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Everything posted by Lewie

  1. True...but hey. Why not have near future/next gen rockets? We’ll still have our old trusty ones, but I mean, c’mon. Ksp2 and it’s interstellar features are gonna be awesome
  2. Opps, sorry about that. Should’ve read up more. But when you think about, a NERVA seems as realistic as a metallic hydrogen engine. Small amounts of metallic hydrogen have been made, so it could be a thing in the future.
  3. I mostly play sandbox...I only am able to play an hour a day so I like to maximize my time doing missions I already planned, instead of grinding out science points.
  4. I just been bought parts and history, can’t wait to give it a go! Does anyone have any mission recommendations?
  5. I don’t get it. If y’all are gonna have a hissy fir over the new propulsion systems (which are gonna be awesome!) just don’t use them. It doesn’t effect you at all if you don’t decide to use it. I mean, we don’t have a real life application of the NERVA and pretty much everyone uses them. So quit complaining about the new engines, you don’t have to use them. And they are going to be awesome. And it’s not like they are like warp drive, they are some what realistic in the near future. So yea. Chillax
  6. Lewie

    Shower thoughts

    You can’t move your top row of teeth
  7. I’m mostly doing chores, playing guitar, playing ksp, and when I’m able to, work on my sign language
  8. One young boy said he was ‘gunna call the cops’ and send me to ‘juby’ (juvie) Me and my friends busted a rib laughing...
  9. I’m really sorry about that man. Cats are really lovable creatures, and it’s horrible when they go missing
  10. Nah. Better pay them with a trip to the sandy shores of lathye Except since it’s a company vacation, they must research and do science. Little time for swimming. Rip
  11. Also, stock camera tools for us console players. With how beautiful ksp2 is going to be, camera tools would be amazing and highly appreciated for the stock game. I really hope they’ll be in the game, but who knows.
  12. I just noticed this the other day, but it looks like the runway island is still in the game! I may be wrong, but for a brief second you can see the island it sits on
  13. I don’t get the call for realism and real fuels...it’s a video game. It’s designed to be an escape from reality, not something that we should have to act as if it’s real. If we had all this real fuel, atmospheric drag and life support systems I never, ever would have gotten into the game. Just leave the realism to moddera, anything that’s not in the game can be added. I play console, and it would suck to have to deal with that stuff. Just make the stock game simple, modders will take care of the realism.
  14. Yes! My dude that is a great idea, but how would that work? Great idea though. To be honest, I am not looking forward to he new flight ui. I’m so used to the current one, that the flat one makes it seem like it would be harder to fly things. Maybe it’s just me. For me, the nav ball and throttle have got to stay in the center of the flight ui. Sorry for the ramble, it just seems this stuff is important. Also, the sas modules have got to stay. They make landing and preforming maneuvers much easier then without.
  15. Good idea...I still have to do that in ksp...
  16. What’s going to be the first thing you do in ksp2? I think what I’m going to do is push the game to it’s limitations, see just how badly it can be broken..Maybe will make an orion drive pogo stick... Or start a dedicated game and play the gane the way it’s intended to. Either way, the sky is the limit! (I’ll excuse myself out....)
  17. He decided to alert others of his plight by building a...
  18. Jeb, Bill, Bob and Vall are confirmed!!!
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