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  1. Granted, but all of the outer planets start spoiling like fruit left out for too long, and even the cycle doesnt reset it I wish for a star wars spaceship
  2. granted, you didnt specify where, so your other me is on a random planet in the Andromeda Galaxy I wish for gravity again
  3. Granted, @Exploro is now on water I wish for arteficial gravity
  4. Tried out the newly released firefly mod! Possibly the prettiest thing I have seen ingame so far! Decided to take one of my first SSTOs out for a fly to orbit, and it was not a disappointment! getting some plasma! Pretty moon shot Plasma along the leading edge! Toasty! Closed cycle mode! I think I took too many screenshots... maybe not! One of these could be used as a wallpaper
  5. I then proceeded to make the most irradiated porch in the history of all porches. Jebediah sitting on a porch at the back of an nuclear mothership, being irradiated by the 42 NERVs that surround him Why did I make this? ehh.. idk.. just wanted something other than the bare end of the big tank at the back of a ship or just another thruster cluster.
  6. Returned to KSP and decided to slowly get back into making interplanetary missions. Yesterday and Today, I made a mothership, and an SSTO that will dock to it. For added difficulty, I decided to use the FAR mod. This was meant to be a small mothership, but I may have made it slightly larger than I was intending Detailed refining spot, with Monopropellant, Liquidfuel, Oxidizer, and Xenon tanks. And a big ore tank in the center! (I am aware you cannot make xenon from ore sadly) The initial climb for the SSTOs were done with an autopilot mod to keep it stable. Made an initial design for the SSTO Somehow, this was ok according to FAR, with a relatively low 0.45 m^2 wave drag area. My SSTO ascents arent optimal, but are still...... ok.. SSTO in orbit with 2.4km/s of fuel left, burning towards the Mun to test a high speed reentry. SSTO in orbit of the Mun. I was intending on landing on the mun, but realized it didnt have enough fuel so I brought it back to Kerbin. Unfourtinatley, it was unstable at low speeds, and was not able to fly at all and splashed (relativley slowly) into the water. So I modified the design! Flying was the usual with the autopilot mod. This version got into orbit with slightly less delta v in orbit, but optimizing the ascent profile can fix that. As it still had 2.2km/s in LKO, I decided to bring it beyond Minmus, and fly it at Kerbin with this trajectory for a high speed reentry. Although it was much more stable on reentry, the first attempt didnt go too well as it dipped too low in the atmosphere and disintegrated due to aero forces After I quickloaded, I tried again and it went much better. This spaceplane had very little drag, and glided well. It is stable at low speeds, but it can get into a flatspin, which is very difficult to get out of. FAR does have a glitch where landing in water may detonate the craft.. thats what happened here after touching down at less than 1m/s vertical speed... I quickloaded and managed to land it on the ground at the shore. I did lose a wingtip, but it was otherwise ok
  7. I was looking around my saves, and found this neat SSTO I kinda.. just left in high Jool orbit for a while... So I decided to return it to Kerbin however, upon doing the burn, I realized it had nowhere near enough fuel to capture around Kerbin. Even with a better optimized transfer when I left at the proper transfer window. So I went to Duna instead. it flew fairly ok in Duna's atmosphere and then when I was coming in for landing, I realized that this SSTO was not optimized for Duna in the slightest, and proceeded to bounce and crash at 80m/s so I quickloaded and used the small amount of fuel I had left to land on Ike instead I then refueled it and I will bring it the rest of the way back to Kerbin
