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Everything posted by Lewie

  1. I just downloaded some mods. I never new it was so easy to do it. And added some custom flags too...hehe...
  2. let us summon someone famous... does anyone know if Danny2462 has a forum acount? I know that most of the big guys (Shadowzone, Matt Lowne, SWDennis) have forum accounts but not sure about the others (Beardy Penguin, Danny2462)
  3. Bro, I feel your pain. I switched to pc and it is a world of difference. Sure, my laptop gives me about 20 fps. but man, oh man, it is a world of difference then playing on the play station. Ksp is on sale for 10 bucks until July 9th, I HIGHLY recommend you go buy it.
  4. you could always spaghettfiy a kerbal or two...
  5. well, we have seen multiple instances of gravity rings.... so rotors are confirmed. I guess.
  6. Matt Lowne will probably be excited that people *might* start acknowledging that Dres is real... But he might be an insane nutter who says it's real......We all know it's not.
  7. Ah, I have been awoken from my slumber. Sorry, I have been really busy doing chores and what-not at my cabin the last few days, and with the fourth I got together with my friends and what not. Nice signature, man!
  8. Sorry for the delay, I had some stuff come up irl that consumed most of my time. But the other day, I decided to capture an asteroid. I wanted to build an asteroid/refueling base in high kerbin orbit. after a while in max timewarp via. tacking station, I saw a class c on a collision course with kerbin. After doing some math, I figured what I would have to do to capture it and slam the ksc. After roughly 20 attempts, I successful latched onto the asteroid via. the mini klaw. It was in space very high above kerman, so after some more math I deducded I would be able to adjust the orbit just ever so slightly and it the ksc with it. It took many, many, times (42 attempts!) But I did finally manage to land it at the ksc. just for giggles, I decided to land it in the astronaut complex's parking lot. So now whenever those kerbonauts look out the window, they see this huge asteroid sitting outside. It took me nearly three hours, but it was worth it.
  9. Dude, I switched to pc and it is a world of difference. It’s on sale right now on steam, I highly recommend you invest ten bucks into it.
  10. Thanks! I hope KASA gets up and running again soon. lucky you, the kraken decided to take mercy on you. Phasing through gilly, as the kraken had smiled upon you.
  11. Elon Musk plays ksp, actually..... Knowing him, any ideas he would have for a ksp/space x collab would be amazing.
  12. I remember that montage...*laughs*
  13. Alright. Let’s do this. I just started this save doing your basic science stuff, went to mun and minmus, biome hopped, etc. etc. But today...I went to gilly. I got to eve no problem. I preformed my capture burn and changed my anti-normal/normal to match gilly’s orbit. It took me about half an hour of just dinking around with maneuver nodes to get the encounter. Now, because I am an idiot, I was a bit over zealous with my capture burn and was sent on a collision course. Not bad, cus you know, it’s gilly. But I had no lights, barely any sas control, no engine gimbal (I was using nukes) and I was going to land on the night side. I know I could’ve easily switched my orbit to land on the day side, but I had spent so much time getting to gilly I didn’t want to bother with that. So the descent went well, up until I realized my altimeter was set for sea level... and I became the first ksp player to crash on gilly. Thankfully I made a quick save and I managed to land the craft this time. I took Val, Jeb and bBill out for an eva. I now realized that I forgot Bob, so I couldn’t deploy the science station. Yargh. The journey home went smoothly, Jeb was getting anxious to get home. He want to do something a little bit more risky... Like ride a dune buggy with Val into the sunset. On Duna. Stay tuned folks, cus in two days I’ll have a new mission report!
  14. Ayy I live in cdt so I’ll be getting that update at 10(ish)
  15. I think I will only make one science bomb, it’ll be for Jool. That ten part limit really makes this hard.
  16. Can I make some science ‘bombs’? The idea is is that they’ll be small probes outfitted with lots of science units and will be set on a crash course with all of the moons of Jool, and Jool itself.
  17. But if the person who creates the save file has the dlcs, wouldn’t anyone that uses that save file for the station be able to utilize the dlcs?
  18. Well yeah...I know... what I was asking was were there multiple systems outside of kerbol? I mean, are Ovin and Glumo in one, and Rask and Rusk in another? That’s what I was asking. Maybe I read your comment wrong, I dunno. I’m tired.
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