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Everything posted by BlackEyedPhantom

  1. Well... I have it installed successfully but the space center is just stock. How do i fix it?
  2. Hi. How can i install this mod to KSP 1.11 with Beyond Home installed and kopernikus? I cant install it via CKAN nor when i install it manually it works.
  3. I went to Gateway and i noticed that the ground was not visible. Is this how its supposed to be ? I saw some videos where it had ground. I still cam collide with "nothing" and it has hills. is this fixable? https://camo.githubusercontent.com/de538070d3df3f482f27552eb863c63e8815dc6eb3b4d779da908aba81021803/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f707471516f39752e706e67 I was expecting something like this.
  4. Im everywhere XD Well maybe. I mean msfs 2020 is heavy but not only cuz of the clouds. Everything together.
  5. Hey. I want to change the Mamooth engine plumes with Raptor engine plumes. But maybe keep the same color. Is this possible and if yes how can i do it. Also im running restock waterfall so if someone can give me a Raptor plume config ill be really happy!
  6. When you are in the space center press the blue ball in the bottom right and it should pop up. At least that's what worked for me. Try it
  7. KSP: 1.11 Problem: Surface shadows (from mountains) not visible at certain distancdistance and sun reflection visible behind mountains. Mods installed: Beyond Home Texture Replacer Parallax TUFX EVE Redux. Alarm Clock Real Plume. Better Time Warp Scatter. Kopernicus Bleeding Edge Waterfall. Hyper Edit Restock Core Waterfall Restock Pood's Calm Nebula Skybox. Smoke Screen Re-entry Particle Effect Renewed Reproduction steps: When im near a mountain the shadow that it casts disappears. I don't know if it affects god rays. All the terrain scatterer (tree) shadows are visible. The reflections from the sun are visible on water even though im behind a FE mountain. Is this how it should be??? (The issue report)
  8. Why is this happening? When Im near shadow a giant circle of light from the gods destroy the shadow. Also the sun reflection behind a mountain are visible. Is there a way to fix this???
  9. Yea same. Ive talked about this with Linx (the BH dev) and he said that an update is coming but idk when. So we will see what happens then.
  10. Well... Beyond Home Texture Replacer Parallax TUFX EVE Redux. Alarm Clock Real Plume. Better Time Warp Scatter. Kopernicus Bleeding Edge Waterfall. Hyper Edit Restock Core Waterfall Restock Pood's Calm Nebula Skybox Smoke Screen Re-entry Particle Effect Renewed
  11. Hey. Im using Beyond Home with EVE and Scatterer. But when i installed EVE Redux i didnt see any performance difference. Is it because im using Beyond Home? Or maybe wrong installation ( almost all mods via CKAN and EVE Redux just drag and drop in GameData which replaces the EVE folder but didnt change anything)?
  12. Thanks! But restock just looks better then stock. So ill settle with it untill you (idk if u are the dev... If not sorry) update it.
  13. Does the jet engines have plumes for restock? Im using RealPlume as well and the jet engines as well as SRBs use RealPlume. Do they have plumes for stock and ReStock?
  14. Hey. I wanna change the look of the trees. Can i take some photos of trees and put them in? And if yes how? Also @Gameslinx can you add some variations to some of the planets? Like FE add a few places on Rhode with dense forest and make that place greenish.
  15. Yea not the wheels just the landing gears they do use brake discs. Also i was imagining not really the discs themselves but rather glowing texture inside the gear wheel. No need of any fancy disc texture since in real life they are just that. "Glowing wheel".
  16. Hey. Can you update the clouds and make them look like what msfs 2020 did?
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