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Exo's Lab

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Everything posted by Exo's Lab

  1. Thank you for your contributions! I will do my best to get these integrated, though I was unable to confirm any functionality from the Ervo config you sent me. Being someone inexperienced with SpaceDust, is there something I'm missing? I have downloaded both SpaceDust and SpaceDustUnbound, and it seems to be working for the stock system planets.
  2. Happy Holidays wonderful people! Progress on MPE 1.1 has slowed this week, I have been spending a lot of time with family lately, and I do not doubt the same is true for many of you on the forums! As a late Christmas Gift, I would like to showcase what I currently expect to be the last major new feature for Minor Planets Expansion's 1.1 update: Parallax Support! This Parallax Support requires the Parallax Stock System assets, a decision made both to reduce the time needed to release this update and also keep MPE's total filesize relatively small. Someday I may return and do a separate download that allows for a more original spin of Parallax Support for MPE, but for now we're keeping it simple (though I am trying to be a little fun and somewhat derivative with it as I learn the system, and as a small aside I do intend to leave the more exotic scatters as unique elements of the stock planets; as Linx intended)!
  3. If you make these configs I would more than happily include them within MPE officially! Ervo's atmospheric composition is canonically: 94.7% Nitrogen, 3.6% Molecular Oxygen, 1.7% Carbon Dioxide, with Trace Ammounts of Carbon Monoxide, Ammonia, and Methane. In the optional patches, Jool is given dark rocky rings, the rings already present around Sarnus and Urlum are given backscattering support, and Neidon is given a collection of thin icy rings. Sarnus is also given two additional water ice rings based on the E and G rings of Saturn, they are only visible from the back. Thank you for your support!
  4. We got all of it figured out! The new KSE Patch is now up on GitHub alongside some small file optimizations!
  5. Sounds great! Also, I was just in contact with Smushanoob, creator of KSE, and neither of us were quite sure what that eccentric brown planet in your screenshots was...? Is that from KSE or a different pack? I don't seem to have it in my game
  6. Ah! re: that patch you mentioned thank you for pointing that out! The ring patches used to all be one config, I originally made that small addon for two friends of mine and their KSP playthrough, when I separated them I forgot to change the logic I will fix that quickly! I did download KSE last night and took a look around, I'm a bit split on how I'll organize the dwarf planets within the new outer system (that extra planet makes things interesting, I might put Ervo and Soden beyond it?) but open to suggestions!
  7. Greetings again! I'm here to post some teases for the MPE asteroids and their new art passes! MPE's asteroids were always the weaker of its objects whenever I looked back on this project, so I'm very glad to give them some much-needed love. Vant and Crokslev received relatively minor touch ups, but Zore and Edas are rocking some very new looks! See for yourself: Wanna really see for yourself? You can check out MPE 1.1's new features early on the Official MPE GitHub! Note everything is in a very experimental state right now, this isn't a full-release yet! But if you encounter any problems, let me know! You might even find a few extra bonus features...
  8. I am aware of the recently released Kerbol System Expansion, and I think it's a rather impressive piece of work! I do indeed intend to create a patch that places MPE objects into appropriate locations among KSE's outer planets, I haven't quite gotten around to it yet, but I will! Need to download the pack and see where its planets are located relative to OPM's, if they're similar we might not need to change MPE's OPM layout very much to make it work.
