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Everything posted by Lewie

  1. Man, that mod is so ridiculously funny...but still, must be burnt with fire...
  2. Why is there no Matt Lowne head texture pack? (seriously tho, I need to download this...)
  3. Yeah, just imagine he’s wearing a Marine uniform and you got the SgtMaj....lol...
  4. The SgtMaj That leads my ROTC class looks just like Scott Manley... I wish I had pic, cus the resemblance is uncanny.
  5. Hey guys, have you checked out spacelab’s channel yet? I watched his space shuttle cinematic, and after watching it...I can almost guarantee that he is going to make it big.
  6. Heck, it’s a miracle ANYTHING we design actually works....hahaha....
  7. In case of emergency, add moar boosters
  8. No, no. If you wish to work on it, that’s fine by me.I will get to it as soon as possible, don’t worry. Thanks for understanding!
  9. In case of emergency, ask Danny2462 on what to do
  10. Yeah....about that... due to high school demands, it will have to wait till Saturday. So you might just want to play in your save, and send me the updated one. Don’t worry, I will rescue your crew.
  11. Ksp2 discussions will most likely stay within the ksp2 sub-forum. I don’t know, seeing as I am not admin, but this is just an educated guess.
  12. Do reconsider! The original series isn’t that gory. Not nearly close. I think the first re-boot’s the best. The actors nailed their roles, the story was pretty good (could've been better) the effects were great, LOVED the Leonard Nimoy Cameoy.
  13. Yeah... Wrath of Kahn is definitely my favorite Trek movie, what’s yours?
  14. Yea, but Kirk had some in his house in the first Trek movie...so who knows? (But you’re still right)
  15. 54 anniversary of the pilot episode of Star Trek (The man cage) Pass some of that Romulan Ale, dudes!
  16. That, and better time warp will most likely be made stock.
  17. Alrighty roo. Thanks for doing that! In the meantime...I’ll come up with a new role for ya!
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