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Everything posted by Lewie

  1. @Misguided_Kerbal's post reminded me of this...with all the 'nobody's and what-not
  2. Loving this thread! I’m in MCJROTC, what branch is yours through? (Sorry for odd wording+typing, my fingers are frozen)
  3. Haha... Me and a friend played it last night...for the sole purpose of trolling...it was fun, loads of fun.
  4. Hi all- I am still having a persistent bug/error where terrain chunks will simply disappear. (Ksp 1.9.1) I downloaded BH on ckan, and the only mods I have are re-stock and BH requirements. Does anyone have any idea what is causing this? Cheers- Lewie
  5. Guys, guys, guys... Back, a few months ago, when there was the ksptv livetsream, Umocapra did say that there was some incredible content coming in 1.11....so with all due respect, these suggestions are likely to be moot, seeing as Squad already has their plans in action. Cheers- Lewie
  6. Yeah, but when a company like Microsoft has 25 million user’s wallets they can tap into... It’s no big surprise, if they will do that. It’s an American company after all...cus y’know, capitalism. [insert patriotic music here] (no, I am not hating on America. I love my country)
  7. High school for me isn’t going that bad, all a’s except for algebra. (B+) shop class and ROTC are by far my favorite classes. Don’t have much time for ksp anymore...bed at 10:30-11:00, waking at 5:30.
  8. I never thought about this... But can a user ping themselves? Would they get a notification? Let’s find out... @Lewie
  9. Granted. The forums are now swarmed with so many users, it crashes permanently. I wish for a sandwich
  10. I bought stormworks...holy cow. It is so much stinking fun. Screenshots will follow.
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