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Everything posted by BlackEyedPhantom

  1. I live this mod but can the creator create more aqured reflections because this ones are “slow” and something is glitching in helmed reflections. Or many the problem is mine so if someone know help
  2. Can someone tell me how to low down smoke from engines please
  3. Please tell every thig again but step by step at least tell witch foulder i cant find
  4. But i want to do that only to some engine not all and SRBs not removed just lower for example i want to remove smoke from the sst engines and low down the Mamooth ones Can you say the last part again becaude i didnt undirstand
  5. Can you guys tell me how can i low down smoke quality coming from the engines? I saw its possible Stratzendliz72 maded on his last video
  6. KSP im running at 5-6fps So the whole story for more fps you can go and see it in Sci-Fi Visual Enchantments topics i did every thing from there
  7. it helped me +1 fps but it makes a lot of differences from 5 to 6 fps actually im surprised how much different it is but i need more. Im plaing GTA IV at stock 30 FPS but ksp at stock 6 FPS how the hell
  8. Laptop: Asus x540sa Processor: Intel Pentium n3700 2.4GHz GPU: 1GB (i have no information exept that) KSP resolution: 1920x1080 Mods: Sci-Fi visual encantments,Better Time Warp,DMP.
  9. How can i get better FPS with that mod im running 5fps whit the mod and 10fps stock in atmosphere can simeone help me please
  10. I can't upload a picture. You know that space shuttle engines when you are time warping you can see the fire like balls. That is what happening to me i see the space shuttle and kickback SRB like balls
  11. can someone tell me why my engines looks like im time warping when im not and how can i fix it
  12. This mod is so cool but it don't have Auroras. If someone knows how can I add Auroras please tell me.
  13. Can't I create these trees whit Paint 3D? And in whitch folder can i find them?
  14. I just want better trees but my pc is so slow that i don know can i run a lot of mods at good FPS
  15. Did someone know how to add better texture to the grass and to the trees ? If i can create my own in whitch folder they are?
  16. OK thanks i just have to uninstall scatterer its slowing my FPS down SCiFi is cool
  17. Can someone please give me a FPS boost mod name I have slow FPS because I’m using SciFi graphics mod and sctterer (I love those mods and I don’t wont to delete them and i can’t upgrade my CPU because I’m playing on laptop whit intel pentium n3700 4core 2.4GHz) so I need a mod
  18. I can get the sparks but not the dust on the terrain there is sparks in the terrain too help
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