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Everything posted by Lewie

  1. Geez, you keep your out doing yourself! Can’t wait to see the final results...keep up the great work!
  2. I can’t remember the name of the song... I know that there’s a bit of the chorus that’s along the lines of ‘our love is a symphony’ and now I can’t find it! Argh...I really need to find it, dang it....
  3. This thread is closed but we click... We have broken the matrix, my dudes!
  4. ARe YoU SUrE ABoUT ThAT? also, it is Wednesday, my dudes!
  5. Well.. I am expecting this to be around one/two months, minimum. Could take quite longer...this isn’t a short space race, that’s for sure...
  6. Alright guys, this is important- What do you want to science multiplier to be? The kspie parts can have very high costs, and the goal is to go interstellar...the Dedealus engine node is 4,000 points alone. (Not counting parts you need to research for it) also-completing the tech tree...how far do you want to go? I say we research to the Dadelus engine, and that’s it...what do you think?
  7. No, we won’t be using life support. You can if you want. Due to the rather busy week I have had...no. I will get to it as soon as possible. I am thinking of pushing the starting date back a week, just to allow for more people to join, and get any kinks to get worked out. As of right now, Saturday is a go for starting. Cheers- Lewie
  8. Really, it’s up to you. I was thinking of using Kerbal Planetary Base Systems...y’know what, I’ll edit the OP.. And yes, kerbalism was included in the original phrase of the challenge! It’s just that with the difficulty of interstellar travel in ksp, I just decided that it’d be best to not use such a hefty life support mod. Most mods are totally fine to use, just dm me to check. Cheers! -Lewie
  9. Let’s get this thread going again! There have been some really hilarious ideas people have had...hope to see more of that. Cheers! Lewie
  10. That would be because of an issue with installing Japris with ckan-it’s an older version. I am not the guy to ask for help with installing Japris, so you’re going to want to ask @DunaManiac himself.
  11. If you have any trouble with mods, they all are can be installed via. Ckan. Welcome to the challenge! Just make sure to dm me with your flag and country/company name. Cheers! Lewie
  12. It's ok, pretty much everyone on the forums has asked this at some point. Just post your images on imgur, then right click said image. Select 'copy image address' then mosey on over to the forums. Click 'paste' and it will automatically embed. Hope this helps. Cheers! Lewie And welcome to the forums! It's great to have fresh meat new members around!
  13. This reminds me of a man by the name of Ed Kemper... If there are any Time Suckers (Hail Nimrod!) or True Crime listeners in here, you’ll know what Ed did to his mother’s cat.
  14. Welp... That means we can click on, comrades! Huzzah!
  15. @GuessingEveryDay I played Henry Stickmin before it was a meme! (2017 vibes, anyone?)
  16. Hullo! Hey Hey @Misguided Kerbal what’s new?
  17. *sad Lewie noise* Wait a second... CLICK, COMRADES!
  18. I dunno...I’m currently on v. 1.9.1. Maybe I’ll just download it via space dock....hopefully I don’t screw it up!
  19. Hmm...In ckan it says the installed and max version is 0.1.1...
  20. Day Three- In order to get more science, mission control deicded to launch a few unmanned probes-Solntse and Razmakh. Solntse would be launched in an elliptical orbit around kerbol, to gather information on the dying star. Liftoff! Flight is nominal, accelerating to orbital velocity. Second stage cut-off, prepare for orbital insertion. Orbital insertion is a go! And now we have our first look at the feeble rays of Kerbol with the scientific instruments...Much to the KSC's surprise, kerbol is dying. The kerbal race only has a few precious years left before kerbol will go supernova, and scorch their home. The only hope for the kerbals is to flee to the nearby Aryaa system, and rebuild civilization. So naturally, the kerbals must send out probes to gather as much science as possible. Here is the journey of Razmakh- Launch! As you can see, the kerbals are wasting no time...time is of the essence if they will survive. Orbital insertion- Interplanetary Injection burn- Good bye, Kerbin... Orbital Insertion around Romily- Razmakh was designed to be an orbiter, but science is so precious to the endangered kerbals to the point they will push the boundaries of their technology. Thank goodness Romily's atmosphere is quite tenuous... And touchdown! Wernher was please with the science returned....It will prove instrumental in saving the Kerbals. To avoid polluting Romily, Gene decided to blow Razmakh to smithereens "Dispose of the craft in a professional manner to avoid potentially contamination or Romily" *Gene* Fire it up! Anwho, that's it for tonight folks! You can expect another installment soon.tm
  21. Holy cow, I’ve been using sun flares for so long, I’ve actually forgotten what kerbol looks like...
  22. Ksp Interstellar Extended. It’s quite a hefty mod, I’ll provide you with a link. I highly advise you read up on it, it can be quite heavy at first. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/172026-181-1101-ksp-interstellar-extended-12531-support-thread/&tab=comments#comment-2927432
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