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Everything posted by civilisedzombie

  1. I have a similar problem, I start and my craft bounces for under two seconds and blows up. Setting the damper and spring strengths to minimum helps.
  2. for some reason it appeared in carrier mode and now it is also in sandbox. i guess i was not looking hard enough. btw i think it should be in command. sorry about the inconvenience
  3. update: did not work and how do i post logs? should i copy and paste?
  4. mods:firespitter, b9partswitch:at_utils, clickthroughblocker, usitools, toolbarcontrol, airplaneplus, b9aerospace, b9aerospacehx, b9aerospace_legacy, b9animationmodules, bdarmory, bdarmory weapons extension, blendshapemodleloader, community category kit, and too many to mention and i doubt you would want to go through 70 mods. i guess i will start ksp with only this mod and see what happens.
  5. i unzipped it. i have been playing with mods a lot and i know to unzip them. but the mod did not even appear in the janater's closet menu.
  6. i tried to install the mod but it wont work. i put [WMS] in gamedata in ksp 1.10.1. did i do something wrong?
  7. i cannot edit the buildings from the mods and it does not give me edit options including adding another building in(placing not making a new type)
  8. This mod and the required mods caused the game to not load the menu screen after adding this mod. I am in version 1.7.3 with no other mods than the required mods and this one.
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