I think it'll be quite interesting to see how it goes since I've never really played with life support or failures before. Chapter 1 "The rocket will free man from his remaining chains, the chains of gravity which still tie him to this planet." - Wernher Von Braun
  9. Yeah, I was wondering if there was a 'cleaner' way to do it, like if someone else had already had the same thought as me and there was some preexisting patch. Anyway, to get the IVA to point to the Mk3 Passenger internal I just grab that filename from the Mk3 cfg, right?
  10. Prelude "We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard." - John F. Kennedy
  11. Look ma, I made a new banner! S T A R B O U N D Introduction Oh boy, here we go again! I'm Misguided Kerbal, and here I am starting but yet another mission report (hopefully, of course, we'll manage to actually see this one through to completion!) I've been meaning to complete a full JNSQ playthrough for quite a while now, so I am seriously quite excited for this. This playthrough, of course, will be in the titular JNSQ - sandbox mode, but with my own personal restrictions, as I really do dislike the grind of Science and Career mode and would much rather prefer to be able to just do my own thing. This vision of the Kerbalverse is all entirely of my own personal interpretation, of course - although you'll definitely spot strong influences from real (primarily American, for rather obvious reasons, I suppose) programs and projects I greatly admire, such as Raptor9's absolutely spectacular craft catalog and the like. I'll be playing with BARIS, which, despite all the trouble it's given me (which, I suppose, is actually it just functioning properly...), I still do consider it the overall pinnacle of part failure mods, along with Snacks! - combined, I do think this adds quite a reasonably Kerbalized amount of mild challenge, for the sake of just general flavor and enjoyment and all that, et cetera, et cetera. So what exactly are we doing here? Great question, narrating voice in my head superimposed into the perspective of you, the dear reader! The aspirational end goal: land a kerbal on every single body in the JNSQ system, and thoroughly document all of the trials and tribulations experienced in the process. We'll see how it goes. Restrictions Modlist Completed Missions Chapters Prelude Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 A huge thanks to everyone who's supported this mission report of mine! Here's to many more (hopefully, on-time) chapters to come!
  12. I've wanted to make a variant of the Mk 1-3 Command Pod to carry 5 Kerbals instead of just 3, but I'm not quite sure how to approach this. Ideally it would be another part using the same model but Mk 1-5 instead of Mk 1-3. I'm not sure how exactly to do this, and was wondering if maybe there are better alternatives out there. Thanks.
  13. Welp, after deleting the MM cache everything is showing up turns out i forgot to install the KSC extended folder Thanks for your help!
  14. Welp I seem to have a new problem. I've had the suits being weird and stuff problem, so I did this. However, it's decided to not work anymore and even Kerbals who by default are hero = False have the suit mangling. Edit: I spoke too early again - I turned off personalise suits and that fixed it.
  15. I did that and an issue I had with TextureReplacer is now working, but Kerbal Konstructs still doesn't seem to be working. Edit: The regular JNSQ launchsites are all working, it's just KSC extended that doesn't show up.
  16. Hello, I'm not quite sure if this is a Kerbal Konstructs problem or a KSC extended problem, but since Kerbal Konstructs is showing up ingame, I'm going to assume the problem stems from here. So I've been attempting to get KSC extended working in my 1.12.3 JNSQ install but to no avail. Kerbal Konstructs shows up in-game, but no statics ever appear. I was wondering what I could do to fix this? Player.log:
  17. Not yet, I'll try that Edit: The problem has been fixed, turns out some unrelated mod problem was breaking TextureReplacer. Everything's working now.
  18. Hi, I've been working on a new 1.12 install specifically with JNSQ, and ground scatter is simply refusing to work. It just doesn't show up, but if you zoom out you can see the shadows where scatter is supposed to be. I also have parallax installed, so I was wondering if this was simply an existing mod conflict. I can upload logs and stuff if necessary, thanks.
  19. I'm trying to get TextureReplacer to work on an 1.12.3 install but it simply just refuses to switch on. It appears in game, but it never activates. I've tried both the default TR head pack and Benjee10's Head pack but they both don't apply anything to the kerbals.
  20. I did downgrade to the latest v0.07xx and removed Ad Astra and it's working, but there's some weird flickering at Jool and Lindor.
  21. I've decided to finally move to 1.12.3, so I've been working on a new mod install and I've been having some issues with (what I think) is scatterer. This is a heavily modded install, using JNSQ and Ad Astra. I'm not quite sure of the root cause of this problem. Also, it's not just the orbit rendering, from the ground rendering is like this too. There's a similar issue without Ad Astra, where Jool and Eve just become outlines. Mods: I'm on a Macbook Pro M1, and using the latest freshly downloaded versions of all these mods (I think). Player.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/160t8TM-hn24gfWn6YSRS1Ii1WIHlqd9p/view?usp=sharing
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