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Everything posted by Lewie

  1. Lewie

    Stormworks BAR

    Little bit of formation flying. We got a lot closer (and even re-created the 'watch the birdie' shot!) But I couldn't take a screen shot when we closer cus we'd crash, y'know?
  2. Thanks! This is very good to know...luckily, the college I am planning to go to (SDSU) offers flight training. (With instrument rating too!) so this is very, very good to know. Thank you so much for this little tid-bit! I guess I should probably write down my day, too. Drill was fun, we practiced for the cake cutting ceremony. (For the Marine Corps Birthday. As of me writing this, it is tomorrow, November 10) A couple of my fellow LE-1’s locked their knees while standing at POA came close to blacking out. When one of them, a fellow head strong fellow, denied he almost blacked out, the Sgt.Maj. Was NOT happy! He may only be 5’7, but boy oh boy... Yeah, don’t tick off an Ex-marine. (He is actually a very great man, but y’know...don’t tick him off, and he’ll be very nice) Ela was fine. We’re going to be reading the novel All American Boys. It does have a rather political message and does have to deal with rather recent events in America, so I will refrain from talking about it. Biology was fine, we just did a review for an upcoming test. Shop was ok, we just continues work on our yard dice. Not the most exciting project. Lunch was decent. I grabbed a turkey sandwich, but it was frozen...yum. Turkey flavored popsicle, anyone? I gnawed on the sandwich (it was frozen, hard as a rock!) and ate my apple. I really do like apples. Math was fine, just a review day. Managed to get my homework done in class. Play production was the same as the last few days-working on a 3d model in Sketchup. It was raining today, and the theater roof was leaking...right over my seat. Not complaining, really, I just moved down a couple seats. Just kinda interesting. And I had PT team after school. Man, we do some tough workouts! (We go down to the Marine Recruiters on so e days) So overall, today was just boring. And naturally, my sisters are being louder then Mötley Crüe, so a raging headache is coming down. Oh, and the house is a mess. Go figure... After I get the house clean, I’ll probably play some Stormworks with a friend, if I have time. Anyway, good night everyone!
  3. It's great to see you again, @Whackjob! Long time no see.
  4. When you play a game inside a game.... Mah first boat! (pretty ugly, but it's a WIP) Currently has a top speed of 32 m/s.
  5. 1. Thank you for your service! 2. I should've phrased that better. I meant safe as in securing your chances of being a pilot (provided passing OTS, of course) From what I read and heard, with the Academy, it goes by the top of the class,(for requesting a AFCS) then second, etc. etc. With OTS, it sounded that any request you made would be more likely to be followed out on. The wording is my bad, sorry about that!
  6. @Pthigrivi I love this idea! However....I've got a thinking that most player's (including myself) will most likely try to build the largest, most unstable colony possible! Cheers- Lewie
  7. Hey, is anyone interested in the Japris stellar neighborhood space race? It’s all stock now, with user-chosen part mods. Kinda like the Beyond Home space race.
  8. This would be one of the greatest QOL updates that we’d ever see, honestly....
  9. Not to mention it’s many quirks, like the kraken... In all seriousness, ksp will always have a special place in our hearts, and we’ll always come back and play it. Cheers! Lewie
  10. Role of shame/punishment. If you leave and re-join the server, it gets rid of it, and that's a no-no...Like I said, I did not leave and rejoin with the intent of cheating the system, I just wanted to be on the server again.
  11. Hey, um, @TheBeardyPenguin I hate to ping you, but there’s a matter that needs some attention... I got banned from your discord server, and I wish to know if it could be reversed. I totally deserved the Galug thing, that was 100% my fault. But yesterday I was hanging out with some of my buddies, and my little sister decided to hop on the pc...I left discord up, and they figured out how to leave servers, so I didn’t mean to leave and re-join with the intent of cheating the system, and I got banned before I could explain. I hope you can find it within your avian heart to allow me to re-join the server. Anywho...good luck with University and take care! Cheers- Lewie
  12. 1. I’m not at home, so I am typing on a phone. Spelling errors are to be expected. 2. None of the mods would play nicely. Couldn’t figure out how to make it work, so I dropped put.
  13. Whoops! That’s embarrassing, lmao. And yes, yes it is! What’s your country/company and flag?
  14. To be honest, I’d love to see that! He does have a forum account, believe it or not ( @jacksepticeye) but he hasn’t been around for a loooong time. Imagine the things he’d do with an orion drive....
  15. Glad to help! Oh, and welcome to the forums!
  16. @J O N you can upload screenshots to ingur. Post them on imgur, the right click them. Select copy image address, then head on over to the forum post. Right click, hit paste and the photo will automatically embed into the post. Cheers! -Lewie
  17. Probably not...there’s just too many surprises (and secrets!) that the Devs have in store. They wouldn’t want to take the risk of the game’s features being leaked. While an early access would be AMAZING it’s probably not going to happen. Don’t get me wrong, it really would be wonderful to see this! But you know...just got to ride the hype train for now! Cheers! -Lewie
  18. @GeonovastI have no idea why your response to Don’t click this made me laugh so much, but thanks for the laugh!
  19. Click, comrades! (why is this open, lmao) ARe YoU sUrE AbOUt ThAT?
  20. So, after being forced to drop out of the Beyond Home space race, I decided to make my own...using @DunaManiac's Japris Stellar Neighboorhood! This IS NOT a JNSQ space race. But like many JNSQ races, this is based off of in-game time. we will be playing with a VERY /moderately high science multiplier....some of the kspie parts have very heft costs! And the tech tree will only be completed up to the Daedalus engine, other wise this would take forever to complete. The goal of the race is simply. To put a self-sufficient orbiting colony and planetary base around/on Oppo. Special thanks to @DunaManiac for this wonderful, high quality mod. I will write up a list of milestones later on, each will include a set amount of points. The player with the most points at the end of the race wins. The Race will start one week from know, Saturday, November 21, 2020. It will end at a time yet to be determined. This will be a science mode game. Career would be ideal, but the kspie parts are too expensive to be used in a space race. (it would take forever to get the necessary funds!) The science multiplier will be 130%. Just DM me with your flag and country/company name, and I'll put you in the Roster. Mod list- Extra Planetary Launch Pads (for interstellar vessel only!) Kerbal Planetary Base System KSPIE Japris Steller Neighborhood And qol mods that you see fit (EVE, KER, etc. etc. Mechjeb is not allowed. Milestones Points will be given to whoever does following- Orbit around any celestial body(+10) Science returned from a celestial body (+15) Landing on said celestial body(+15) Landing a crewed mission on said celestial body(+25) Sending a colony/orbiting colony to said celestial body(+35) Finally- An orbiting colony and/or surface base on/ around Oppo For every kerbal over 25 (+5) Only an Orbiting colony (+50) Only a surface base (+60) Surface base and Orbital colony (+90) Also...an additional 10 points will be given to the person to who creates the most visually/and/or functional base/colony. Roster- @Lewie Green Origin @DunaManiac Kerbin Federation @AccidentalColonies Kahos Theory Spaceflight & Spacecraft @sir rocket Phoenix Aerospace Corporation Cheers! -Lewie
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