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Everything posted by Romfarer

  1. The current direction function in LGF already does this, it will kill rotation as well using the rsas algorithm. I have already fixed this bug, it will be available in the next version. I'm unable to re-produce this bug on the version of lazor system i'm working on. So it's probably caused indirectly by some other issue i already fixed. Sunbeam has it's own download on spaceport. See my sig for details. The next version of lazor system will see some major improvements to the loading distance stuff. To begin with i have reset the physics distance to ksp/default so the general range of things will be 5km to start with. Missiles will have their physics range set to 95km on launch. I'm not sure if i will have time to update remote control in the next though but that system has other issues needing fixes so it will most likely happen in the update after this one. The lazors are using the legacy part system in ksp and there are issues with it atm. If i get time i'll update those.
  2. Both are very similar actually. The difference is "current direction" will always point the vessel in the direction you set it in, while rsas will only do dampening. So i guess you can say "current direction" is a directed rsas.
  3. The zip file you downloaded has the following folder structure: Romfarer_LazorSystem_v27 |---GameData ----|---Romfarer --------|---Parts (Parts, depends on which one of my mods you downloaded) --------|---PluginData (will be generated by the system) --------|---sound (8 wav sound files) --------|---textures (38 png texture files) --------|---Romfarer.dll (the plugin) |---Ships (example vessels using lazor) |---source_dontinstall (only comes with the lazor system download, no need to install this but it wont hurt if you do) |---howtoinstall.txt (install instructions, it says: "Put everything in this folder into KSP_win, and replace any conflicts.") |---Romfarer_LazorSystem_readme.txt So all you have to do really is to install the mod like the howtoinstall.txt explains. Open the folder Romfarer_LazorSystem_v27, copy everything. Paste it into your KSP_win folder and overwrite. If there are more than one Romfarer.dll anywhere inside your KSP_win folder OR you are missing files because you failed to overwrite or copy it properly, the mod will not work.
  4. This is being foxed in the next lazor system patch. It's not like things like this suddenly break by themself though. What happened is the loading/packing distance changes were finally implemented in the latest ksp patch. I've been waiting for this one for a long time. It means lazor don't have to do anything with the launch clamps anymore, and it wont affect them in strange ways. You should also expect better performance. I just need more time to fix this stuff.
  5. Hmmmm, does this happen with any plane you make? First of all you need to visually confirm that the yellow lazor actually has line of sight. A video would be great Check that you only have one version of Romfarer.dll in GameData. Other mods like Soviet Pack and KAS has been reported to conflict. If that doesn't work, please send me your output_log.txt
  6. you can stop the oscilation with struts. As in strut the base of the arm to the vessel, just like you would do with any unstable part. The robotic arms is the most unstable part in the game, and it gets progressively unstable the more mass you lift with it.
  7. Does the yellow lazors have line of sight to your target vessel? The system is designed to set fuel transfer rate based on the number of yellow lazors with line of sight to the target vessel. In addition the distance also matters, but you will only see deminishing returns beyond 500 meter. There is also a max range for the transfer where the transfer as the deminishing returns will eventually lead to 0 transfer rate. If it is not working like this, please take note of what actually happends and give me some steps to reproduce the bug, thanks. hmm, i need exact steps to reproduce for this bug, and along with the full log for when after this have happened.
  8. Looks like you are missing the textures, make sure you only have one Romfarer.dll in your GameData. The soviet pack had it in, in an earlier version.
  9. This will be fixed in the upcoming patch. Some of the bugs you have reported in regards to the textures not loading and such have actually identified these issues For now just set the loading distance to default in the lazor powered menu in the space center. I got plans to finally fix this bug im just waiting on ksp updates to do so.
  10. All you have to do manually is to install the plugin. And to use your own words, when you have done this, all existing (including those you already have in orbit) and future docking ports will "magically" have docking cams.
  11. The log is still written to KSP_Data/output_log.txt. Please upload it somewhere and send me the link. Any information about what you were doing when this happened would also be helpfull.
  12. It was not fixed because nobody were able to report the issue properly. I need to at the very minimum see a log for when the game ends up in this state.
  13. Yes this is a bug. I'll investigate this. This is exactly why i don't allow anyone to re-distribute my plugins. I have told bobcat to remove it. And btw the black icon in the staging window is a bug i haven't gotten to fix yet.
  14. I have looked at your log. Turns out there is a bug in the ksp loader. From what i hear the fix for this will be included in the next ksp patch. I'm glad this fixed your issue. I might add some changes to it so you can have the mod installed in a directory of your choosing. My plugin is supposed to explode the launch clamps on take off, if this doesn't happen for some reason, it triggers a bug. I hear the ksp patch will include something which will enable me to not explode them.
  15. I really thought 0.20 would make it easier to install mods and also fix the issues with missing textures. So for those of you that are seeing all black textures on the lazor system gui, well, this is the only thing that really has been established. While testing it i ran into an issue with a few textures showing as all black, not all of them. I have compiled a checklist: 1. Must have KSP 0.20 2. Must have lazor system v27 3. Install the files and make sure GameData replaces GameData in KSP_win. 4. The path to the plugin should be ...KSP_win\GameData\Romfarer\Romfarer.dll 5. The path to the textures should be ...KSP_win\GameData\Romfarer\textures and this folder should have 38 png images in it. 6. What operating system are you using? I'm also going to need to see the output_log.txt for when the game loads up with no textures.
  16. I'm going to need a screenshot. Need screenshots here as well. You are running ksp 0.20 right? and you copied the files so GameData replaces the GameData folder right? You will have to wait for an update.
  17. You are missing the main lazor module, lazors won't do anything without it. are you clicking on the colored buttons to the right? and if so, are exceptions being thrown?
  18. It is not supposed to have any parts. Please explain in more detail what you are trying to do, and if possible upload a screenshot of the bug. Use more yellow lazors.
  19. Sunbeam does not have a right click menu. See the text file in the zip for details. I suggest copying the files manually. If it's not working it is definately installed wrong. (as in files are in the wrong place) The fix for this involves updating something in ksp, i hear it is being worked on and thats unfortunately all i can say atm.
  20. My robotic arm code supports any arm designs. So if you can convince bobcat to make them, they are quite easy to implement. The robotic arms pack definately has a CanadArm 2 in it. Somehow you managed to install it wrong. Make sure you copy it to the right directory. The install instructions file goes in the ksp root folder. Lazors will currently explode if loaded up on a vessel with no lazor main module. This can't be done with the current design, well not easily at least, because the modules are put on the docking ports via the plugin.
  21. I got a new profile picture and avatar as part of the whole dev thing, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/member.php/20399-Romfarer Thanks Daniel Rosas.
  22. The parts look odd because they are legacy parts. Could wait for the ksp fix or i could convert them to the new format. Remote control will be fixed to work with control surfaces. I just can't promise when it will happen.
  23. The texture issue is caused by KSP Mod Manager. This is likely because the mod manager is not updated properly to account for the new file structure. You see, lazor uses the latest 0.20 file conventions. I suggest not using any mod managers for the time being and just copy/paste the contents of the zip files over to the game directory.
  24. It doesn't harm that you have added the modules manually but the plugin will do this anyways. The new docking cam doens't need any parts shipped by the plugin to work either. Just copy the stuff over and run ksp...
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