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Everything posted by Lewie

  1. I’ve said this before....but what’s the big deal with the pink magic rockets? I mean, they are going to be in the game. No amount of complaining and whining is going to change that. And ksp2....is a game. A GAME. Does it really have to cause all this fighting? And as to not changing the kerbol system beyond visual enhancements...why would that ‘almost ruin the game? Ksp is a sandbox type of game, sequels for these games are always tricky. That’s why the focus is on interstellar travel. The problem here is that no matter what, no one will be 100% satisfied. Which seeing as not getting your way in this world causes petty arguments, leads to the impression that many folk have the maturity and temperament of a five year old.
  2. I live in South Dakota, which can be quite remote at times. Breaking the sound barrier is a no-go in residential areas, but outside of town they can. It’s really easy to see them, because there are hardly any trees or buildings to block your veiw. It really is! As long as I can remember, there’s been jets buzzing around. What’s really awesome, is when they pass over my house, they are still really low and their afterburners are on, so you can just feel the fwooossh as they go screaming by.
  3. Yep! As I said, I live right next to an Air force base, so it’s really common to see them training. I live in the south part of town, while the afb is in the north part, so it’s very common sight to see them taking off, doing fancy maneuvers and what-not.
  4. Bruh, why no Saturn shuttle heavy? congrats on Minmus! It’s always a fun place to visit how much delta v does that sucker have?
  5. I know it’s not fiction, but I highly recommend Gene Kranz’s ‘failure is not an option’. It really provides some amazing information, and when you read that book you see that it’s a miracle that we ever got to the moon.
  6. Lewie has entered the room @Lisias
  7. I would recommend Duna. It’s easy to get to-very small inclination change, aerobraking, and the atmosphere allows parachutes while it’s still tenuous enough to make ascending from the surface a breeze. Gilly is much cheaper in terms of deltav, but getting an encounter and messing around with inclination will take a very long time. I do. Not recommend Gilly to newbies for this reason. It’s harder to get an encounter with gilly then it is to dock. (Seriously!) So do Duna and Ike, and by then you should have orbital maneuvers down cold. At this point, gilly should prove to be quite fun and easy, while providing a fun challenge. Good luck, most people never make it to this stage!
  8. [snip] Then there is the ‘toy’ scale mod. It makes everything 1/10 the size of the stock game scale...
  9. I am friends with a player whose father is a f-16 pilot (I am actually hoping to become a fighter pilot someday!) and he did have a 3d printed jeb along for a ride. I’m not sure if they did go supersonic, but I’m pretty sure that’s the first time a kerbals has been in a fighter jet I remember watching. There’s an afb where I live, and while they were out doing training maneuvers, I was able to pick out the jet Jeb would’ve been in.
  10. In my head lire, kerbals evolved from plants. This is why they take on a green hue, and they can enter a hibernation like state, and by photosynthesis create their own food. But kerbals quickly learned that to survive cold nights, they would have to consume high-sugar snacks. Because they evolved from plants, they feel a need to travel as far as possible from their point of origin, as to spread their ‘seeds’ this is why when a kerbal dies you see a puff of dust. The ‘dust’ are microscopic pores that’ll grow into new kerbals. Kerbals are not too terribly smart, which is ironic because they are masters of rocket technology. They have gazed at the stars for centuries, spitting new planets and longing to travel to said planets.
  11. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.alligator.org%2Fnews%2Fgainesville-will-pick-one-of-these-six-options-to-honor-tom-petty%2Farticle_1cddad42-2b29-11e8-8f55-cf7d2405610d.html&psig=AOvVaw2QAi-beoEhjPpVBb0-Wr2T&ust=1596946897097000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCOjS3fDhiusCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAK darn it. I'm sorry, I don't know why it's not working.
  12. Snacks isn't bad at all! It adds a challenge that is really easy to overcome while adding some sort of dificulty to the game. I highly advise you to check it out. I just thought of something....WHY ARE THERE NO DRES SSTOS? Seriously, I don't think I've ever seen or heard of someone taking an ssto to dres.
  13. https://imgur.com/awv2TYF (sorry, I am still trying to figure out how to embed images)
  14. I know....that’s why the ship was named ’Matt Lowne’s fictitious dream’ and I have a feeling that my crew was perhaps a bit wacked out on ‘certain beverages known to give kerbals bravery (or maybe just plain stupidity) in the face of danger, or the kraken’.
  15. I actually just finished up my first mission to Dres! It’s kinda significant, in a way. It was the first mission to a celestial body I was able to complete from start to finish with out the aid of a tutorial! But it almost ended in the loss of the crew. I play with snacks, the lightest life-support mod out there. I had a mobile science lab for producing snacks from ore. (I used the largest ore tank) All was going swell, but upon my return to kerbin, my snacks were running dangerously low (It was fortunate I decided to just brute force my return to kerbin! I had ample deltav, and if I had chosen to wait even one day, my kerbals would’ve been standard forever) upon entering kerbin soi, I had 2 snacks remaining. Yikes! The kerbin reenrty went swell, and I splashed down with....0 SNACKS REMAINING! (Actually, it was 0.07, but for all intents and purposes, it was zero) so that was definitely the closet call I have every had in ksp. I’m just really bummed I didn’t have it on film.
  16. No fear, Boris Lewie is here. @DunaManiac
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