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Everything posted by Lewie

  1. Perhaps, that’s a pretty good idea. Jool especially, it’s going to look amazing. But will we have to send each module one by one to Jool? Or build the station in kerbin orbit then use a tug?
  2. How do we decide when someone gets to send a module up? also, how high of an orbit should we put it in? I vote for a pretty high orbit (250,000 m ish) cus you can really appreciate how great kerbin looks from up there.
  3. Wait I’m confuzzled... with sharing the save file, wouldn’t that file have all mods/dlcs if the file owner download them? So if someone with the dlcs shared the file with everyone, wouldn’t everyone using that file have said mods/dlcs?
  4. Really? Aw crap I do own both, so if people want to use them, I can make the save file
  5. This is going to be a blast! I love making robot arms with the dlc, maybe I’ll have three- one with a jr docking port one with the regular docking port and one with the mini claw. this is going to be awesome! How should we go about with sending the save file?
  6. Ok, when are we going to start this, who will start it, and what version will we be doing his, will we be using amy mods, and are both dlc’s downloaded on the owner’s save file?
  7. granted. But they are all are the home worlds of the kraken. I wish for a sandwich
  8. mechJeb is a totally legitimate way to play ksp
  9. mmm...interesting. I'll have to take a look at that. How do you toggle action groups? (I'm not a noob, I just recently switched from console to pc)
  10. YAY! Bob has glasses! Boy, this is getting interesting. I wonder where Squad is going with this, along with the recent announcement of Margo Kerman.
  11. Pc I’m actually currently working on a mun base. Right now the refinery is on it’s way
  12. Well yeah..... That does make a lot of sense, come to think of it. As long as we still have srbs like the clydesdale and pollux.
  13. No, no. It was in the announcement art of Jeb, Bill, Vall and the dude with glasses. That’s what I’m talking about.
  14. I still am puzzled about the large presence of snacks.....
  15. Granted. Now nobody follows this thread and it slowly falls back into the alley of this forum and is lost to history forever. I wish for breaking ground to be less confusing
  16. Yea! I cannot say how many times the saturn v parts have come in handy. I can’t imagine trying to lift heavy equipment into orbit or to other planets with out those 5 meter parts.
  17. 2018 HP envy. it has ample processing power to run ksp, but it’s cooling fan sounds like a helicopter taking off... Sorry about that. I’ll try to keep my posts more relevant to the topic at hand.
  18. I doubt there’s going to be many different fuel types. I mean yea, there’s going to be metallic hydrogen, nuclear pellets for the orion drive, etc. etc. But for chemical rockets, there’s really no point in different fuel types. That’d make the game overly complex. Heck, one of the design pillars was to keep it simple...
  19. So the other day i decided to take Bob Kerman out for a spin in a propeller plane. It’s mission was to fine a surface feature on Kerbin. I built the plane, put it on the runway and....nothing. When I right clicked on the turboshaft engine (the smallest one) I couldn’t fine a ‘start’ button or anything. Can anyone give me some tips on how to use rotors and props?
  20. So today I went to the mun. And U am currently on version 1.9.1 but the mun has the legacy texture. does anyone know why this might be
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