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Everything posted by si2504

  1. Not necessarily the mod, I'd be happy being able to place the struts using the stock inventory, I just have no idea how to do it. Thanks I'll give it a try
  2. Yeah the issue is also, in order to add a strut to a kerbals stock inventory, you have to remove both the parachute and the EVA jetpack as otherwise it won't let you transfer as the inventory volume is too much. But then without the EVA pack, how can you maneuver around a ship. But even then, when it's in the inventory, I have no idea how you actually use the strut and place it on a part.
  3. Help a brother out guys, I'm going out my mind. For the life of me i cant figure out how to add additional struts to a ship in orbit. I have KIS installed, I have KAS installed, and i have some EAS-4 struts in a craft inventory that I want to take out and add to the ship. I cant transfer to a Kerbal, they just wont transfer to their inventory. how on earth is this done please?
  4. how can I improve the strength of joints in KJR? is there anything I can adjust in the config.XML file? unstableness is a very big issue with big rockets and ships in RSS, so much wobble in joints, even with added struts.
  5. Is there any reason that the parallax textures & configs for KSRSS would not be cross compatible with RSS with a bit of config file tweaking to the textures etc to direct the shader loader to the right location? Curious as I have two games, a KSRSS and a RSS. thanks
  6. Any plans for Parallax implementation?
  7. what planet pack mods is this compatible with? I'm guessing RSS isn't one of them? thanks
  8. I believe this is the rigid module: https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/StationPartsExpansionRedux/blob/dev/GameData/StationPartsExpansionRedux/Parts/Rigid/station-375/sspx-habitation-375-1.cfg and this is the extendable centrifuge: https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/StationPartsExpansionRedux/blob/dev/GameData/StationPartsExpansionRedux/Parts/Extendable/extendable-375/sspx-expandable-centrifuge-375-1.cfg
  9. That doesn't explain the rigid modules though that DO have crew capacity as default...
  10. This is with the station parts expansion mod parts. So yes the inflatable centrifuge, such as the big gemini one. But it does say it even though it is deployed, so not in it's default undeployed state. It also said it whilst trying to transfer between a command pod (mki-iii) and the hitchhiker crew module, which I believe may also be part of the station parts expansion, I can't quite remember.
  11. Does anybody have a solution to an issue I am experiencing. When I am trying to transfer Kerbals between modules, I get a red error message pop up saying "part-xxx doesn't have personal inventory space". thank you
  12. not sure if this is still the relevant thread or the RO thread, but for me, when i use a Xenon tank and increase the size, at first the XenonGas volume increases along with size, but as soon as the part leaves the VAB, it is reverted back to the max volume of the standard size at 747.5 units, even though the size of the tank has increased. What would cause this? any connection to using SMURFF along side it? although its only Xenon tanks that are affected, no others.
  13. There seems to be an issue within RO Capsules, specifically the "LEM" part configs folder. When loading, it gets stuck at an infinite loading screen when it hits "LEMAscent" config loader. Once the file is removed, the game loads as normal. Any ideas?
  14. Hi @jrodriguez, I'm currently using your visual pack from your December Video upload on Youtube (Looks great btw). Does your pack already incorporate this RVE64? if not is it possible to use RVE64 with it? What would I need to do to install it and have it configured correctly to work alongside RSS/RSSVE? thank you!
  15. I think the main issue is is the rubbish performance of 1.8.1.
  16. KSRSS is stock-Kerbin size. Unless you are using the 2.5x config... if you are using 2.5x, this one is pretty close.
  17. i've installed the Kopernicus release - 31, (download Kopernicus 1.11.1) and on launch i get a message saying Kopernicus isn't compatible with my version of KSP. I'm on 1.11.0... do i need a different one?
  18. what is this "black moon" that is mentioned? as in literally a black moon? the only issues i've faced on the moon is landers in certain areas falling through the surface and exploding. This was on a 2.5x config with sigma and on 1.11.
  19. would be better if we could see an image from map view/tracking center to see the altitude of the moon. Are you using 2.5x config?
  20. could you tell me what the decouplers and the SRB's are called in game so I can check in my files please?
  21. as others have mentioned, SRB boosters are missing & decouplers. do you have those files you could share?
  22. @Briso I hope you can help me. I am trying to download your modified version of the SSS with RSS/RO configs however the connection refuses to connect to the dropbox link. Is there another way for me to download the file? Thank you.
  23. I can only presume its possibly an EVE issue or something else not configured quite right as the config is there for it, and it does seem to be pulling the texture from the 8k folder. The config for it is inside the "KSRSSKopernicus" folder under VertexColorMapBlend. Have you disabled EVE to see if that corrects it?
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