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Everything posted by Lewie

  1. This is an amazing mod, but I’m not really on-board with the atmospheric shaders. I don’t like they way they blot out the revamped kerbin texture. How does one go about with getting rid of said shader?
  2. Banned for the overuse of the letter ‘s’
  3. Banned for making me click through so many stinking spoilers
  4. Well.... orion drives are the most kerbal rocket EVER (I mean...c’mon. It spits out NUKES! Jeb will love that....) But personally I think the metallic hydrogen looks kick-butt! Can’t wait to launch some kerbals with it....hehe.... from what we’ve seen, the devs have been working hard to make ksp2 the best game since....well, ksp.
  5. That does make sense...ugh, skynet will have too much information on ksp and be better at it then any if us.
  6. It’s sad that this thread has over 30,000 views but only a couple thousand replys.
  7. Well, you could always alt-f12 yourself the funds you lost. That’s not really ‘cheating’ per say, I guess.
  8. Dang, I’d love to see such a station! @akorchev maybe you’d like to try out Nearta’s Stockalike station expansion redux mod. It adds AMAZING station parts and gravity rings.
  9. Yeah, but I’m now on the 6th iteration of Lewie Aerospace Inc. (most of it was due to mod issues, but yeah....)
  10. I dunno, just the thought that’s that’s happening....yeah, it’s not ‘crazy’ but I dunno, just one way to describe it. *shrugs* I think I’m going to take a hiatus from ksp. I’ve been playing it a ton(around an hour a day, excluding Sundays) since early January, so I’m starting to get a bit burnt out, and starting to not have as much fun playing it as I used to. Maybe I’ll try out gtav, I managed to snag it when it was free. That or stormworks, I dunno.
  11. It’s crazy to think that as of right now, Matt Lowne is probably editing his video for tomorrow.
  12. Yep....I go back on the 28th, though. (for once I don’t have school on my b-day!) Good point! Prefer to think that this is something to help folks that don’t know how to rescue their kerbals, or don’t want to use mechjeb. I’m not going to sweat that too much, I personally can’t wait for the first rescue!
  13. Graystillplays mod- Any attempt to orbit kerbin is quickly ruined by the 100 or so muns orbiting kerbin, all thanks to good ‘ol Gray!
  14. Wow! @Misguided_Kerbal since you’re starting school, I don’t want you to have to work on something like that. But hey, like you said, maybe you will maybe you won’t. Totally up to you, everything goes! And yes, you and @adsii1970 both do make a good point....but perhaps the player has run out of fuel, and are stuck in orbit. Or they don’t know how to do orbital rendezvous....or their lander crashed. Or just doesn’t have enough deltaV, and they don’t know how to rescue their poor kerbal? That’s why the Kerbal rescue force is here!
  15. Nah....Strand?.....we, um...create long term colonies! Yeah, that’s it...... And some players aren’t quit capable of rescuing them, or just not sure on how to do it. You do make a good point, of course. I hope your mission to Duna goes well....and make sure to post some pictures!
  16. Don’t you mean Skynet? Hey, if anyone accidentally strands a kerbal, please head over to my kerbal rescue force over in ksp discussion. And yes, @Commodoregamer118 I do have a discord server.
  17. Wait...what kind of hearsay is this!? @Sirad Matt Lowne used a tanker a couple of his videos, maybe he has a craft file for that. As for re-using sstos... Very difficult in stock.(without bg dlc) Can be done, but definitely difficult. I know you said ‘no’ to mods, but you could also use kas. With that you can transfer fuel no problem.
  18. Good point! Blitworks is the studio in charge of the porting process. During the ksptv stream, Umocapra said himself he wasn’t sure when console was updated.
  19. Thanks! I think I will probably go with the GrayStillplays approach-add a bunch of zeros until something happens.
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