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king of nowhere

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Everything posted by king of nowhere

  1. i belive 7 years later the original question doesn't matter anymoere
  2. if it's a rocket in freefall, it's impossible to land it with precision, but you may still manage to land close enough. it's not like you need to actually land in the ksc, landing in the nearby ocean still nets 98% of the cost.
  3. can't tell you the first, because all my kerbalism missions involved a single massive ship on a grand tour, but i can tell the second: you can convert the greenhouses to produce continuously. it only requires changing a few lines of code in the config file. the good news is, if you look at the config file, you can probably do it yourself. the greenhouse produces oxygen and consumes CO2, NH3 and water. Take the line of the O2 production, copy it and change it to food production, now the greenhouse produces food continuously in addition to oxygen; do some calculation for the correct amount. oh, and change the crop growth so that it takes thousands of years, it's easier than just trying to remove it outright. the bad news is, while somebody posted the actual exact code to copy-paste in the config file, that was years ago and i'm too lazy to look it up. so, you either sift through this forum looking for that code, or you open the config files and edit it yourself. both are faster than manually farming in the long term.
  4. Part 11: The Question Mark Range The picture should make it clear why I called it the Question Mark. Ok, right now it looks more like a scyte than a question mark, but I've been calling it Question Mark for a month in my head already. This chain was particularly long to navigate because its main ridge is very long - going south, then turning northwest, then west and south again, for a total of roughly 200 km. If featured many peaks that I felt I needed to climb individually.
  5. not that i know of. you can just accept that the experiment will take longer. or, maybe having different telescopes on different satellites may work, not sure about that
  6. "near identical orbits" is not identical orbits. you cannot set orbits so that they are perfectly identical and there's no drift.
  7. Those who made kerbalism were hard concerned with making the mod "realistic under current technology". We don't have the capacity to build colonies yet, so colonies are not in kerbalism. For the same reason, i was told that the difficulty was set so that a duna mission would be hard but feasible, just like a mars mission would be today, and they've never seen any successful manned jool mission. When i built a 4000 ton, 1400 parts ship and proceeded to perform a grand tour to show that it could indeed be done, the answer strongly implied that i was using the mod wrong
  8. I don't think there's an easy way to do it. I believe it's easier abd faster to just set it manually. If you worry about forgetting it occasionally, you can easily fix things in the editor by opening the save file, looking for shielding, and set it right where you accidentally left it as zero.
  9. you can just set shielding efficiency to 100% in the in-game options.
  10. was time acceleration at 100000x, over several game days? then it's a different issue from what i had, and not as easily fixed. at this point, i suggest using the cheats to do something similar to your intended goal. You could bring a rocket engine of appropriate power and strap it to the back of your rover, with a tiny fuel tank. activate infinite propellant in the cheats. drive the rover around. pretend it's the wheels. sometimes, those kind of solutions are all you can get
  11. i had the same issue with OPM. it's a bug that happens sometimes, i called it the ground contact bug because, in addition to wheels not working, mining drills also give a "no ground contact" message. by my knowledge, the problem is intermittent and disappears randomly after time warping for a few days. at least, when i was mining, the message would appear and disappear randomly. with a rover, time warp at the highest speed would often work.
  12. i am not familiar with them. how powerful are they compared to stock? can you show me some numbers? a tank wet mass and dry mass, an engine mass, thrust and isp?
  13. i am not familiar with that modded part. is there anything else inside the cargo bay that is clipping into the ore tank? (asking because i've seen some mixed cargo bay/fuel tank modded parts that have a cargo bay with a fixed fuel tank in the center) do the ore tanks show outside when the cargo bay is closed? if the answers are no to both, then i'd say it's some very minor clipping, and it's ok i'm wondering why you are taking great pains to hide those four ore tanks, when there are a half dozen others outside.
  14. i used a similar route for my circumnavigation as well, except that after the easternmost crater i cut to the north to visit the cave complex too.
  15. Part 10: The Donut massif A circular massif with a hole roughly in the middle, the name practically wrote itself.
  16. there is a way to use kebalism without the science. i have already done it, i don't remember how but i can link you to where i asked for the same instructions; it's just a couple pages back i'm copy-pasting the whole conversation for your convenience
  17. goes for every chemical process, it consumes something and produces something else. if there is no room to store the produced resources, it can dump the product and keep going, or it can stop. you have to set it in each case. it's the most common cause of something not working. it means kerbalism doesn't work with that planetary pack. i'm not sure if there are other issues, nor if it's easily fixable or not.
  18. i managed to spot eve, while it was at the closest approach, using the bigger zoom. even then, it was hard to find and hard to distinguish from background sky. i wasn't expecting that duna or jool would be visible, given the premise, but i trust if others say they have seen them
  19. so, it's purely graphic? yes, mods that only change the textures are perfectly fine, the game mechanics are not altered in any way
  20. i heard many people mention that mod, but i don't know what it does. can you describe?
  21. I suppose you are asking for the science record, because in the basic challenge, as long as you land on all five moons, you can do anything else you want. So, if you drag an asteroid in Jool SoI, and you get samples from it, will it count towards the Jeb category? I have to say, that's a brilliant idea. However, after some consideration, I decided that it should not count. The challenge says you return science "from the Jool system", and the asteroid comes from outside the Jool system. Also, I don't want to encourage some crazy recursion where people may feel that they need to bring an asteroid, and a comet, and a magic boulder asteroid, and whatever else to Jool in order to do the challenge properly.
  22. Part 9: The Rooftop of the World Not the most imaginative name, but this massif contains the highest mountain on Kerbin.
  23. hard to say what you want to do without pictures, but autostruts help with any problem of moving parts. if autostruts fail, regular struts work better.
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