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Everything posted by Lewie

  1. Captain Kirk will negotiate with your Kerbal. Seeing as they are quite poor at flying rockets, it’ll end up flying towards the bridge. Kirk will order Mr. Sulu to lock and fire phasers. Sorry man. But the ksc will want to avenge the kerbals that were killed, so they’ll send up an armada of rockets. The Enterprise will fire again and again, but there’s just too many kerbals. They can’t reason with them. The top brass leaders are wacked out on kraken juice from the funeral for the first kerbals to be killed. After sustaining some minor damage, the Enterprise will warp away and fire from a distance, thus kicking the kerbals green butts. Sorry.
  2. I don’t know. I’ll have to check. Thanks man!
  3. Granted. But on the way there, the kerbals you have killed rise up from their graves, break through the plastic screen of your monitor and put your eyes out. I want to be loved.
  4. They didn’t abduct me. And no, they weren’t in quarantine.
  5. Calling 911 to turn my self in because of how many lives I have taken....in ksp.
  6. Granted. But you spill it on your nether regions. I wish that I was playing ksp 1.9 (I use enhanced edition, currently on 1.6)
  7. There’s aliens out there. They are incredibly advanced, and have cities on an Earth like planet. Only it is so far away. And they are aware of us. I was the first human to speak to these guys. (Only to briefly learn they don’t know english)
  8. I really hate to say this, but in enhanced edition the planets and moons look horrible. Kerbin and Eve aren’t that bad, but there are so many things wrong with even just the Mun! The terrain glitches and looks stretched out and just flat out horroble. Minmua is slightly better, but still not that great. And the actual game doesn’t even have half of the features shown in the trailer! In the game, we can’t adjust fuel flow priority or pump fuel. And when we select a fuel tank, it will only display the amount of liquid fuel and oxidizer. I don’t mean to dis on the game, but it looks really bad. The strs also, are way too big and ugly. I hate to say this because I love ksp, but enhanced edition really needs some tlc or updates. I believe we’re still playing with to vee or not to vee. Some major features are missing that were shown in the trailer, which is super disappointing. And docking ports regularly glitch out and you can’t undock them. Sorry for the rant, but yea. I hope that enhanced edition can be brought up to the same glory as the pc edition!
  9. So I went to Minmus...and I realized that I accidentally flipped the docking port on the rover around, so I wasn’t able to undock and scuttle it around the surface of Minmus. But, on a lighter note, I did manage to bring home enough mint ice cream from the surface I will have enough snacks for...My Duna mission!! (I’ve only been to Mun and Minmus now) I am sorta ticked off cus there was a glitch and I didn’t get the trophy for going to Minmus. Not that I care, it’s for bragging rights. So yea. Anywho yep...my next destination-DUNA! I’m A coming for that chili powder!! My Kerbals must have tacos and and Mint Ice cream before I head off to the Joolian system! Sorry for the rant, y’all. Peace out!
  10. Thanks for the advice. Only problem is that I have a PlayStation. (Can’t stand the xbox) and today I am planning on sending my second manned mission to Minmus with a rover that will stay on the surface well after the Kerbals leave.
  11. Good suggestion, but unfortunately I am not allowed to use youtube. I’m thinking I will just rake pictures, then upload them to imgur. Thanks for the suggestion though!
  12. I built a sub and took my SR-71 out for spin. unfortunately, as I use the ps4 I have no pictures, sorry
  13. Righto. But the problem is, I play on console so I have to take a picture with my phone. Still not sure on how to insert it, I’m working on it.
  14. I built a SR-71 Blackbird. This sucker can go to Minmus and back, duna if I mine and refuel it.
  15. Question-could someone post a picture of where the other ksc is located? Like on a map view? And are we allowed to add rocket engines to our rovers?
  16. Ehh my dualshock and I get along well. It works great for me! (I also figured out the problem with the pink markers! I was holding L1 while moving the left thumbstick, so problem solved!)
  17. question is...was he smiling moments before he smacked into the ground?
  18. Ah, thank you my dude. Problem is I found out how to switch vehicles a few days ago. Thanks though, it is appreciated!
  19. Problem is I couldn’t figure out how to do that.
  20. The best? Scott Manley. The best whiskey reviews and unflappable kerbonaut? Matt Lowne.(I’m a HUGE fan) The most outrageous, hilarious and hours of laughs? The Irish potato, Jacksepticeye The craziest contraptions? SW Dennis, Shadowzone, and WackJob the one who got me into ksp? Matt Lowne. (Once again, I am a huge fan of Matt) Also, Nassault for his wonderful cinematics. They are truly works of art, and I can’t wait to see what he does with ksp2
  21. My dude, great job for creating the Jebanator, you are awarded with four hundred quatloos! Good job!
  22. I forgot to mention that I started building my first space station! I managed to get the first module in a stable lko, but when I tired to dock the second module, I was off by three kilometers. Not too bad for never watching a tutorial video.
  23. I am proud to announce that for the first time, I have visited the Neil Armstrong memorial on the Mun!’
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