  9. Hello lovely people! During this time of revisiting MPE, I've decided to place emphasis on increasing the functionality of the pack's current contents over adding additional objects. To that point, while I'm working on art passes for MPE's resident asteroids, I'd like to show you a new feature I've wanted to add for a long time: Stock System Compatibility! That's right! OPM is no longer a soft-requirement for MPE! When OPM is not installed, the orbits of Havous, Mracksis, Ervo, and Soden are brought inwards (kept proportional in distance to Jool as they were with Neidon, I opted for this over assigning new resonances for the sake of ease, but this may still change). Crokslev meanwhile is moved from being a centaur into the leading Lagrangian point of Jool, becoming a soft-representative for trojan asteroids! Where relevant, some objects have had their descriptions changed to avoid mentions of the OPM worlds, and swapping them in for descriptions that reflect their new contexts. (For example, Crokslev has a completely new description, and Havous is referred to as "Eeloo's sister" as opposed to "Plock's sister"). I would like to add compatibilities (and appropriate physically-based descriptions for all objects, that do not reference other planets) for more systems and even some OPM alternatives going forward, but I'll wait until all objects have received their art passes to do so! I'll be showing off the new looks for the asteroids soon!
  10. Since I last posted, Havous' moons, Mracksis, and Soden have all received some visual improvements, all the aforementioned bodies plus Flake and Lon have also have visual bugs fixed, all have received terrain scatters, and some have had their terrain forms improved as well. With all post-Neidon bodies given some new love, I've begun looking into a compatibility patch for the stock system so that MPE, after four years in the wild, can be used standalone without OPM!(More accurately, moving the current orbits into a special patch for OPM, while new default orbits for the stock system are read by default.) P.S. Skipper Belt is a name I've wanted to assign to the Kerbolar System's outer belt for a long time now. Unclear how heavily I'll lean into the term in new descriptions/science definitions. Other than that, I've been rather occupied lately (and for good holiday reasons! nothing bad!) so progress has somewhat slowed. But don't fret, I'm still working when opportunities present themselves.
  11. Here's two additional teasers! Today managed to be decently productive for the mod, focusing on Havous.
  12. Here are some additional screenshots: Been doing experiments to see what can be done to create near-waveless oceans with Scatterer. Cascading wavelets and ripples dance around the partially-submerged probe. This effect isn't perfect yet and there are some visual bugs I'm trying to smash. Some touch-ups have been given to Ervo's appearance from space, most notably there is now scatterer support for its (newly extended) atmosphere, but the normal and colormap have received adjustments as well. Archae in this screenshot was not changed to use the Vall terrain textures at this point. Archae has similarly received some additional touchups to its color and normal maps, and both objects have had additional complexity added to their procedural terrain elements. And here's a shot of sunset on Ervo!
  13. Yes, we are really working on this! Progress has been slow, but already there are some noticeable enhancements over the previous MPE build! (This is of course nothing groundbreaking, largely just thanks to knowing how to use systems I didn't know how to use at the time, such as terrain scatters. Regardless, we will be certainly leaving MPE nicer looking than when we left it!)
  14. I hadn't seen that before! That's some really stunning work! We're continuing to experiment with the "official" scatterer support, today we're playing around with the reworked atmosphere curves and adjusting our own take on Ervo's atmosphere visually, (it'll be more blue than purple). Things have been a little busy these past few days, so time has been tight, but I'm hoping towards the end of the week my schedule will begin to open up, and I'm hoping to have something worth sharing.
