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Everything posted by CFYL

  1. OK, So it's another update out at this moment. All parts done! Bur as you may see, the engines have no gimbal. v0.3 download: link v0.3 change log: Added Truss Stack Decoupler. Added YF-3 Liquid fuel engine. Added YF-2 Liquid fuel enigne. Added CASC Flag. Added Sample Ship. Decreased Isp value for PG-02 for stock balancing. Some other minor config changes in Tank1, Tank2, and PG-02. Thanks!
  2. Happy lunar new year everyone! Yes, new parts are coming: CParts v0.2 update, added two fuel tanks. Now, all the TBD work is the two engines' configs, (because gimbal is a little hard for me), and everything of the truss stack decoupler.
  3. I thought I was using 1.11.1 until I found out that gog gave me a 1.11.0 for my 1.11.1 download lol
  4. CParts: CFYL's Chinese style parts pack ----------Features---------- CParts introduces new textures, new parts, and new ways of going to space! CParts currently contains: 甲. 1.25m (Size1) fuel tanks in four lengths, all of which have four variants to choose from! 乙. Three liquid fuel engines! YF-1 and YF-3 are loosely based on real-life CZ-1, while vernier engines are created from scratch. 丙. A solid rocket booster: cheapstake yet useful! 丁. A probe core that represents DFH-1 in real life! 戊. Truss stack decoupler and engine plate! 己. A prebuilt rocket that represents DFH-1 and CZ-1! CParts will contain (in future updates): 庚. MOAR Chinese style fuel tanks! 辛. Blue/White Tailfins! (They are sometimes called the soul of Chinese rockets here in China cuz almost every Chinese rocket have them for stability) CParts is stock-balanced. In future updates, I might add RSS patches. Localization support for English (by @CFYL) Español (by @AtomicTech) 简体中文 (by @CFYL) Post in this thread or PM me if you'd like to translate this mod into other languages ----------Install---------- Manual: Spacedock or Github 1. Make sure you have Module manager and Waterfall installed. They are hard dependencies of CParts. 2. Extract CParts_v1.1.0 / GameData / CParts to your game Kerbal Space Program / GameData / CParts. 3. (Optioanlly) go to KerbalX.com and download @CFYL's DFH-1 and CZ-1. CKAN: CKAN indexed. (may take some time for CKAN team to update) Module Manager and Waterfall are required. Persistent Rotation is recommended. Stock Waterfall Effects and SRB Waterfall Effects are suggested. ----------Credits&Links---------- Templates are copied from MOD StockWaterfallEffects / SRBWaterfallEffects but renamed. EngineFX are copied from MOD StockWaterfallEffects / SRBWaterfallEffects with minor edits. English and Chinese localization are created by @CFYL. Spanish localization is created by @AtomichTech (0001-0017) and machine translation (0018-0046); see localization file for details. Module manager source is under a "CC share-alike license" under the term specified by ialdabaoth here. He is the original creator of Module Manager. (here = https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/31342-0-20-ModuleManager-1-3-for-all-your-stock-modding-needs?p=528607&viewfull=1#post528607) Author of the latest ModuleManager thread is @sarbian on the KSP forums. Link to ModuleManager: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50533-18x-112x-module-manager-421-august-1st-2021-locked-inside-edition/ Waterfall is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA-4 license. Author of Waterfall is @Nertea on the KSP forums. Link to Waterfall: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/196309-112x-waterfall-a-framework-for-continuous-mesh-driven-engine-effects-jan-17/ StockWaterfallEffects is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. Author of StockWaterfallEffects is @Knight of St John on the KSP forums. Link to StockWaterfallEffects: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/200334-112x-stock-waterfall-effects-a-waterfall-config-set-for-realistic-rocket-exhaust-plumes-for-the-stock-engines/ SRBWaterfallEffects is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA license. Author of SRBWaterfallEffects is @Adiri on the KSP forums. Link to SRBWaterfallEffects: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/207196-development-stopped-112x-srb-waterfall-effects-swe/ CParts is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. Author of CParts is @CFYL on the KSP forums. Link to CParts: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/200222-112xcparts-cfyls-chinese-style-parts-pack-now-with-cz-1/
  5. Thanks for the help!I did install Unity 2019.2.2f1 and KSP part tools from that post. But looking at it again, I just noticed there were some errors reported on the Unity console. I guess I'll re-install the part tools (or even Unity) to check if errors persisted. Maybe it's the TMP I'm using that broke part tools. (Now that all other modders are using Unity so smoothly, it must be my problem.)
  6. Hey ther @Beale. I followed your tutorial step by step until I came across a problem. Unity says that it failed to compile all KSP shaders except the particle shaders. I can only find it in the "failed to compile" row. And, I found out that the part is transparent after I tested the mu file in KSP. That's something I didn't expect. Do you know what situation am I experiencing?
