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  1. Should be a part of a life support mod lol, when the oxygen is low the first part plays, last part when you are closer to base and refill your oxygen and you are running towards it (to show there is hope for your kerbal). or mid-final part for....when you are docking with a spinning station at 86 rpm
  2. I’ll try, I don’t think I can though as I am very new to this.
  3. My very first music, inspired by ksp.
  4. Imagine doing the interstellar docking scene with interstellar parts mod and just using joystick on home cockpit and of course playing no time for caution in background.
  5. Well in Elite Dangerous spaceships require fuel, so......
  6. Something like dynamic skybox brightness setting would be cooler
  7. Then I say remove orbital mechanics and atmosphere from the game, no bother at all, you would just need a 3 part craft and no more useless part calculations
  8. Does this mod work with mods that modifies or adds something to every command module, let's say a mod like Kerbalism?
  9. After 700 hours of playing ksp I feel bored. Teach me something I might never know about ksp.
  10. How do I make kerbalism work with modded/custom solar panels?
  11. How do you post images from steam so you don’t actually need to click the link to view images?
  12. https://www.dropbox.com/s/bzykvieifben7me/20181103162408_1.jpg https://www.dropbox.com/s/pf880w4mtfjdfvj/20181103205649_1.jpg?raw=1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ikv1v8m9yc1r47/20181218131223_1.jpg?raw=1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/essujqo9ulkgcz2/20181227153753_1.jpg?raw=1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/mlncx5mc38j44lt/20181229203410_1.jpg?raw=1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/9r7bbf7nl4714jz/20190108181036_1.jpg?raw=1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/zsjie1s16xj9q52/20190109155659_1.jpg?raw=1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/2jjv6cuciymxsex/20190109155817_1.jpg?raw=1
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