LF has to be LH2 to have the nerva work with that Isp, and pressurized, gaseous O2 as oxidizer (yes, I know is a stupid idea, but, better thoughts?) would make for the low densities and absurdly heavy tanks. The low Isp for HydroOx is explained with bad engineering abilities from the kerbals (that also explain the awful oxidizer choice), and because of that, they hired you to design/fly, but give you the parts done beacuse of low budget XD
Monoprop is robably HTP, because its cheap, relatively dense and makes for the Isp, but can be everything, not like the LF, that has to be H2, or the NERVA wont work... We need more info, but Id say HTP. And ore may be just things that contain H and regular rocks, and the ISRU module is just a brute force hyper electrolizer+H2/O2 separator...