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Everything posted by Lewie

  1. If’d you like to, sure! Go ahead. I’m going to have to make a new rank for ya at some point.
  2. 1. Noice! I’m going to have to pop on over...and promptly run out of likes! 2. Unfortunately, no. Not nearly as much as I should be.
  3. Noice! Is this jnsq you’re playing on? (I’m enjoying a nice bowl of chilly...the weather up here in South Dakota has turned very nippy lately....quite a far cry from the 90 degree days we’ve been having)
  4. You know, I also thought it was funny how his name sounds alot like ‘Mars Rover’ And y’know, he helped build curiosity....
  5. Elon Kerman He went to Duna. I don’t think I ever actually brought him back...whoops.
  6. In case of emergency, follow the nearest kerbal to safety.
  7. Oh gosh, that was hilarious! Thanks fo the laughs that it brought 58. Use the new kraken drive to visit every planet and moon in the kerbol system 59. Watch as the kraken destroys your save file.
  8. I started a career mode save! It turns out, career mode is pretty fun! I’ve mostly been doing world’s first and tourist contracts so far. I currently am working on bringing 6 tourists home, they got stuck in mun orbit. But besides that...it’s going pretty well! I did turn up the funds reward a bit...:Cus really, I just want contract for some more structured gameplay. After playing so much science mode, I was running out of inspiration. Career mode has provided a solution to that.
  9. Good idea! I remember you mentioned that, but I can’t remember the fine details. After playing with Japris, I’m certain it would be pretty stupendous! (And I’m out of likes. Darn it! )
  10. I know! Imagine what the description for the Orion drove will be...hehe
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