  7. Description: I have the 3D models and textures for parts, and the corresponding collider models. I have Unity 2019.2.2f1 with KSP PartTools installed. I also have Text Mesh Pro 2017.whatever.56 Runtime.dll on my desktop---The problem is that I am unable to install it into Unity. So there was an error report in the Unity console. Other parts run smoothly, but I can't apply my dds texture to the gameobject in Unity. Can somebody probably tell me how to correctly install TMP or how to make .obj files and .dds textures into working parts? Err, of course, I know I have some cfgs to write, but now I can't even get the textures done. Once I successfully exported a fuel tank .mu model, its .dds texture, and .cfg config into KSP, but it had no texture or even a collision mesh. What's wrong? Please help me!
  8. I've been playing KSP for quite a while. Well, previous updates were fine, but... As for 1.11, which has been released for around 10 days, I can't download a real 1.11.1 install. Yesterday, 18:00, UTC+8, I downloaded the "newest" version of KSP from GOG Galaxy Client. After I loaded my old saves, I entered the settings to have version watermark on (I always liked the version watermark). Err, it shows 1.11.0. What can I do? I'm not sure whom should I ask: here or do I just ask GOG?
  9. Here it comes: my own submission. 1. Flies to a 80-km LKO and then returns. See Pics here: 2. It goes to the Mun in an orbit that would have sent it back home. However, the probe didn't pass the test of heat and exploded just 15km away from home. See pics here: So I would say that I get (3400+860)/100=42.6 pts for the moon shot. Also got: KerbalX link for verification. So that's what makes it not "legitimate". Yes, usually we just run for DV, but here TWR matters a lot. Those parts are light and weak, making it hard for the 1st stage to lift off, where TWR really matters. Gravity and drag combined pulled my craft down to just 290m/s after burning my 1st stage with 1.3 TWR and 1300m/s of DV on the pad. Even in space, I can't complete a 835m/s maneuver with 914m/s of DV left. The TWR was about 0.6 on average during the whole burn, but it just won't work. It might be possible to complete long maneuvers with relatively low TWR by separating a single, long burn into several, small burns. P.S. I doubt if it is possible to make a 0.625m SSTO rocket? These oscar tanks really shake a lot.
  10. After building a rocket myself, I found it hard to go to other bodies but fairly easy to return home from LKO. Originally I thought that the 0.625m heatshield couldn't be used, for its radius reads 0.7m, so returning shall be hard. However, Returning was really easy with some careful planning, while even the Mun is a real challenge for me. I'll sumbit my own entry some time later (uploading images), and I'll change the point-giving rules ASAP. I'll change this into times 1.2.
  11. The flag falls down almost every time I plant it. They can't seem to stand stable, but falls flat on the ground. When I right click, it shows "pick up" instead of "take down". Actually, the flag pole is inclined to the side which the Kerbal is facing once being planted, and then abruptly falls to this side after the flag is raised and the plaque window pops out. "Abruptly" here means that, I can see the screen shake a little, when the window pops out. I admit that I am using a flag that I copied to GameData/Squad/Flags/flagname.png. I also set it to 512*256, BTW. The mods I use should not bother with the flags, but in case they do: I installed Recoupler, Mk1 Cabin Hatch, and Module Manager. (Windows x64 1.11.1 install.) What seems to be the problem? Is it some mod problem or my copied flags just won't stand stable?
  12. Intro We've seen lots and lots of big things, some of you might have built enormous starships and sailed gigantic fleets. But how far can we go with tiny rockets? This tiny challenge is aiming to go on epic explorations with only the tiniest parts we have. Launch from Kerbin, and aim for space! Rules 1. Only use tiny parts 2. Don't cheat 3. Stock challenge 4. To be a challenge 5. Enjoy yourself! Points: The further, the better. Some explanation Rank: 1. @McFlyever 76.36pts 2. @Oldboy-Kerman 64.2pts 3. @AllenLi 42.6pts Constructive advice is welcomed!
  13. LV-T30 Reliant and LV-T45 Swivel These engines are basically one of the few that has remained unchanged since 0.18, as far as I know. I'm not such an old gamer for I actually started playing KSP fairly recently, but the wiki shows that these engines' textures were last updated in 0.18. Personally I like these engines AND their textures, but there is one thing that always troubles me: Their fairings are somehow not aesthetically satisfying. BTW, I mean the fairing generated when a decoupler is placed underneath the engine. The textures are simply not fit with all the whitish and smooth fuel tanks, it seems to me. I would sincerely hope that this could be enhanced in the next upgrade.