  8. Went looking around at some old craft files I have, and found a few from the same career save that are quite large. so today I took a trip down memory lane... These were all created 3-4 years ago (top to bottom) S. S. Zerye (64m) The Duna Mothership (74.9m) Dawn Mothership (75m) Massive Cargo Ship (113.7m) Massive Colonial Ship (147m) All five of these ships are completely stock. and the Duna Mothership is the first interplanetary ship I made. the duna mothership is the only ship out of these that was assembled in orbit. I stumbled upon the cargo ship, and realized it was the sister ship of the MCS that I had never launched. its partcount is like.. 330, and cargo bay too small to hold anything. What happened with the ships? All I remember about the order was the Duna Mothership was first, and the Massive Colonial Ship was the last of this group to be launched. Duna Mothership - assembled in LKO, flew to Duna with multiple landers to act as a "KSC away from Kerbin". was left at Duna due to not having enough ore tanks to refuel properly via landers transferring Ore. Zerye - launched from Kerbin, had landing legs attached, and landed on Minmus to refuel, then left in a convoy of other ships (I think one was a ship based off the Consular-class space cruiser?). Landed on Ike to refuel, then docked with the Duna Mothership to transfer crew, then left to Eve or something? I do not remember where it went last. Dawn - flew to Eve, idk where I left it afterwards.. maybe to Gilly? Massive Cargo Ship - never launched due to issues of its cargo bay being too tiny for anything Massive Colonial Ship - launched in a single piece empty to LKO. drained a class B asteroid that was left in LKO to partially refuel enough to make it to a big asteroid station in a 1000km orbit. Then drained a class E asteroid to almost fully refuel. Then went to Eve with Dawn, landed on GILLY (the thing is 650t empty and 2700t full) piggybacking on a much smaller ship to refuel, then flew to Dres. (in a sandbox save, I launched it fully fueled, and did a direct transfer to Jool, but I abandoned that save before it reached Jool..) Massive Colonial Ship launching (surprisingly light when empty) Massive Colonial Ship landed on Gilly (used the 'diplomatic ship' as a lander stage lol) When the MCS was docked to the asteroid station A small mothership.. cant have been more than 40m in length Zerye on Ike Dawn grappled onto class D asteroid Failed docking attempt of Zerye and Duna Mothership... (this docking event happened in late 2018, a year prior to the Massive Colonial Ship's arrival and refueling at Gilly... and about 12 ingame years I think..) All the images are not the best quality due to it being from Steam... and also late 2019.. I do distinctly remember building a third mothership in the 75m class at about the same time as the Dawn mothership.. but it seems to not have existed? I am now thinking of even more gargantuan ships that could be made with the partmod I am working on.. it could probably have ships with large enough hangars to fit the MCS?
  9. I made a B9 HX endpiece into a command bridge! I did this mainly due to it being like.. that endpiece always looked like it would look good as a bridge (Disclaimer: I copied and modified that endpiece to make this part.. credit goes to blowfish for the B9 HX mod) Crew hatches! It can hold 5 kerbals.. and glows! I think it fits with the rest of the B9 HX parts
  10. I uhh.. made a tracked propeller aircraft it didnt exceed 10m/s lol
  11. You cant. BUT you can have the stars use the cache file of a different, deformed body! The cache is basically how an object is shaped in map view, and is usually the same as the heightmap of an object. I made a test body with that same shape, then had the stars use that cache.
  12. Hello! Im new to scripting, and Im trying to figure out how to get a vessel to be spawned. I slightly understand what happens with VesselMover's vesselspawn part, however i am unsure of how to get a vessel to just spawn with a keypress at world origin to test out spawning a vessel.
  13. Granted, but you are now always frustrated it is 120 fps and not 121 fps I wish for a rock
  14. Using the HX fairing pieces as landing pads? Havent thought about that, pretty cool idea! Inspired by NASA's "all wing oblique wing supersonic transport", I decided to try making it myself! a smaller version ofc since stock rotors are weak yea idk what they were thinking, seemed perfect for KSP! unfortunately, stock rotors were more glitchy than i remembered. this resulted in one engine rotating awkwardly or just spazzing out. I had FAR installed, so it got stuck in a dive welp
  15. Granted, universe whizzes by you as time goes far into the future. after billions of years you witness the last star being born, a trillion years later, you see it die. As the universe ages to the extreme, there are now balls of iron that slowly fuse over 10^1000 years. After an indescribably long amount of time (somewhere around 10^10^1000 years), you evaporate. I wish for an all wing oblique wing plane
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