  15. No promises yet, but I'll remember to look into it this week!
  16. @Manul All good points! Yes, Ervo is the only body that could benefit from a traditional application of these mods, which is why focusing on Ervo right now! Ervo's atmosphere as currently implemented is incredibly unrealistic in terms of its low-lying distribution, and will be reworked into something more akin to Pluto's (which funny story it was originally going to be that way, but at the time I didn't realize it was the more accurate model, I forced it to be low-lying). As for the lakes, they're going to be largely stagnant, the only excitation experienced by the lakes would be slow, occasional glaciology (which wouldn't create waves in observable timescales, let alone be done within KSP), and the tidal forces of Ervo's moon Archae (assuming they aren't mutually locked, I'll have to double check that too, but this too would be quite subtle). That being said, there is plenty of room for adjustment in MPE that could enhance the appearance and experience of the mod with very little effort! I'd like to touch up near-everything a least a little. I'm also planning to include some optional bits of bonus content* for the OPM/MPE system, such as enhanced ring textures I personally made for some friends of mine that utilize the new shaders Kopernicus has added since MPE's release back in 2019. *I'm not adding more objects
  17. Hello all! I don't know if anyone is still around, but after a long time and a lot of life later I am trying to get the lights back on for Minor Planets Expansion. End goal is a nice update to freshen and tidy things up a little, including setting up a proper GitHub for the mod, with some additional functionality on top - (Scatterer/EVE support primarily). I spent this evening trying to get back into the swing of things, focusing exclusively on Ervo. I've learned a few things, - including that there are plenty of areas for improvement for the mod. Most notably I encountered what I now understood to be a rather dreadful and commonly faced bug: timewarp lag among the dwarf planets. Luckily I know now that the cause is simple, an incompatibility between MPE and the Stock Transfer Maneuver Planning Tool Thing. Apparently a pretty common issue for Kopernicus mods. The fix is simple: download KSPCommunityFixes, go into the in-game settings menu, and turn that tool off. Suddenly everything runs smoothly once again! I know I haven't the most active of developers, (this has always been a hobby not a job, and I do have a job these days), but I would like to see this update through! How hard could it be? Right?
  18. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Unclear OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Ryzen 3 3100 4-Core Processor | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER | RAM: 8gb I experienced this issue while on a Duna transfer trajectory. I had encountered the issue twice during an Apollo-style Mun mission, but closing and reopening the game was a (surprisingly fast) and consistent solution in both cases, so I wasn't that worried. When I encountered the glitch this time, I didn't think it was that significant beyond being visual, so I decided to go ahead and time warp out of Kerbin's SOI. Doing this, my craft seemed to become stuck on the edge of Kerbin's SOI (or it appeared to, but I can't confirm that for reasons I'll get into shortly), and I collected "Surface/Landed" reports for Kerbol. I closed the game and came back to relaunch it the next day... the save no longer ran well, all screens were incredibly slow and often froze, Kerbol experienced a visual glitch where it became brighter until the entire screen was white, nothing worked quite right anymore. I started a new save, and it no longer runs well either. I'm not entirely sure what happened, the game was functioning well up until that point, and I'm afraid I can't give any more specifics, I'm uninstalling and reinstalling the game now and hoping it fixes the issues. I do hope this info helps in some way. Other than that, Tuesday was my first impressions of the game and I genuinely had fun, this was the first mission I lost to a glitch following ten or so that ran perfectly well. This game has come a long way, and I'm optimistic.
  19. Apologies for the late reply, please ensure your copies of Kopernicus and KopernicusExpansion are fully up to date, on out of date copies of this mod the body Sutapasu has been known to cause the pack to fail during loading.
  20. This is without a doubt one of the most horrifying shuttles I've ever seen in KSP, and this is coming from someone who thought they were doing a pretty good job at making cursed shuttles on their own time! I'm beyond thankful for you sharing this, seeing people play around in the pack and the vehicles they come up with is a joy like no other! I speak on behalf of the entire team when I say thank you so much for playing our silly little mod!
  21. First Patch - Version 0.9.1 v0.9.1 Release Download Here: https://github.com/ExosLab/PJ3Assembled/releases/tag/Patch v0.9.1 SpaceDock Release Here: https://spacedock.info/mod/3493/Planet Jam 3 - The Cervine System Update includes fixes for Skal's display name (issue on SpaceDock's branch), a visual bug on Muntjac, and most importantly fixes an incompatibility issue between Planet Jam 3 and the latest release of KSP Community Fixes! This update also includes an update to the scatterer atmosphere for Clonos' world, Arida. Preview in the spoiler.
  22. First minor update, you can now find a DeltaV map made by our very own Sabine (@WarriorSabe) right here on the page! Map Here (And Up There Too): Thank you so much to Sabine for her work yesterday in updating this map for the release version, navigating the system should be much easier now!
  23. That's an astounding Kerbin! It was a joy watching it come together, I think you've managed a fantastic balance of realistic and Kerbal art styles here!
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