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king of nowhere

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Everything posted by king of nowhere

  1. i have had multiple bugs related to robotic parts being too close to a docking port (and a claw works similarly). so i suggest you try the same without the piston. yeah, those parts are buggy. but they can be made to work
  2. Just a short notice; i discovered that there is a bug with radiations at high time warp that makes shielding ineffective. now i am limited to x1000 during storms. And i am in a time of high solar activity, i spend more time in a storm than out. this, and other problems related to radiations, are slowing me down greatly. the duna-dres 600 day transfer would take a few minutes at high time warp in stock game, but i've been at it several days and i'm still 300 days away. and i don't dare try any of the time-speeding mods because they may trigger the warp bug. and last i checked, they weren't even updated for the last version. it may take me a while for another update.
  3. no. in the past i tried a couple times to set up fuel priorities, but it never worked correctly. since then, i don't try anymore; i never needed it yes, the low torque from the engine having too little leverage was probably the main reason. after i shifted the lower tank to the top, it became usable.
  4. neat! every time i tried to launch multiple probes with a mk3 cargo bay i ended up losing more time trying to deal with the idiosyncrasies than i would save in multiple launches. skipping that part is very useful.
  5. i already did, at 30% thrust. as i said, it helps - and it's the reason i could use the rocket in the first place - but it's still unstable. i would have liked a fairing myself. the cargo bay is because i need to deorbit a vehicle, so i made 2 things with a claw on one hand an an inflatable thermal shield on the other. and the claw is not a valid attachment point for the rest of the rocket. so i stuck a separator on the shield, and stuck those two probes on the cargo bay on opposite ends. it's just a convenient way to save hassle on a launch. the whole vehicle is a one-shot i'm not going to use again, so i also spent minimal time on it. as a matter of fact, i already launched it (with some difficulty) and successfully performed its mission (again, with some difficulty, mostly because i forgot to put batteries on the probe, so it was a race against time to stick them in place before they run out.) the thing is, i wanted to figure out what was the problem with the rocket to learn something. i've flown much more unstable rockets much more easily, and i was trying to make sense of stuff. Low baricenter and small fins are good explanation, but i'm not sure they justify it in full. I was half expecting to be told that the Mk3 cargo bay or some of the adapter has horrible aerodinamic properties...
  6. I am using the rhino to provide control. and i have 2 more reaction wheels inside the cargo bay. yes, they are using regular struts, no problems there yes, it's one of the first things i did check
  7. once more, i find myself with a rocket that looks very good, should have no problem whatsoever, and yet will capsize immediately at start. this thing won't fly straight. it's turning to the side already at 50 m/s. to compensate that, i tried to turn on the rhino. well, this rocket either crashes anyway, or will require a lot of steering to try and keep it pointed the right way. it clearly has too much drag in front. but how? what is there to possibly make to much drag? i have a nose cone and fuel tanks. 4 small solar panels, whose effect should be negligible. I tried to shift the large tank from the back to the front in an attempt to move forward the center of mass, and it helped somewhat. as soon as i shut down the rhino, the ship started rotating. I just want to understand which of those seemingly normal parts is actually much more draggy than would be apparent from its design
  8. no decoupler, no heat shields, no whatever. the fuel tanks are attached directly to each other. yes, alt-right click.
  9. you can also move the ship around. i also built a ship bigger than the VAB, and i did manage by traslating parts of the ship inside the wall or the floor to keep the relevant parts in the center
  10. do you actually have control over those probes? simplest reason coming to mind, your antenna is good enough to reach minmus, but not to reach duna. without a connection to kerbin, you cannot control your probe. including changes to manuever nodes. depending on the difficulty setting, you may still be able to point at directions with SAS, and even to turn on/off engine (but not throttle).
  11. I'd hazard more like 6000. the terrier is very inefficient in atmosphere, multiply by 4 all the deltaV of the last stage. and the swivel also is much better in space. click on deltaV to open the deltaV instruments. then select vacuum. You can also pick different altitudes or different planets, for example to simulate an eve lander.
  12. nice, it worked. apparently, the reason i coulkd not make it work earlier is that i was trying to get rid of my panel by placing it well away from the ship, and that was farther than the game allowed me to place a part
  13. wait a moment, i don't understand. you have a crew cabin. and a tube attached to it. and you put your crew inside the tube temporarily. why not just put them into the crew cabins directly? as they are in the tube, you'd only have to press B to enter. wait, unless you picked that kerbonaut dispersed in orbit and didn't have room in the crew cabins... but in that case you still need to send another ship to get him, so it's either rendez-vous with the tube-ship, or with the free kerbonaut, and you gain nothing. what am i missing? what are you gaining by putting those kerbals in the tube and not have them just board the cabins?
  14. i am using the kerbalism mod, where components can malfunction. a solar panel malfunctioned, in a way that cannot be fixed. at this point it's just dead weight, i may as well dump it. well, with eva construction i can move stuff around. detach it and reattach somewhere else. but i can't seem to find a way to just get rid of the thing - besides waiting all the way to tylo and attach it to the disposable first stage of the lander. is there any way to just get rid of the broken part? P.S. it's a gigantor; i can move it around, but i cannot store it in the kerbonaut inventory
  15. landing and return. 3400 kerbin orbit + 930 minmus intercept + 150 minmus orbit +180 minmus landing + 180 minmus take off + 150 kerbin intercept. total 4990. add something for plane correction, as i said, it's usually 50-100 m/s. from there, you aerobrake the rest of the way.
  16. and besides what the other guys said, you only need around 5000 m/s for a minmus round trip. the 340 for plane change are a maximum value, you more often end up spending 50-100 for it. and then, once you are at minmus orbit, to come back to kerbin you only need to pay the 150 for intercept, and then aerobrake can take care of the rest.
  17. except, they do have trouble. astronaut jetpack isn't hard to use. use it to get near a crew pod entrance, they can grab the ladder (there will be a "F: grab" sign popping on your monitor, or something similar). then you grab the ladder, and then they enter in a pod. if you have the accuracy to get your astronauts into a tube, then you also have the accuracy to make them grab a ladder. you can add many more ladders to your rescue vehicle to make things easier. my early rescue vehicle, before i learned to use the jetpack well, was positively covered with them. i just had to send my astronaut in contact with it, and he would find something to grab
  18. right click on it, it opens a window with some general descriptions and the option to upgrade. that's only if you are in career mode. in science and sandbox, all the buildings start at level 3 already
  19. i see it every once in a while. now that you guys mention it, i realize it is indeed rare. never thought there was anything special with it, or that it was screenshot-worthy
  20. time control or persistent thrust: can you provide some links? (bolded to attract attention) i was about to ask for some mode like that in the future anyway, since at some point i will have to send a dolphin back from eeloo. And ion engines powered by solar panels at eeloo, for a 10 km/s burn... yep, i'd rather not do it normally. as for time control, my poor pc already goes at 1/3 regular time when controlling the main ship. really, i checked the in-game timer with an external chronometer, 31 real seconds to 10 game seconds. Kos: i only have the faintest training about programming. stuff like editing a saved game file is the apex of my skill. part welding: no thanks. I don't know how many krakens it would attract, but i'd rather not find out. and there's still plenty of parts i wouldn't be able to join, like the over 100 solar panels, the approximately 80 engines, the 50odd rcs... joining a handful of greenhouses and some fuel tanks is not worth the risk.
  21. is this an environmental effect from a mod, or a kraken attack? it's funny that it can genuinely be both
  22. i like pol. it's beautiful. not like dres or bop. i would love to drive a rover there, if the gravity was strong enough to allow it...
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