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Everything posted by Lewie

  1. Do I want to abandon my career save for this.....? Hell yeah. This is incredible!! Can’t wait to give this a shot.
  2. Y’know, I actually had a great idea for a tv show...it’d be a reality show, right? And what would happen, is that Elon Musk or Jeff Bozos would throw some flat earthers into their respective spacecraft...and to film their reactions as they enter space.
  3. I’d like to say one thing-Mh is going to be in the game, period. Why bother arguing about the feasibility of it? It’s just a game, after all. Why get so worked up about mh, when so many players strap kerbals to lawn chairs for 50+ year missions. Mh is going to be in the game...and that’s alright. Cus, y’know...whatca going to do about it?
  4. Yeah, but can’t one argue that mh is about as feasible as the Daedalus engine? Or the torch engine? Those suckers would emit so many x-rays (and probably a crap ton of unholy rays) That any ship would be reduced to spag in seconds.
  5. With all due respect, I’m sure that the mh engine is going to have some importance to gameplay. It’s probably going to have an impact on gameplay, seeing as it’s going to be unlocked by the player sooner or alter. (And it’s probably needed for the eventual move to interstellar travel) And yes, it is fictional. Just like a fully developed orion drive. Fictional just like ksp and ksp2. It’s just a game. (Am I the only one that’s still in disbelief that there’s a ksp2? I still find it amazing, honestly)
  6. Didn’t do much, just did a couple relay contracts. Such an easy way to make a decent bit of cash. Also sent a small prove to Eve for a world’s first. After opening the chutes...even on x10 physwarp, it takes a loooong time to descend. Little word of advice-never, NEVER open your chutes on x10 timewarp. I promptly got yeeted put of the kerbol system at a comfortable 8,675 gees and a speedy 857,856,7463 m/s. Yikes... Thank goodness for f5 and f9!
  7. They say that comedy is timing...and this was perfect! Thanks for the laughs.
  8. My hat’s off to all you modders out there...ksp wouldn't be the same without your hard work!
  9. holy cow... This is amazing! Can’t wait to see more of these lil’ guys. Keep up the great work!
  10. That’s pretty much impossible actually, with console or pc.
  11. That’s actually pretty normal. Are you clipping the tanks and engines together?
  12. Soontm. (Actually, it’s probably going to be quite a bit of time...at least 6 months, really)
  13. Didn’t do much, just completed some relay sat contracts. Sent a relay to Ike, Duna and Laythe. I used the same rocket and probe for each launch, actually. It’s really slick...I can recover the srbs via stage recovery (by far, it’s one of my favorite mods!) and I an manually land the core booster. The second stage is just the jet fuel tank, and a nerva. (With a probe core, solar panels and antenna of course.) After putting each probe in its desired orbit, I just fly the booster back to kerbin. (After ditching the relay, the heats shield is exposed. Probe core is clipped into the tank) I wish I had pics, it would make this much, much more clear. The entire rocket only costs 25,000 funds, and you can return almost all of that. Also started construction on a rocket to carry a crew to duna orbit and back. I’m putting a mini-lander inside it, so I can complete another contract for landing on Duna’s surface.
  14. That’s probably what 2020 will be referred to in the future...lmao
  15. And you take this into a whole different direction... Not once did I say that humanity will be able to harness metallic hydrogen. Maybe, and this is a really big maybe, in a few hundred years as our technology expands, and we male leaps and bounds, we’ll be able to use mh. Is it feasible right now? Of course not. In 200 years? Maybe.
  16. Hm... Funnily enough, I have not said anything along the lines of ‘oh, the devs should do this, do that, make this stock. Remove this cus I don’t like it! Remove this because it doesn’t exist! No fairy dust engines!!’ nope, I haven’t said anything along those lines. If you did watch the near future tech dev diary, you will would have seen the reasoning behind the engines. And yes...when you say that this is an educational game, but you go and complain and ‘unicorn fart engines’ that is hypocrisy.
  17. Ok, I’m back. Do you really think that every single person that plays ksp will become an Aerospace engineer? Sure, it may spike people’s interest in space, but it won’t churn out a generation of aerospace engineers. Just so you are aware, it’s quite hypocritical of you to say “oh, metallic hydrogen is pixie farts” and then you go and say that ksp2 will create a new generation of aerospace engineers, and ‘spend money on an educational game’ huh....wow. That’s ironic, isn’t it?
  18. Getting a bit ot here, but...I have a friend from middle school who was deaf. She was practiced enough in reading lips that we could have conversations. She did have an aid that did...translate? Interpret? Not sure on what to use...all of what the teacher said in asl. Neat stuff. My first thought was Russia, lmao...
  19. WHAT?? How could they?! (I spend all of my free time at school reading wikipedia...great stuff, y’know)
  20. Like I said, it’s a game. And it’s not even a ‘science based game’. (Jool’s moons are impossible, we all know that). A game. Ksp is a much more realistic then other space games out there, so what if there are a couple engines that are speculative? A game. A GAME. It doesn’t hurt you. Don’t worry...the mean metallic hydrogen won’t bully you.
  21. Wait...whaaaat? Oh, do you just stay in that one classroom all day? Huh. Lucky you...discord is blocked on our chromebooks.
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