  14. Here is my small SSTO which is really a tiny ant compared to the interplanetary beasts you guys submitted. It is completely liquid fueled, with 6 jets and 6 nukes, featuring a 0.44 full-fuel vacuum TWR. It is called SSTO 4, namely the fourth SSTO I've built in this sandbox save. SSTO 1 never made it to orbit. SSTO 2 had 2300+m/s of delta V after reaching orbit, but was only capable of carrying a pilot. SSTO 3 was basically SSTO 2 with an extra crew capsule. These were based on an MK1 design, and had a minimalistic genre. But SSTO 4 has an Mk2 core (but no Mk2 fuel tanks which are draggy and heavy). It weighs a bit over 80t with full fuel, and 4390m/s of vacuum delta V. I flew it with a queer ascent profile, for its jets can reach beyond 21km. The vacuum engines also stops to burn at 53km, with a 81km ap one minute ahead. That's why I think the 2195m/s of delta V it has in a 80km circular orbit is not its best. However, this is just enough to bring itself to Ike surface for refueling with the ISRU. Pics here: The thumbnail of SSTO 4 I didn't take screenshots of the ascent, but let's look at its 15m/s of delta V left on Ike. While the scientist is podering over Duna, the engineer goes inpecting the engines. Benefiting from the 1.11 update, the drills and the ore tank can now be assembled on spot. https://s3.ax1x.com/2021/02/06/ytlnL8.png After planting a flag, The engineer also built a small probe with only: a control core, a battery, two solar panels, and two antennas. It can just barely reach KSC! Take off with full fuel! What??? You say there's no air on Ike??? There are hills! Although the reaction wheels aren't powerful enough to get the SSTO upright and LIFT off, I can utilize the slope I landed on, to take the ship up a bit. It looks just like flying, when the brave little Kerbals have a relative speed of 200m/s just 100m above the surface. After a bit of horizontal acceleration, we are in a 25km Ike orbit. My next step is to go to Jool from here, but still waiting for a proper transfer orbit. KerbalX link: https://kerbalx.com/AllenLi/SSTO-4 EDIT: Its delta V isn't enough to go to Jool right now. I've decided to hop to Dres, then to Eeloo, and finally to Jool system.
  15. When you finished your Physics test paper with outstanding quality and speed. Hand it in. Sit back. Also, when loading KSP, which typically takes 5 to 10 minutes on my device, I search the upper left corner for time warp when nothing happened as I clicked “.” a thousand times. When you wonder why the Soviets didn’t land on Minmus and push it off-rails to frighten the Americans. When you wonder why didn’t humans travel to Europa to fly a plane there. When you wonder why Ganymede didn’t have an atmosphere when it’s as big as..... Earth(?).
  16. That’s 252.5+31.8=294.3 points. atmospheric reentry looking good! A “plane” with 56 swept wings, 14 gears, and numerous other wing parts, is a significant improvement in Kerbalized piloting and building airplanes. That’s true as long as you’re going straight down (usually you do when in Eve low atmosphere)
  17. @ralanboyle He also stated that he lost nothing during reentry, and somehow managed to do it with angled structural panels for the heavier entry. Maybe if you push your plane in with a slightly higher velocity, and you can beat it. @king of nowhere The part count is surly high now. Heavy crafts are becoming significantly heavier now. This is really Kerbal I am still losing parts during reentry though...
  18. All right. After a test of 7780m/s reentry, my three layers of heat protection exploded in less than 10 secs. Gonna improve it a bit later.
  19. I have another question to ask. In spacecraft exchange. This SSTO thread is not pinned. But this Space Station thread is pinned. I don’t mean to pin this but not that. I was just curious about some kind of common characteristics that pinned threads all possess.
  20. Oh yeah! I replaced your old 111-point entry with this one. Looking great! I am working on a design to... enter Eve atmosphere at insane speeds. Perhaps a bit over 20km/s I suppose. Meet you there on Eve surface.
  21. I just added a gif to signature. But when I sign out after posting a reply, the signature automagically disappears. Does this seem to be a problem of my own device?
  22. Hmmm... Yeah I agree that asteroids aren’t exactly stable. But excavations are not quite hard: 1. Push the digger in. 2. Dig a tunnel. 3. Throw out the dirt to space. 4. Reinforce the asteroid with steel (for moderate temperatures) or solid water ice (for extremely cold temperatures). Inserting long steel strings right at the “surface” of the tunnel. Then people can live in the tunnel. I haven’t learned deep into Physics, so I don’t know about the theory of relativity that well. But I suggest: So with Ceres we basically can dig longer tunnels.
  23. OK, remove the 8 foldingRadMeds from the craft, to get shown on the leaderboard. If it works without them, I guess we can download the craft, remove the radiators, and enter the atmosphere with similar conditions as you did. I don’t want to touch KSP for now though. Give that you said they “didn’t get warm”, I suppose they aren’t cooling down any parts. So I’ll put you in the list now, but it would be better if you could remove these parts and do it again. Congrats for completing it with structural tubes! You get 111 points for now. Oh yeah I guess I’ll get your first entry into the stock list then.
  24. Congratulations for a successful craft! I suppose your craft is a plane based on FAR Behavior, then. (I can’t see imgur pics though)
  25. Going to post my own entry, This craft goes down from low speed but high altitude. The orbit is like from the edge of Eve SOI, to a pe of 20km. So I get 45 points for going down at 4500+ m/s, and the fairing almost overheated to explosion. I got to nervous looking at the red overheating bar at the left side that I forgot to take a screenshot. But I have a substitute for that: That is the image I tested it the first time, from a 100*10 orbit. It slows down fast with FAR, and I had to physics warp 4* through the last 30,000m descent. And here it lands with three chutes(which might be unnecessary), but without control. Only staged three times. Lander weighs 0.775 tons, so I actually get no bonus for that. Just 0.3. Points are: 45+0.3+20=65.3 points.
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