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Everything posted by SOXBLOX

  1. One day sounds short to me, too, but that's what the page said. IDK.
  2. Summarizing the AR link I gave above, as fuel rods are used in chain reactions, they fill with "nuclear poisons" (so called because they poison the reactions), which hinder further reactions. A Dr. John Schilling says maybe a full day of full power operation would create enough poisons to require reprocessing (i.e. melting down the rods and removing the poisons). Some other guy says you could get perhaps 20k hours from a reactor using HEU and special techniques. Higher enrichment means longer runtimes. Usually only 15% of the available fuel is actually consumed; the rest is just trapped in poison.
  3. I believe you, cause I don't want to either.
  4. Boost a gas station to altitude (with rockets), have ships tank up while the station hovers magically, and land the station (with rockets) to refuel it.
  5. I also think the automation should be a mid- to late-game thing. If we just hand it to everybody instantly, no skill is required, except to navigate the UI. It would also be overwhelming to new players, who would have no idea what all their buttons are doing. Besides, you wouldn't really need it in the early game. You won't be launching Breakthrough Starshot-esque probe swarms the third week of your campaign. And do we really know how complex the automation will be? Is it going to model our crafts fully, and perform maneuvers in a sequence which we flew, or is it just going to transfer some resources to an account once we've demonstrated the concept? How much control do we get?
  6. I made a rocket engine in Solidworks... Does that count? LOL
  7. I would LOVE a stock aerodynamics where profile matters. Pleeaasseee?????
  8. And far out, everything will be frozen. Unless your atmosphere is too huge to freeze. In which case you have a gas giant.
  9. I am in favor of any automation, especially of milkruns and dockings. Recovery of reusable lifters should also be automated. I paused when I came to "cosmetic automation". These colonies are going to have hundreds of thousands of Kerbals in them. If cosmetic automation happens, it has to make me believe that there are really that many Kerbals in the colony. There is little I hate more than out-of-scale objects in a diorama. These colonies should be to scale, both in terms of visible population and physical size.
  10. I'm weirder than either of you, 'cause I like organ music. Yeah, that stuff from two hundred years ago. Right now I've got an organ transcription of the 1812 Overture, and Saint-Saëns' Danse Macabre stuck in my noggin.
  11. Worldbuilding is about the setting. The setting is the universe the story exists in. So anything you can conceive within that universe is worldbuilding. As for what place to begin working from, there's no correct answer. I start with a map, and add interesting locations. A good harbor, strategic mountain pass, a sea, or whatever. Or, for space, the general population and resource distribution, and the "terrain" of the star system or galactic arm or whatever. This gives me ideas for the political situations and such. That approach is good for an epic saga of international proportions, but maybe not so good for a story set in one small location. Rear Window's worldbuilding consisted of a single apartment complex. Dostoyevsky forgot what time of day he had said it was in Brothers Karamazov. But both of these works are classics, so obviously worldbuilding doesn't make the story. It can really set it apart, though, when it has a distinct flavor. Firefly is a perfect example! So, really effective worldbuilding both supports and creates the story. Your choice of tech level depends on whether you want a fantasy adventure, life in 1890's America, or Star Trek. But elements of your worldbuilding can influence your story, like geography instigating a war, or ideological clashes. That's my take, but then again, I'm not an author. I just do this for the fun of it.
  12. No. BFR was Musk's Mars rocket, from the beginning. Dragon is a demonstration and experiment. It allows SpaceX to gain experience with docking and manned flight.
  13. That's a tutorial. It's probably just simplified. Or an in-joke. I'm sure the devs believe Dres exists.
  14. It does look kinda suspicious. I wouldn't mind something like this; it could be really interesting. Always for more planets!
  15. Absolutely! I would love a stock mission timer. I launch tons of missions all at once, and usually I (accidentally) get multiple different burns on different craft only minutes apart. Really bad to have two simultaneous reentries on different planets. I've never thought of using a notebook, but that would be cool. I'll do that...
  16. I really like what we can see of the interface! It looks sleek and feels easy on the eyes. Makes KSP1 look antique! Out of curiosity, how are these things designed? Do you sketch out every screen firs, and decide on an aesthetic? Or is there some software you use?
  17. Nice! I like the aesthetic. That off-center solar array is cool.
  18. Is that thing on Korona's rear end ... a toroidial aerospike?
  19. Were the Pyrios booster and F-1B scrapped, or are they still planning to do that, by, like, 2050?
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